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Sunday, November 09, 2014

Governor O'Malley Holds Back Information To Help Secure Jim Mathias' Election

MDA will be posting the PMT Study on their website tomorrow at noon

The Maryland Department of Agriculture will post the Phosphorus Management Tool Study on their website (http://mda.maryland.gov ) tomorrow at noon. They will also host a briefing tomorrow afternoon at 3:30pm at the Talbot County Community Center, 10028 Ocean Gateway, Easton, MD 21601. I will be there, together with MDA officials, to present the study findings and answer questions.

Publishers Notes: I personally feel Governor O'Malley held back this information until after the election because I'm confident it would have proven to ALL Farmers that Mathias is NOT Farmer friendly. From what I've gathered, this information would have crushed Mathias and other state democrat representatives.


  1. Is there a recall process in this currently communist state?

    If not, maybe we should ask the new governor to help us get one!

    Withholding information is illegal in court - it should be just as illegal in government......

  2. I'm glad of it. The electorate KNEW he was a liar and a cheater who would win at ALL cost. EVERYONE KNEW that the DEMOCRATS who were in SO much trouble this year would slit throats to secure office. Yet, they voted for this spaz. I hope that its a Thousand dollar fine per tablespoon full for possesion of chicken manure on Delmarva. Brian Frosh is the biggest liberal tree hugger up there so you can bet there will be prosecution so go to 'Liberal Jimmie' when your collective asses are in the wringer. HA. HA! Bob Aswell

  3. For those of you who voted for him, shame on you. Mike should be there not Jim. And OweMalley is nothing but trash for withholding the information.

  4. Oh PLEASE Joe, uncover this...he might have us for the next 4 but he's going to want to run again for that office and we WON'T forget!!

  5. I agree. Shame on ALL who voted for Mathias. Don't you numskulls realize he is NOT for the Eastern Shore; he's only a Pol for his self-interest. You are so easily deceived.

    I pray Mike McDermott will run again and whip this chameleon. The Eastern Shore deserves much better...

  6. I agree . . . Martin O'Malley is a scoundrel. Just look at what he did to Mike McDermott's District. If that isn't gerrymandering - I don't know what is. He carved up Mike's District and put out one of Maryland's hardest working Delegates. I have no respect for Jim Mathias and I really pin the blame on our own people. There he was (Mike McDermott) - and the people had every opportunity to retain him. Shame on you eastern shore people!!

  7. If the campaign money had been even, Mike McDermott would have creamed the shady James Mathias. It is truly sad when name recognition supersedes hard work and honesty.

  8. Were do i sign the recall petition?

  9. didn't the farmers' group endorse mathias?

  10. Obama Crooked BastardoNovember 6, 2014 at 6:08 PM

    Yep, Combination of Dirty Money and Low Income Voters decided that race. Recall Petition or Recount needed here.


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