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Sunday, November 30, 2014

Brian Williams Laments Ferguson Grand Jury ‘Failed To Come Up With Charges’ Against Darren Wilson

On Monday night, a grand jury in Ferguson, Missouri found no probable cause to indict Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson for the shooting death of Michael Brown. Following the grand jury’s ruling, the “big three” (ABC, CBS, and NBC) all broke from their regular prime time programming to announce the decision. Unlike ABC and CBS, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams failed to mention any of the actual facts of the case or legal rationale for the grand jury’s decision when he expressed his dissatisfaction with the case’s outcome. 

During NBC’s coverage, Brian Williams ignored all of the actual details of the case and even suggested that despite the violence in Ferguson “the bottom line is, this grand jury sitting 25 days, failed to come up with charges after 70 hours and 60 witnesses in all.”



  1. Contrary to what Brian Williams of NBC said, the Grand Jury did not fail whe attempted to paint the decision as a "failure".

    Nothing But Crap: aka NBC.

  2. thats because he was the victim

  3. When they found out he was innocent what could they say. The hell with Brian Williams. Typical MSM

  4. People that don't listen to Fox news and get the real side of the story is just like going to the "other" blog around here. You want the truth about the story, go to Fox News. You want the truth about Salisbury, go right here.

  5. What do u expect from NBC--they are liars, liberals,---no wonder why no one watches that loser

  6. Let's hope Brian Wilson doesn't ever have the pleasure of needing a police officer who - were it me - would just look the other way.

  7. Brian Williams is an a$$.

  8. I thought CNN had pretty good coverage, got pretty intense on the street after 1 AM or so. FOX was ok up until Megyn Kelly. I can't stand her attitude or the face she always makes....but MSNBC was an absolute joke. Anchors kept talking about community "anguish, anger, and sadness". I saw people smiling and laughing while looting. Dancing in the streets. 95% of those people couldn't care less about the deceased.

    1. You nailed it.
      It reminds me of the riots and war protests that I and many of my friends participated in during 1968 - predominately around the University of Maryland.
      The vast majority of us "protesters" couldn't even tell you where Vietnam was. What we DID know was where the babes were, so we went.
      To this day, it was some of the best parties I've ever gone to.

  9. Stopped watching Brian Williams months ago--no objective reporting.

  10. Such twisted reporting is why no one watches NBC anymore. Why waste time?


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