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Sunday, November 09, 2014

Michael Brown’s Mom Taking Son’s Case To The UN Committee Against Torture

I just have to put this one down in the “no, this can’t be really happening” category. However, I did everything to examine if this was a hoax but it appears not.

According to Vice News, “Lesley McSpadden, the mother of the 18-year-old boy (Michael Brown) whose death at the hands of a Ferguson police officer in August sparked weeks of protests, is going to Geneva, Switzerland next month to speak about her son and other victims of police brutality in front of the United Nations. Mike Brown’s killing is still under investigation by federal officials, while a local grand jury tasked with deciding whether to charge officer Darren Wilson for his death is supposed to make an announcement any day — with few in Ferguson believing that an indictment is likely. But with little faith in the justice her son will receive, McSpadden, accompanied by one of the family’s lawyers and a handful of local activists and human rights advocates, is taking her son’s case — and that of other victims of racial profiling and police violence — straight to the UN Committee Against Torture, the body tasked with preventing torture and cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment and punishment around the world.”

Yes ladies and gentlemen, Michael Brown’s mother is taking her case to the United Nations Committee Against Torture — such an august and astute body that did so very much to condemn Sudan and secure the release of Meriam Ibrahim from a death sentence. Not. The same UN Committee that has certainly rallied international support against the menace we know as ISIS. Not.



  1. How very sad that this mother of an obvious thug is allowing herself to be used for nothing more than a bit of fame.

  2. And the UN is just dumb enough to even allow this stupidity. Torture? Torture is having to put your life on the line for a small check, while Ms. McSpadden can spread her legs, and raise a vile human who will one day try to end your life. Pathetic.

  3. And this is the perfect example how Democrats use the uneducated for votes.

  4. She is Grandstanding on the body of her dead thug-son. She is using his death to bolster her lawsuit against the police department, regardless of the facts that he caused his own death. A jury will award her millions, so to shut her up and save the town from riots. She will probably get a Nobel Peace Prize out of it. We know they hand those out to idiots!

  5. Who is paying for her thousands of dollars of airfare and travel expenses???

    Follow the money!

  6. 11:03, But didn't Jim Mathias do the same thing in his campaign commercial?

  7. Is Al Sharpton going with her and taking his bullhorn along?

  8. The full investigation has not been released yet, the whole facts are not know (to the public) as of yet and this mother (who is obviously in pain) is lashing out anyway she is able to. I can understand that she is unable to control her emotions at this point and she is grieving BUT this is nothing more than striking back and lashing out. This is a normal response from someone who is not very well educated and has no ability to wait for all the facts to be released. It would seem that a lack of impulse control runs in that family deep and wide. There is NO REASON that has been presented in this case for this to happen at this time or any time. No impulse control is what started this whole thing in the beginning. Shut it down before it become epidemic.

  9. The price for Black freedom was paid for in Blood at Gettysburg.
    Some people still choose to be Slaves and ever the victim.

  10. Looks like LACK OF IMPULSE CONTROL runs in this family.

    Had to change robot control twice before I could read it.

  11. Hope she takes sharpton & jackson w/ her and they all stay in Geneva

  12. 11:33 The truth doesn't matter.


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