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Sunday, November 09, 2014

A Viewer Writes: Hastings represents future of Wicomico County

Now loser Turncoat Wayne Gilchrest has jumped on the bandwagon refusing to admit that Josh Hastings is a full fledged Democrat. Gilchrest sneaks in the word Independent making Josh Hastings sound like his is and Independent and not a Democrat which has been proven otherwise. He drops the words Independent and fiscal responsibility twice and then claims he knows the value of a dollar. He claims Josh Hastings cares about agriculture then mentions Josh will be there to respect the environment. Code words for land grabbing from the farmers. Then he goes on to claim that his friend Josh Hastings cares deeply about education, agriculture and FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY. What Democrat has shown fiscal responsibility in the last 2 elections? Certainly not Josh's friends like Jake Day, Rick Pollitt and Norm Conway. Nor like his former employer Senator Joan Conway (D) from Baltimore City. 

Hastings represents future of Wicomico County

WAYNE GILCHREST 8:13 p.m. EDT October 30, 2014

A new generation of independent young leaders are creating a better Wicomico County. Josh Hastings is among the best of them. Hastings is running for County Council and is by far one of the most promising young leaders on the Eastern Shore.

Over the past three and a half years, I've had the pleasure of working with and getting to know Hastings. Having grown up on a Mardela farm, he knows how to work hard and he knows the value of a dollar.

He currently serves on the Rural Maryland Council and he greatly values education, agriculture, and fiscal responsibility. Hastings is independent, knowledgeable and epitomizes what it means to be a decent family-oriented Shoreman.

Who will be there in the future to make sure agriculture has a home on the Eastern Shore? Who will be there to make sure education is a priority and that our beautiful environment is respected?

Josh Hastings will.

If you live in southeast Salisbury, Fruitland, or Powellville and you care deeply about education, agriculture and fiscal responsibility, then I ask you to please support my friend, Josh Hastings, for Wicomico County Council.

Wayne Gilchrest
Gilchrest is a former 1st District congressman. — Editor


  1. What a liar. I noticed the play on words making it sound like Mr. Hastings is an Independent.

    Wayne Gilchrest is a washed up politician who was spanked in his last Primary by a Republican and now he is endorsing every Democrat he can. Obama, Mizuer, Kratovil and now Hastings. What a loser.

    Wayne Gilchrest is an angry man who now hates Republicans. Do the right thing and vote for Larry Dodd, John Cannon, Marc Kilmer, Joe Holloway and Matt Holloway for County Council. Vote Bob Culver for County Executive.

  2. former liberal congressman current dirtbag!

  3. Wayne Gilchest is a house painter! Not anything wrong with that, but....he's still a house painter.

  4. On just Gilchrest's word, I'd vote for the "other" candidate. POS


  5. Once upon a time Gilchrest was a moderate Republican. With his Congressional pension secured and his former teacher pension secured he drifted into Democrat 'think'. That is why he was defeated in the Republican primary a few elections back.

    He's become an Eastern Shore former Republican parallel to Jimmy Carter.

    Find out which way Gilchrest is leaning; the proper course is 180 degrees in the other direction. It is no surprise one weasel would endorse another!!

  6. he was standing outside Mardela High school this morning trying to encourage voters to, i guess, write him in. i didn't see his name on the ballot to vote against him so i'm assuming...

  7. Vote Bob Culver, John Cannon, Matt Holloway and Larry Dodd.

  8. That picture of Hastings gives me the creeps.

  9. 3:53, no wonder.

    Please contrast the look of this "future Wicomico" - disheveled shirt, no tie, no jacket, eyes looking out from under eyebrows out of head tipped down (like he knows a dirty secret) - to a picture of someone like Carl Anderton - dressed neatly, tie on (even his casual look is better than this), open smile, direct as though he is talking right to you.

    Joe, I have to disagree with you on one thing: I don't see Carl Anderton as the future of Republicans. I see Carl as the future of Maryland. I am a Democrat who has experienced first hand Carl's ability to toss partisanship out the window.

    I will take a Carl Anderton future over a Josh Hastings future any day. Same with Larry Dodd. His detractors talk about his quirks with nastiness. Yes, Dodd can be a little quirky. But he does have great ideas and he, too, is not stuck in a partisan mindset. Both men conduct themselves as gentlemen. What a rare quality these days.

    Haven't talked as much with Culver, but was impressed by how humble he is. What a difference between him and blow-hard Pollitt.

    If the national Republican Party had guys like this representing them, I'd switch parties.

  10. "If the national Republican Party had guys like this representing them, I'd switch parties."

    Um, have you taken a look at the guys on the national level who are representing you as a Democrat?


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