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Sunday, November 02, 2014

Councilwoman Laura Mitchell On Public Assistance Is Now Running Campaign Commercials On Television

I don't know about you but I've got a serious problem with this scenario. You have to wonder just how many businesses that would die just to afford a commercial to market their business, yet someone on public assistance can get on TV and tell you to "One Shot" her in this election.

What does "One Shot" mean. It means she is attempting to manipulate the election by encouraging you to NOT vote for ANY other candidates, hoping this will help her garnish more votes. 


  1. She must have sold a lot of those pills.

  2. She is not paying for those ads. Idiot people who sent donations to the Democratic party are paying those for those ads.

  3. I saw two of the ads on wmdt during the 6 pm news. Must be nice to be able to afford commercials while living in section 8 housing!

  4. I did one show but for John Cannon. See if it works

  5. While recovering from her heroin addiction so she can be our next "Heroine".

    Rich, really rich.

  6. I'm sure she got some money from the democratic grand pooba Phil Tighlman. If not thru in his name directly, he is the grand wizard of the democratic klan.

  7. Anonymous said...
    I did one show but for John Cannon. See if it works

    October 29, 2014 at 8:40 PM

    You are an idiot because you gave your other vote to Laura Mitchell.

    LMAO... No wonder you idiots let Obama get elected because you are to stupid to vote.

  8. A woman who is crude in every way. You can take the girl out of the trailer park, but.....

  9. So she is asking people to forgo their civic duty to vote responsibly. Sorry Laura some of us take this seriously. Its pretty clear she doesn't take any of this seriously.

  10. Do not vote for Laura Mitchell or Josh Hastings.

    You must vote for John Cannon, Larry Dodd and in this case Matt Holloway.

  11. Please, NO votes for this addict. Enough is enough of her stupidity.

  12. I just saw it twice in less than 5 minutes. Thanks to you, Mr. Albero, I know why she always seemed stoned and irrational during city council discussions. She didn't want to crack down on criminals, didn't want to raise the pay scale for police, and never saw a tax dollar that she didn't want to spend....it is, after all "free money," according to Laura.
    I hope that you post the first article again. Everyone needs to know what Laura Mitchell is about...nothing says it like that pill bottle and the statements that she made contradicting herself and showing her willingness to lie.

  13. I bet she got the money from the same union group that has been paying for Josh Hastings post cards he mailed out.

    And you people still want to vote for Norm Conway and Jim Mathias! These people are crooks. This woman is on welfare and can't afford to pay for her commercials. Who donated money to her? She only had one little breakfast fundraiser.

  14. These local political articles should stay at the top.

    By the way what happened to the pill bottle that was going to stay up until November 4th?

    Your blog is the best tool to prevent these lying Democrats from getting elected.

  15. Can you imaging Laura Mitchell as the County Council President and Josh Hastings as the Vice President. They are the Party favorites and that is exactly what is going to happen. You will see the first order of business as the County Council adopts the Tier Map making all Farm land and all rural land in the county off limits for building homes. You will be forced to live in the City of Salisbury in one of the apartments that is being built. These apartments are being built all over Salisbury because that is what O'Malley envisioned for Wicomico County. There will be so many land restrictions and taxes and fees that no one will be able to afford to live in the County. Welcome to the New World Order. Tree Huggers R Us!! Save the Bay!!

  16. Yes, and each of the new projects have dedicated Section 8 or equivalent value housing...It's called building the SLUM. Much of Salisbury's inner core problems now come from the conglomeration of the "hopeless" those dependent on government for help; Wicomico County attracts that population because it has the "community" services available to service (hand-out) to the hopeless.


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