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Sunday, November 30, 2014

'Ground Zero': Tracking Heroin From Colombia to America's Streets

"Those beautiful flowers of Colombia absolutely wreak havoc on Maryland's Eastern Shore," said Sheriff Michael Lewis, of Wicomico County. "They've destroyed and decimated families all up and down the East Coast."

BOGOTA, Colombia — The peaks of the Andes broke through the mist and clouds as a Blackhawk helicopter carried the Colombian national police toward a remote, rugged area often patrolled by insurgent guerrillas.

The mission: Visit a colorful poppy field on a steep mountainside about 300 miles south of Bogota — the place where much of the white heroin flooding American cities along the Eastern Seaboard originates.



  1. If it wasn't for the opiod painkillers, a generation of folks would have never fallen into heroin addiction.

  2. Why didn't Mike Lewis bust all them people in the Columbia for growing dope? He had the evidence on video. Why did we pay for him to go down there when he didn't even do no work?

    1. He is working for himself. Spotllighting in the media again. He needs to focus on his elected position and not his political future.

  3. 10:13 typical uneducated Wicomico County moron.

  4. That money could have been better spent on intervention and rehab facilities. In many cases, some addicts have no where to go because they can't afford a REAL rehab clinic.

  5. 11:13 - Are you serious or doing an ironic commentary on the people who comment on this site? If the former, you're an idiot, if the latter, you're a genious

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    If it wasn't for the opiod painkillers, a generation of folks would have never fallen into heroin addiction.

    November 24, 2014 at 10:07 AM

    Yeah like there was no heroin or addicts before pain pills came out. and stupid people like you didn't exist either...

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    11:13 - Are you serious or doing an ironic commentary on the people who comment on this site? If the former, you're an idiot, if the latter, you're a genious

    November 24, 2014 at 11:45 AM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    November 24, 2014 at 12:37 PM

    there is NO 11:13 geniuses

  8. 12:40--
    I have seen the results of many people who have been on these opioid pills not being able to get off of them, then turning to heroin. 10:07 is stating a fact, while you simply run around being misinformed & calling people names. Yes, there's always been addictions, but nothing like today.

  9. I don't often agree with LE but,
    " "They've destroyed and decimated families all up and down the East Coast." " is a statement, a fact that I totally agree with them about.

  10. I have seen the results of many people who have been on these opioid pills not being able to get off of them, then turning to heroin. 10:07 is stating a fact, while you simply run around being misinformed & calling people names. Yes, there's always been addictions, but nothing like today.

    November 24, 2014 at 12:53 PM

    I call them like I see them and you have been added to the list.

    He is claiming a whole generation would not have been become addicted if not for pain pills. Anyone who believes that is just plain stupid. If the shoe fits....

    Not all of us live under a rock. We realize there is a whole world out there, not just the eastern shore. You two might want to discover it before calling someone misinformed. You UNinformed rednecks.

  11. Addictions is nothing new, people have been using opium for thousands of years, coca too. Back at the turn of the century there were many traveling "medicine men" selling tonics and potions. Coca-Cola once contained coca, and Pepsi had methamphetamine. Instead of cocaine and meth the drinks now contain caffeine and now can be purchased in mega doses like all the energy drinks and 5 hours energy tonics. A few years ago mixing those energy drinks with alcohol became a big fad on across the nation. Intervention and rehab are needed more than more money wasted on the war on drugs, as this trip wasn't cheap. Anything they saw or learned there could have been done via the web for little to no costs. If we had put as much money into rehabilitation as we have into the war on drugs, we may have had a lot better results.

  12. 1:42 PM

    Careful, you are making way too much sense for some of these folks. They would rather spread fear and rumors before any truth touches their ears.


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