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Sunday, November 30, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Grand Jury In Ferguson Has Reached A Decision

JUST IN: Grand jury in Ferguson case has reached a decision; Michael Brown's family has been notified; announcement to come later today.

Michael Brown Sr., the teen's father, confirms a decision has been reached to CBS News: http://cbsn.ws/1r3PSr1


  1. Let the rioting begin today and then force Marshall law tomorrow!

  2. The teens father announced it?
    Sounds like a guilty. Fear of the black mob mentality won over true justice again I suppose.

  3. 3:35 Why? The American citizen should not be held captive by a group of ignorant morons. Protests are welcome, looting, stealing, and causing property damage should not be tolerated.

  4. You mean martial law.

  5. He should be innocent. Justice was already served.

  6. I don't understand why the MSM coves this (just like Martin) as much as they do. They help keep the fire going. If they would report it at the start then let it go it may have not gotten out of control. But as long as some people can get on TV they will do anything. Nothing like 15 mins. of fame in their eyes. No matter what the cost to them. map

  7. Everyone get you Xmas List together as we have 4 Buses lined up and ready to roll out of Md. in 45 minutes heading for FREE Xmas Shopping in Ferguson. Bus trip price will include round trip price per person and free beer. FREE SHOPPING FOR Xmas

  8. Maybe they are not going to release the results until later so that the shop owners have time to board up their stores and the law enforcement can get into place.

  9. Either way, the outcome will not be good. Rioting begins tonight.

  10. NOTHING we have seen in our history justifies civil unrest. I have served and seen what that is during the riots of 1968. THIS is certainly less than that. Go home and enjoy the likes of an Al Sharpton smirk while he capitalizes on people's emotions.

  11. Prayers for the good people of Ferguson this season of Thanksgiving. No matter what happened/happens they do not deserve the area made into a war zone, because of some who will use any excuse to create chaos so they can steal and that is exactly what a lot of these so called protesters did.

  12. The first one of these zombie animals that starts violence should be shot on sight.
    Any looting? Shootem!
    It will stop quickly

  13. Don't tread on me! Locked and loaded

  14. Please know that this will not be a "guilty" or "not guilty" verdict. This is simply whether or not they will indict him which means they want the case sent to trial at a later time. The decision is simply whether to indict him or not. In layman's terms... Whether to send it to a trial or not.

  15. I'm almost ashamed to say this, but I really don't think I'm alone:
    I'm looking forward to switching back and forth between the Ravens' game and the riots tonight.
    I think it's going to be a very entertaining night of television.

  16. Have to call it Black Monday. Big screen tv's starting at $0.00!!! Get em' while they're hot!!! And all the malt liquor you can drink!!!

  17. No reasonable verdict can be derived through public opinion based on speculation, emotion and the advice of uninformed interlopers.


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