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Sunday, November 09, 2014



As most of my readers know, I have a long history with the Maryland Department of the Environment from back in the days of the City of Salisbury sewage debacle. Recently, I learned there are serious problems at the Wicomico landfill. At least six months ago, these problems were brought to the attention of the County, but many of them still exist. As a result, the Executive has been informed we could be facing a fine of more than $200,000.00.  Has anyone heard a word about this including the County Council members who are elected to represent the residents of the County? I haven’t found one that has heard a single word about it. WHY?

Let me tell you why! Rick Pollitt, Wayne Strasburg and Lee Beauchamp (Public Works Director) are trying to keep this under wraps until after the election has passed. For an administration that touts its transparency, this lack of candor, at this time, about a situation that could impact taxpayers in such a significant way, can only be politically motivated. For what reason would this not have been shared with the Council members - other than the pending election? After all, who has to approve the payment of such a huge fine, the Council of course? This shows a complete lack of respect for the Council and the citizens of Wicomico County.

Any department head that has dealings with the Maryland Department of the Environment such as Lee Beauchamp should know you don’t mess around with them. They demand and expect respect and apparently Beauchamp and the County hasn’t learned that. Where are Strausburg and Pollitt? They have allowed this to go unattended and now the taxpayers will pay the price!
This begs the question, what other unpleasant “surprises” are this Administration keeping from the elected Council and the people? Rick Pollitt’s campaign’s motto of Leadership, Integrity and Vision rings hollow. Did he really need a visioning committee to tell him we needed economic development? That’s neither leadership nor vision… and as far as integrity, I think this and other posts have proven he is lacking in that area too.

Eight years are enough, we need a change and that change will lead Wicomico County to better days and a truly transparent government.


  1. Is that your "Smoking Gun"? Putz

  2. Thank you very much for this.For this very reason I wait until election day to vote.

  3. This is why I come here every day. As a life long democrat I have always voted for who I feel is best for the job. Tomorrow I will vote for Bob Culver as the past eight years of Pollitt has killed Wicomico County.

  4. What does pollitt care about the fine, it's not like it is his money and it gives him a perfect reson to raise taxes if re-elected. He could care less about the average county citizen, we are nothing but a source of money and a bunch of peons!

  5. I like Rick as a person but we can no longer afford his leadership.



  7. Can't Slick Ricky just put the fine on his county credit card?

    Side question: Do the cards earn bonus points or miles or such? If so, who redeems the points?

    Go away OwePollitt. Park your butt in the sand outside your seaside estate.

  8. Sounds to me...Pollitt, Stausburg, & Beachamp all need to go! If Pollitt is out & Culver is in, then Strausburg and Beauchamp should be fired. Word is... Beachamp does NOT follow Policies and Procedures due the fact he is Strausburgs' drinking partner.

  9. The one thing Pollitt ran on was rebuilding trust in the government. This is a prime example as to why we should NOT trust him or the government. Amazing how his words mean nothing now. Let's change the executive and hopefully he will treat us with respect. VOTE CULVER

  10. We don't need Anthony Brown's buddy as our County Exec. Vote for Bob Culver.

  11. In reply to poster 9:07, how much more do you need for a smoking gun? This is just one more example of a PATTERN OF BEHAVIOR that shows a complete disregard for and lack of respect of the taxpayers. Let me remind you of a few of the other things:
    1. Outrageous use of credit cards by the WCBOE and Executive.
    2. Top Assistant drinks and drives a county car. When called on carpet, he continued to do so and hid his vehicle behind another building.
    3. Pollitt accepted campaign donations from someone who he is negotiating with to purchase the Wicomico Nursing Home.

  12. I'd like to add to the 10:47 poster.
    How about the questionable bidding process for the State's Attorney's office leaving local attorneys feeling lied to.....

    Pollitt used two years work of a visioning committee to tell him that we need economic development, DUH!Is he that clueless....

    Pollitt has continually claimed the first 4 years of his term were all about transitioning to a new form of government (who needs 4 years- how about 90 days. LOL

    I'm inviting anyone else who has had first hand knowledge of the inadequacy of the executive to comment.

  13. I read one that I can share from the Daily Times this weekend. Pollitt used his office, county employee and county equipment to promote Brown/Ulman campaign. This complaint was sent to the ethics commission. Pollitt is Brown's chair person.

  14. Transparency is a joke from Wicomico County.

  15. Add the Ex Fruitland President in that group of Public Works Big Shots!!

  16. Vote CULVER people...get them out of office. We gave him and his worthless administration a chance and they blew it. Now, let's not let ourselves blow it!

  17. Lee Beachump will break Wicomico County.

  18. I seriously doubt Bob would just start firing people. The employees only do as they are instructed. That includes Department Heads.

  19. Go back to work King!

  20. Sounds like Lee Beauchamp should either be asked to leave or terminated. He wasn't any better when he worked for City of Salisbury.

  21. I can't really blame Beauchamp. If he had said anything, he would have been fired. I seem to recall Rick Pollitt promised to make it easier for employees to report suspected fraud and waste, a hotline or something.

    Well? Did it happen?

    Or was that applicable to everyone's alleged fraud and waste except Pollitt's?



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