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Sunday, November 09, 2014

Josh Hastings on the Democrat Ballot Flyer!!!

Josh Hastings, (the LIAR) is on the Sample Democrat Ballot Flyer sent out by the Wicomico County Democratic Central Committee urging all Democrats to vote strictly Democrat this election. They have even included Kirby Travers.


  1. He can't lie to the voters about being a Republican this time. His Central Committee ratted the liar out. Funny thing Josh Hastings is or was the Vice President of their Wicomico County Democrat Club.

    Typical wannabe politician telling people what they want to hear just to get their vote.

    A person that will lie to you will steal from you. A thief will steal your taxes from you and a Democrat will steall your hard earned tax dollars and give them to someone else.

    Josh is a Democrat who failed to tell the voters he believes in gun control. Like OBiden he thinks you should only own a gun and shoot it in the air to scare away the thugs. I was going to say Josh was a Democrat Thug, but he is to soft if you know what I mean.

  2. Vote Republican

    Wicomico County Executive
    Bob Culver

    Wicomico County Council
    John Cannon
    Matt Holloway
    Marc Kilmer
    Larry Dodd
    Joe Holloway

    Vote for the best qualified, Vote Republican!

  3. When hell freezes over Josh!

  4. Don't forget For Judge of the Orphans Court, a truly upstanding and honest person, Republican Grover Cantwell. JCR Delmar Md.

  5. Anonymous said...
    Don't forget For Judge of the Orphans Court, a truly upstanding and honest person, Republican Grover Cantwell. JCR Delmar Md.
    November 3, 2014 at 11:36 AM

    Thanks Grover, now go Hijack your own thread!!

  6. I can't believe that guy came to my house and lead me to believe he was a Republican. Shame on that loser. Please do not vote for any of these Democrats. My vote is going to Larry Dodd who is the Republican candidate.

  7. Josh Hastings is the same person that said he would change parties to become a Republican if you all would get rid of Joe Albero.

  8. "The Liberals top priority is to RAISE YOUR TAXES. Four more years of this crap and every one of you will be calling your Parents and asking if you can come back home. Just ask Josh Hastings. Here's a guy who allegedly lives with his Parents and doesn't even own a home in Wicomico County."

    This is so true!!

  9. 12:03 My name is John Riggin and I live in Delmar. I wrote that comment on behalf of Grover without Grover's knowledge. There was nothing negative about anyone else who is running. Just what is your problem with me supporting a good person, classmate, and friend? Is it because he is a Republican? In that job, party affiliation has no bearing on legal matters.

  10. Anonymous said...
    12:03 My name is John Riggin and I live in Delmar. I wrote that comment on behalf of Grover without Grover's knowledge. There was nothing negative about anyone else who is running. Just what is your problem with me supporting a good person, classmate, and friend? Is it because he is a Republican? In that job, party affiliation has no bearing on legal matters.
    November 3, 2014 at 3:57 PM

    Have you ever thought about writing a letter to the editor?

  11. 8:18 I just did. SBY News is my newspaper. The Daily Times only prints what is on their agenda. I do not always agree with the editor of this media, however, here, my comments are always posted. Because of SBY News you still have a voice.


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