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Sunday, November 09, 2014

What's Going On With Comments?

As frustrated as some of you are, I find it amazing how we have been experiencing so many problems with comments over the past two weeks.

I have stated to a lot of people, at least we're able to get articles up but I do understand your frustration.

We certainly are not the only Blog experiencing whatever Google is putting us through. We don't know if its a local issue or a national issue but one thing is for sure, it's election time and there IS a problem. Hmmmmm

I'm hearing some of you are getting comments to go through and others can't even comment at all. Please let me know if and what YOU are having problems with as some would believe we've either been hacked OR that ALL of America is experiencing this problem on POLITICAL minded Blogs. 

Nevertheless, our traffic has been through the roof these past two weeks, meaning at least the articles are being read. I thank you for visiting and we are very sorry for the inconvenience many of you are experiencing. 


  1. Does employees of Google vote democrat?

  2. Wow , you don't think they would do that! Oh well , I've seen worse with the machines.

  3. If it would pop up with a picture with numbers on it, it wouldn't be so bad.

  4. FOR SOME REASON there are hackers trying to shut down the blogs with computer automated messages that overload the systems. They can not duplicate the human eyesight, thus the test text. If you have difficulty with the letters, try again until numbers appear. Patience...

  5. Do you see the circle to the right of the box?? It changes the display. Click on that until you get a display you can understand.

  6. When all else fails, read the instructions..... CLICK ON THE "?"

  7. I just refreshed the test 30 times, never saw one that couldn't be read....

  8. ive seen every comment that ive posted come through...at least on this site. other sites tend to disappear IF i disagree with them. go figure. ive started this account to post easier and thisll (hopefully) be the first comment ive posted here under this moniker.

  9. bloggerhater1 November 3, 2014 at 4:24 PM
    "ive seen every comment that ive posted come through...at least on this site. other sites tend to disappear IF i disagree with them"

    I am having the exact opposite problem


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