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Sunday, November 30, 2014

Breaking: Officer Shot; Photos Pouring In From Ferguson Protests

 In the aftermath of the grand jury decision, protesters in Ferguson predictably rioted in the small town. Here are some screenshots / video compiled from various live-streams documenting events on the ground, as well as some images documented from social media.

Amid the protests, there have been numerous reports of shots fired, including a report of a police officer who was shot, according to the local news source, KSDK. Little information was given, except that the officer “was taken to an area hospital.” Police are looking for a suspect. 



  1. Wonder what these fools are going to do after they finish burning down their own city? It's like cutting off their nose to spite their face, they're tragically hurting their own selves, family, children, friends and neighbors. Looks like a war torn city, the army needs to be sent in.

    Not helping anyone or anything.

  2. Just what is all this violence accomplishing? They are burning businesses in their own neighborhood, looting, shooting at people. Then they wonder why people look at them differently. The biggest problem I see in todays world is parents are not being parents. They need to grow up and teach their children right from wrong. A lot of parents today think "Out of sight, out of mind". What a sad state of affairs.

  3. Let's put a fence around that city
    we shouldn't let the animals get out in public.
    It would cost a lot less than what's happening now.

  4. This newsman is an idiot calling the gun shots "handgun" by the sound of it is plain stupid on his part! Their is no way he could tell from his position without actually seeing the weapon what it is. Then the statement he is hearing "return"fire again without putting eyes on it directly he cannot make accurate galls. Another case of the media rambling Bullsh!t artist.

  5. I got more ammo at walmart , surprised they still have some.

  6. Where is the National Guard? They said a few days ago that they would be there. Have they now been given orders not to show up?

  7. "Where is the National Guard?" Forget the NG. This should be handled by the Air Force.

  8. 6:22 Why risk it? Let them tear it down, and don't rebuild. Remove ALL government subsidies to residents, and give that money to the small business' that were destroyed, allowing them to move to another area. F those people, let them rot in their own feces.

  9. Brought to you by Obama, Holder and Sharpton!

  10. 6:22 -- the Guard was in the more affluent areas of St. Louis, and Ferguson was forgotten until well past midnight when it was on the verge of a real firestorm around 2-3 AM. That's when Gov. Nixon at last ordered that they go there too. Until then, the folks in the hood reacted accordingly and predictably. And they knew that under the "rules of engagement" -- that the so-called "Combined Command" had announced in advance -- meant than they could do looting and vandalism with no risk of being shot and little risk of being apprehended. Some snipers were used to scare off the police and firemen. And the presence of lots of "peaceful protesters" further hampered any response to the situation.

    In short, from the standpoint of law enforcement it was a cluster fuc__ in Ferguson while St. Louis was well protected with little harm.

  11. it is astounding that all of these people are being led by a lie. our leaders are pushing the lie. at least in the 60's people were protesting a war that was not a lie. they had a point in the 60's this all is just making up an excuse to destroy. just not good. but maybe this is what our leader really wants. chaos leads to marshal law which leads to obamas excuse to appoint himself the supreme leader

  12. It's party time in ferguson. If they prosecuted the cop and put him to death those punks would have rioted in celebration.


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