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Sunday, November 30, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Grand jury does not indict officer in Ferguson case

A St. Louis County grand jury does not indict Darren Wilson, the police officer who shot and killed 18-year-old Michael Brown in August.

Originally published at 9:30 PM


  1. The race war has now started.
    It will spill over into every urban center of this country. Let the fun and games begin!

    Eric holder
    Al sharpton
    Should be ashamed of themselves.

    1. Eric holder. Al sharpscum and obama have srt race relations back 20 yrs

  3. Truth be told................

  4. Bring it if that is what you want to do but violence will not solve anything especially the ignorance of the ones causing it in the first place. Not every police officer is good but there are far more good police officers than bad, The one who's life is ruined is really Office Wilson. He took out a thug to protect himself in the face of death and all that the thugs family could do is blame the police and not the true guilty one MICHEAL BROWN. The grad jury did the right thing but now what is correct for Officer Wilson? He not only is ruined because of conviction by the Media and the Commie Holder as well as every liar that gave false witness. What not for The innocent police officer? How does he put his life back together?

  5. Lock and load for thug control

  6. Riots are starting now! Live fox news and Cnn

  7. Congressional Black Caucus is "disappointed."
    Well they all can go straight to hell and they will. God hates them because they are doing the devil's work on earth.

  8. seems pretty damn apparent that that thug Brown brought this on to himself. Should have been brought up right to begin with Would have ended up being supported by tax payers eventually.

  9. Justice system: America at it's best.
    Response to that system tonight: America at it's worst.

  10. They are breaking into businesses. The one I saw was a beauty supply. The SOB's need to be shot and killed on sight and tomorrow morning bulldoze their sorry ass bodied into a big hole and hose their brains down the storm drains.
    There is no excuse for destroying an innocent person's property.
    The NAACP and all the rest of the totally useless race baiters are to blame.
    Now someone is smashing through the McDonald's window.
    These people need to be shipped back to the African countries where lawlessness exists. They have no business being allowed in a civilized country.
    Now breaking into a liquor store.
    They are all smiling and laughing at what should be a somber moment.

  11. They are dissapointed about the truth. That shows just how much they care about the truth.

  12. Riots are going on in most major cities. Cambridge has always been a hot bed of violence. Sure there will be violence in both Cambridge and Salisbury tonight.


  14. It's obvious. These people just don't understand how the law works.

  15. 10:56 I like you to join me in church on Sunday so you can lose your anger and hate. What would Jesus do?

  16. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Eric holder
    Al sharpton
    Should be ashamed of themselves.

    November 24, 2014 at 9:44 PM

    Is it sence or sense? Sence shows up as a misspelled word on my page? When you see that red underlined word it's a hint to find the correct spelling.

  17. Gee...I wonder if they would have reacted the same if the BLACK officer that shot and killed an unarmed WHITE young man in Salt Lake City had not been indicted for killing the young man...oh wait--nobody ever heard about that shooting, did they? The media hid the race of the officer, if they even covered it...the racial double standard is appalling.

  18. No hate just anger 12:40 going on and if you aren't angry with the destruction in Ferguson then you have some really major character flaws going on and you are the one who is in desperate need of Jesus and the church.
    You need to be going to a different church though because whatever one you are going to, is not doing it's job of teaching you the value of honesty and is teaching you to enable the criminals by deflecting from the problem and injecting religion into it. Hiding behind religion is a sin you know.

  19. I guess we are supposed to just start indicting innocent people, just so people don't burn their own homes down? Pathetic. Cull them.

  20. 605 you are correct its appalling that the murderer of black children by black people in Chicago is not front page news, its disgraceful that the knockout game by black youths is dismissed as a "urban legend"even after being caught on video, its embarrassing that the shooting of a white youthby a black cop is swept under the rug and its amazing that all the rapes and murders and drug violence by illegal Latinos is described as " over inflated".


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