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Sunday, November 30, 2014

21 States Push To Overturn Md. Gun-Control Law

HAGERSTOWN, Md. (AP) -- Twenty-one states are asking a federal appeals court to overturn provisions of Maryland's gun-control law that ban 45 assault weapons and limit gun magazines to 10 rounds.

West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey led the coalition in filing a friend-of-the-court brief in the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Virginia, last week.

The brief says the law violates the Second Amendment right to keep firearms in homes for self-protection.



  1. It's wonderful to see that other states have more sense than our own legislators here in Md. in knowing that it is completely foolish to sacrifice our freedom as a result of the irresponsible actions of a few lunatics.

  2. As a gun owner most would think I'd be opposed to gun control, I'm not. I'm only opposed to gun control which is ineffective, which the majority of the gun control laws are. How about this for an idea. The limits on magazine and clip capacities for example. If a criminal uses a gun in a crime and he fires 10 shots enact legislation where the firing of the 10 shots is an individual act and he/she be charged with 10 counts of using the weapon in a crime and the penalty be MANDANTORY. I fully support any gun control measure that does not violate my 2nd Amendment Rights. There are those out there who just hate guns and there use thereof in any shape form or fashion. To them I say go out an educate yourselves about guns, if you don't know anything about guns how can you know what laws will work and won't work. I don't like the use of guns in crimes any more than you do but don't punish me for going out with my guns to shoot skeet, target practice ,hunt, or carry a concealed weapon for my own or possibly your protection. I would urge our legislators to carefully examine each gun control law, repeal an replace those laws that have no viable effect on the CRIMINALS nor have any tangible effect to deter crime with a firearm. Until everyone comes together uses good common sense and work towards enacting good common sense laws regarding gun control this problem will be never ending.

  3. sad that other states have to fight for OUR rights.

  4. 9:48 " I fully support any gun control measure that does not violate my 2nd Amendment Rights." You contradict yourself... ANY restrictions of firearm ownership IS a violation to our RIGHTS. Period. Exclamation point.

    I'll just leave this here:


  5. 10:25 Where did I mention gun ownership? I'm speaking purely on crimes perpetrated by an individual with a gun. There are people out there however that have no right to possess a handgun, rifle ,or pistol. Your point is taken so lets use the term gun control use as opposed to gun control.

    1. Probably the first words you typed, "as a gun owner."

      10:25 is right, there are no caveats in the 2nd Amendment, no matter how much you try to find them.

  6. With almost half the states fighting for us this should tell O'Malley he has no hopes of running for president.

  7. I think if Md. doesn't repeal the new gun laws I'll burn my house down. No wait that's stupid. Never mind.

  8. Blogger bloggerhater1 said...
    sad that other states have to fight for OUR rights.

    November 25, 2014 at 10:16 AM

    Yes it is, very. But people in this state are well trained by their masters.

  9. There are people out there however that have no right to possess a handgun, rifle ,or pistol. Your point is taken so lets use the term gun control use as opposed to gun control.

    November 25, 2014 at 10:56 AM

    Everyone has a right to own any firearm. Show me ANYWHERE in the 2nd amendment that anyone loses that right.

    Your reasoning allows states and gov. agencies to INFRINGE on that right.

    All in the illusion of 'safety'.


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