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Sunday, November 02, 2014

Oh No Jim Ireton & Rick Pollitt, You Had NOTHING To Do With Driving Down Property Values

City Enforcing Codes to Ensure Absentee Owners Don’t Drive Down Property Values

Case In Point: 203 New York Ave., Salisbury Mayor Jim Ireton has authorized the release of the following timeline:

· 9/20/2011 – Initial case opened for tall grass violation *

· 10/5/2011 – Violation was re-inspected and found to be in non-compliance. City secured contractor to cut grass.

· 10/7/2011 – Contractor cut grass at 203 New York Avenue

· 10/14/2011 – Property owner was billed a total of $225.00 for grass cutting ($125.00 for contractor fee and $100.00 for administrative fee).

· 6/4/2012 – Property owner was mailed an invoice for the outstanding unpaid balance due for the above grass cutting.

· 10/9/2012 – Property owner was again mailed an invoice for the outstanding unpaid balance due for the above grass cutting.

· 4/23/2013 - Property owner was again mailed an invoice for the outstanding unpaid balance due for the above grass cutting.

· 3/14/2014 – Property owner was mailed a letter informing her of the pending tax sale due to the outstanding balance on the subject property. The letter was returned by the Postal Service stating that the structure was vacant with no forwarding address given.

· 5/6/2014 - Property owner was again mailed an invoice for the outstanding unpaid balance due for the above grass cutting.

· 8/5/2014 – Notice of tax sale was mailed to the property owner, stating the property was sold on June 11, 2014, with the explanation of how to redeem the property.

*Property owner had the opportunity to appeal this violation to the Housing Board of Adjustments and Appeals but did not do so within the 21 day deadline.

"Local blogs are again trying to tear down Salisbury neighborhoods. This property has been vacant for over six years, with no water service turned on. Any insinuation that an elderly woman is living there is categorically false. No, it’s a lie. As recently as 12:15 PM today, a truck from out of town was at the property cleaning it up in anticipation of this release. I believe in liberty and freedom. That freedom is for our hardworking property owners that live adjacent to this property. They need freedom from absentee landlords who care nothing for these properties and believe it is perfectly ok to affect surrounding property values negatively. This issue is about property rights – the rights of working people and retirees that have no recourse against slumlords," said Mayor Ireton.

Publishers Notes: Mr. Ireton, "Freedom" is ALL of ours, not just select people YOU so choose. Since when did you become a DICKTATOR

It amazes me how you and the former Mayor feel the need to attempt to defame Salisbury News, (Blog) simply for publishing a Letter to the Editor, which, by the way is FREEDOM OF SPEECH. 

Now YOU have a team of lawyers working for the City and should YOU feel the need to ever challenge me in Court to fight our Freedom of Speech, well, you go right ahead. 

You are using TAXPAYER MONEY to spread your one sided BS only because you own the LIBERAL media in Town who would NEVER go against the Liberal Party Leaders because they wouldn't want to bite off the hand who feeds them.

I'll add, I can remember a day, no, a person, (YOU) who used to be one of us. You used to join forces to fight such underhanded people like you've become. You came out of the closet once, you should try doing it again. 


  1. Jim Ireton is wrong to bash Sby News on this one. All Sby News did was publish the story. Joe allowed comments from both sides the majority of which told the real story which is the property owners are full of crap.

  2. 203 New York Ave is John Robinsons house!

  3. A better question is how can towns be allowed to do tax sales on private property for any amount of money owed to the town or state or federal government. If a person owed money to a private business that business would have to take that person to court and try to collect the money. Even then the person could declare bankruptcy and leave the creditor without any money. It's time we the people told the government enough!

  4. 7:35, private business owed money can file a lien for debt collection and enforce the lien by a sale if the person is a homeowner. Condo's can do it for unpaid condo fees and associations for unpaid HOA's.

  5. 8:55, In theory yes in reality no. See above about bankruptcy. Same with mechanics lien etc. Very rarely would you see a court force a home sale to satisfy a lien unless it was almost the full value of the property. However seems to happen often to satisfy tax issues that are a lot less than the value of the property. In general the private business can only collect on the lien upon completion of a sale but can't force a sale.

  6. Jim knows he is losing this city brick by brick. Joe the guy is a narcissistic fool. Jim do us all favor and fall on the sword you know you are losing the city. The people are losing faith, you can not be that blind. Well then again maybe you can be. Your are not a bad person your vision of the future is way way off. Sorry

  7. The size of the property at 203 New York Ave. is a mere 4,950 SF. It is insanity for the city to spend/waste money, harass an elderly handicapped lady, and sell her property out from under her over grass of such a tiny yard. Surely there must be a much more humane (decent) way to deal with such a small matter.

    Sounds to me like the city is fishing to confiscate, sell and make [easy-take] money. This is communistic control.

    There are much bigger problems all over Salisbury that these city officials should be dealing with.

  8. Don't vote for Jim Ireton's little boy Josh Hastings or Laura Mitchell

    Vote Republican

    Wicomico County Executive
    Bob Culver
    Wicomico County Council
    John Cannon
    Matt Holloway
    Marc Kilmer
    Larry Dodd
    Joe Holloway

  9. If this article had not been copied and pasted, If the readers had not automatically started dissing the city employees, If the Fontes had not tried to get sympathy giving false information, to save their butts,


    Ireton would have had no reason to write a timeline, Ireton would have no reason to prove the city employees did their jobs correctly, If Ireton had not pointed out "the blogs" had been duped by two women",


    we would be unaware the blogs" created yet another problem for the city,

    IMO the readers threw the city and the employees to the wolves, again. When learning the story had another side the publisher was compelled to print those comments. Where are the apologies? What say you now about the hurtful ugly comments? What say you, publishers and readers about those two women?

    Oh never mind, "the blogs" have thrown up a smoke screen, by changing the subject to make it appear this whole fiasco was the fault of Ireton and Pollitt.

  10. Joe, I'm having trouble finding the original story; can you provide a link?

    As an aside, this present owner has only owned the house 10 years, so there must still be a mortgage on it. What would be the Bank's opinion of a short sale over a $100 lawn mowing fee?

    Sounds to me like the Mayor, who lives one block over, wants to steal a very nice house for himself. Google street view shows an August 2013 photo of a very well kept house and lawn.

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Jim knows he is losing this city brick by brick. Joe the guy is a narcissistic fool. Jim do us all favor and fall on the sword you know you are losing the city. The people are losing faith, you can not be that blind. Well then again maybe you can be. Your are not a bad person your vision of the future is way way off. Sorry

    October 31, 2014 at 11:08 PM

    Don't worry to much Ireton isn't going to be voted back in next time. Does anyone remember his promise when he was voted in? Since I remember it being that he clean up the river, from what I have seen nothing has been down to clean it up and he even promised a time by he'll clean it up.

  12. God Lord, once more I come on here, to read of another thumbing of the "rules" (ex speed cameras, radar, not paying taxes, etc) to find the law breakers are not at fault. As always the readers believe it is Ireton, Pollitt and city employees fault.

  13. Everyone in the City and County would be better off if the City would just dissolve it's charter and let the County take over. It's don't all over the Country and even in Maryland. Any thoughts on that?

  14. No mortgage on the house as per MDLandRec.net and if there was, the auction buyer becomes responsible for it with a tax sale/ lien enforcement sale, 7:56.
    While Jim Ireton was correct in giving the real story he was off base by bashing Salisbury News, which was just the messenger. Joe allowed comments from both sides and it became apparent that those who know the Fonte's and their shenanigans let other readers in on the truth early on.

  15. For real Ireton overreacted on this one. Most of the comments were pro-City of Salisbury. This blog wasn't trying to tear down the city. It was only relaying a "story", which ultimately got torn to shreds and the lies in it exposed.
    This is exactly the way blogs are supposed to work. They report the stories no one else wants to touch and the readers take it on from there.
    Just think if Matt Drudge would have just brushed off the Lewinsky/Clinton tip, we would never know about that story.
    Blogs are unconventional but they are here and are here to stay and are more popular than any other media outlet except FoxNews.

  16. Miss Joan is such a nice lady. Everybody who knows her loves her and she adores her little home on New York Avenue. Mayor Ireton is a bully to treat her like that. Her lawyer will eat Mr. Mayor for lunch next week.

  17. While "Miss Joan" may be "a nice lady" (though that's debatable) and she may love and adore "her little home on New York Avenue" that does not negate the fact that she and her daughter are bold faced liars-9:18.
    Bring on a lawsuit. I love watching court cases.

  18. LOL 9:18 (Michelle) Time you put up or shut up! You people have been threatening to sue everyone in OC including that government for years.
    You harassed the neighbors every time they had work done to improve their properties threatening to sue them.
    Now your constant lying has finally caught up with you and you are getting the public humiliation and slap down you are in need of.
    You people are bitter malcontents.

  19. 9:18-I don't believe you even have a lawyer because the fact is, if you did this would never have gotten this far.
    As far as getting one now at this stage, lawyer's going to tell you to pay the fine and any interest if you want to redeem property.
    The whole matter is one of those You snoozed and you lost type of situations. Maybe next time you won't be so irresponsible.

  20. Don Furby of Shades (838 and almost every other comment) Your obsession with the Fonte family has gotten out of hand. Shouldn't you be scrubbing John Brock's toilet?

  21. I think the problem is no one wants to follow the rules. Unless you buy out in the country somewhere you are bound by ordinances and/or home owners rules. It can be a pain but it's one of those "buyer beware" type of things and the lesson is to find out about all this before you buy a property. If cutting grass isn't your favorite thing to do, then buy somewhere where there are no ordinances involving grass and how long it is and for heaven's sake never ignore a notice from the government. That only causes what was once a small problem to escalate and costs more money in the end.
    If you do end up with a problem having a pleasant attitude does miracles and don't exaggerate or tell something that isn't 100% the truth. If you are wrong it's best to admit that too. The truth is always the best.

  22. Previous commenter, I think you are missing the point. This didn't happen because the woman didn't like to cut grass. She paid someone to cut her grass. Either the landscaper is lying or Salisbury is lying. Either way she is screwed. It said she had been trying to communicate with the government for three years. She didn't ignore it. They did. I can relate. I know from my own experience it's impossible to get through to government, let alone get answers. If you want runaround go try to talk to the government. I think the old lady probably was pleasant and truthful maybe she got grumpy after all these years of trying to fix this issue. I think the Mayor is lying and the ladies are telling the truth.

  23. 12:29, Look them up on judiciary and see how "truthful" they are.
    After viewing entries on there of them, you can see they were trying to stay one step ahead of the bill collectors.
    The entries on there indicate that they were nearly impossible to get to. Comments here indicate they live in OC and not Sby house didn't have water service for 6 yrs. Letter from city was sent to address on file which was Sby (look on tax assessments) and since no one was living there, to sign for letter it did go ignored.
    You can believe them if you want, but I don't after looking them up.

  24. If they are being truthful then they will show their city water bills. If the house hasn't had water service in 6 years as the mayor indicates then that is proof no one was living there.
    They won't show them though, because I think the mayor is the one who is truthful.
    If they had them they would show as to prove the mayor is the liar.

  25. "Anonymous said...
    Don Furby of Shades (838 and almost every other comment) Your obsession with the Fonte family has gotten out of hand. Shouldn't you be scrubbing John Brock's toilet?

    November 2, 2014 at 3:48 PM"

    Interesting. So you harassed and threatened to sue him as well.
    What was referred to was the contractors and subcontractors who worked on the south side.
    It's becoming apparent the Fonte's make trouble wherever they go. It was no secret around the area where they live that they are bitter and pea green with envy and jealousy.

  26. 3:48 Furbay, the Fonte's and the Brocks have been friends for 30 years. The Fonte's got along great with Chris Larmore, Reggie and the people who built the Martin house because they handle things with class. Shades Home Improvements should take lessons from them. Just because your wife has to carry water and scrub toilets for Michelle's neighbor doesn't mean you know Michelle & Joan. You have been stalking Joan for 30 years since you use to follow her outside of The Brass Balls into the alley. She thought you were creepy then. She thought you were creepy when you did damage to Michelle's property (there are photos and videos) and she still thinks you are a creep. You got off easy back then because of the Fonte's history with the people you work for. I doubt you will be that lucky this time.

  27. 7:18 & 8:00
    There never were any “bill collectors” walking around looking for these ladies. These people paid all their bills except for this one grass bill because they disputed it. The ladies have always gotten the mail from their home regardless of where they were located. A man named Furbay has posted lies on here to intentionally distort the events. The homeowner received 3 grass bills in the mail over a period of 3 years. They sent certified letters to the city all three times disputing it and trying to resolve it. The City never responded. The homeowners went to court. Phillips said she would send photos but never did. The homeowners tried to work this out for years. The homeowners have been the ones asking for a hearing to tell their side. Why would the homeowner constantly contact the City if they wanted to avoid them? Since the City wouldn’t work with them amicably, now lawyers need to get involved. This is why big government doesn’t work. Government is inefficient. Something that could have been handled simply and easily, ($100 grass bill) has now become a circus. The government insists on controlling its taxpayers and treating them like subjects. We may be living in a post- Constitutional period but some of us are still determined to fight for liberty. Any taxpayer who is law abiding should not have the government forcing its will on “we the people.” A Mayor should never make public statements like that against a taxpayer and an American citizen. There are still some Americans who live by “Don’t tread on Me” and who will fight the government’s attempts to force its will on the people and infringe on every tiny detail of their life. America was built on individual liberty and private property rights. This constant and over reaching regulation needs to be toned down. Let the lawyers between the City & the homeowner deal with the situation. Let the lawyers deal with Furbay’s lies. Be patient. Give it time. Joe and the blogosphere will keep the readers abreast.

    It may be the Fonte family today, but all of YOU could be next. Stand against this overpowering government!
    “First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Socialist.

    Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Jew.

    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”

  28. 10:07 I'm not going to indulge you by reading through your long winded uninformed comment.
    FYI-All you uninformed people have to do is look these people up on MD Judiciary Case search. There is entry after entry including several violations (not even related to grass height) relating to the house in Salisbury.
    If you think for one second everyone including the state courts are lying then you need a mental evaluation for your paranoia.
    Now you are dismissed and continue to be until you do your homework and can make an intelligent well informed comment.

  29. I just did look them up on case search and the word DEADBEAT does comes to mind-foreclosures and credit card debt collection mostly.
    The ones from the city show that the summons was issued (SUMI) multiple times (5 to be exactly) but was never served.
    This backs up the mayors accusation that USPO carrier couldn't get signature.
    When a summons is served case search

  30. Why hasn't there been any water service to the house for 6 years?
    I can't believe these people story until they prove the mother was in fact living there and the water bill would prove this. This isn't a court of law where you are presumed innocent and the burden of proof is on the plaintiff. It's the court of public opinion so different factors in play.
    I've heard of people who before they sell a 2nd home, they will claim it is their primary resident the required amount of time to avoid taxes. Maybe this was their angle and they are trying to pull one over for tax purposes.

  31. If there were never bill collectors looking for them like you are suggesting 10:07 why are they all over MD judiciary case search for unpaid bills!
    I expect an answer otherwise you need to refrain from posting this nonsense because you lack any and all credibility.
    The mayor has every right to speak out when someone has not been truthful with the public.

  32. These people do sound paranoid as heck. The neighbor in Salisbury is spying on them, someone is following them, the government's out to get them,
    What's next? Black helicopters and drones?

  33. I stand with the Fonte family. I have known them for a long time around the Bury. They are good people and they keep the home nice. They are true Tea Party conservatives unlike most of the commenters on this site. The mayor is not thinking straight. No pun intended.

  34. Stop your lying 2:18. They live in Ocean City and always have.`
    You people are so tangled up in your lies now, that it's getting funny. Now you are claiming tea party conservatives when post says registered democrat for the mother. Get your story straight them come back and comment. I don't do ignoramuses very well and am above people who lie-you hear?

  35. 9:59-Speaking of J Brock and Brass Balls, I can attest to a lie that the Fonte's have told about them.
    I work at Brass Balls. A few years ago, customers came in who were so upset with the poor condition of the property they had rented from the Fonte's.
    When they complained they got a dressing down and were told something along the lines that "if the place is good enough for the president of coca cola (Brock)" then they should not complain. We laughed and told J Brock does not stay in the Fonte's building, he has his own place. They come to BB's when in town and we know they have their own place.
    Needless to say we did get a kick out of this blatant lie at the time not realizing the Fonte's lies seem to be pathological and as someone suggested they are experiencing some degree of paranoia.

  36. Anonymous posts are never actually anonymous. A simple court order can locate the I.P. number and identify the person. Get your attorney to subpoena Furbay and the City employees computer records. Sue their pants off.

  37. If only it were that easy 5:16.
    The IP (if the IP is even identifiable because of proxies) only shows when the person went to a site. While it also shows any "out clicks" which would include clicking onto the comment tab, it doesn't show that a particular IP made a comment.
    It not so much as a "simple court order." A case has to be filed first before any subpoena can be issued and Google (bloggers parent company) fight like mad to keep identities secret.
    You are already into 10's of thousands of lawyer and other fees.
    Then you have to get a court certified forensic person to match IP to the date and time comment was made. This service will cost at a minimum $500/per hour more realistically near a 1000 per hour. Then you have to prove a particular person made the comment which is nearly impossible to prove.
    Your comment is akin to a pipe dream.
    I speak from experience and to try and identify an anon comment on blogger, will cost you well into the 10's of thousands of dollars and a lawsuit over $100,000. This is why all the lawsuits against Joe have been dropped. Anon posts ARE anon UNLESS you have an unlimited amount of money to spend on identifying. Contrary to what most believe it is not an easy process to identify.

  38. 5:16-You can't just "subpoena" anyone until a suit is filed. Law 101.
    And then best of wishes trying to figure out who made and where what comment was coming from.
    Your threats aren't going to work here. Too many lawyers on board.
    Try again.

  39. Right 7:54 and 7:59. While you may be able to identify the computer a comment came from (a nearly impossible feat in and of itself) the problem then arises of trying to identify (and having to prove in a court) the person who made the comment. 5:16 is clueless and speaks nonsense.

  40. The grass was never in violation during 2011. The property owner has paid invoices from their landscaper for the entire year. The landscaper is an honorable man. Susan Phillips is lying. If she had photos of the grass at 203 being long she would have sent them to Joe. She doesn’t. She doesn’t care if she hurts the homeowner or the landscaper. She can’t admit they were wrong.

  41. Susan Phillips is a liar. She is willing to throw Cutting Crew and the two women under the bus and publicly humiliate them to save face. If Phillips was honorable, she would admit she was wrong. The City never cut that grass which is why they don't have photographs of it. Come clean Susan! Apologize for what you did to these people. Don't be Ireton's puppet.


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