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Sunday, November 09, 2014

WBOC News, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Look, no one had our main story today about the Wicomico County Landfill not being in compliance with the MDE. I/We have ALWAYS given credit where credit is due, yet WMDT & WBOC continue to take our news stories and never reference or credit us for bringing it to you first. In fact, they even like to call themselves "Delmarva's News Leader". 

"The Good",  They told the story.

"The Bad", They didn't do their homework and didn't tell you the whole story.

"The Ugly", They never mentioned County Executive Rick Pollitt HIDING this from the public and Council for almost TWO YEARS.

Yeah, why rock the boat on election eve and bite off the hand that feeds you. It cracks me up when all of the local main stream media touts they live by a journalistic protocol and lie to your face.

We hand delivered them this story, (obviously) and they refused to tell you the entire story. So we sit here day in and day out delivering you news and information DAYS ahead, (another example, tonight's broadcast about the ethics charges filed against Pollitt) and they just sit back and wait for US to do all the work.

Those days are going to drastically change come January of 2015. I won't let too much out of the bag right now but your local media is in for an earthquake like they've never seen before. Enough Is Enough.


  1. What about the poor construction issues with the states attorney's office or issues about the bidding process, there's a smoking gun article there

  2. Like I have said and commented on many many times before, I don't know who in the hell all you guys are, but it seems as though you all are the best 'gun clingers' I have ever witnessed. And that includes the company of people like Bill O'Reilly, Megan Kelly, Brit Hume, Charles Krauthammer, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity.

    All I have to say is GREAT REPORTING!!!

  3. Yet no one is reporting on the student physically assaulting a vice-principal and principal at WiHi. Our schools have become violent places for both students and staff, yet these stories are swept away.

  4. 8:04, I, too, am impressed with the "scoops" going on here, ALL the TIME!

    As for Salisbury's other media - a sad pathetic joke.

    WBOC - reports on everything, except the biggest city on Delmarva.

    WMDT - does the mayor's bidding and accosts council members at their homes unannounced at frightens their children.

    The Daily Times - engages in unethical relationships between their editors, reporters and politicos, does biased reporting while touting how "investigative" they are, asks questions to cover up for their favored politicos, and on and on that one goes.

    The new Salisbury Independent - Independent my arse. Run by disgraced Daily Times editor Greg Bassett. See above. Oh, yeah. Says "Salisbury," but is published out of Berlin. Enough said.

    Radio - let go Bill Reddish from WICO, so no local voice left. Unless you count WSCL, hahahaha, which has ties to former city politico Mike Dunn and has demonstrated its own penchant for bias.

    PAC14 - nice people working there, but now "owned" by the Salisbury Chamber of Commerce, the special interest that ran a forum where the moderator had to swear up and down that no one had the questions in advance because, um, er, um, some of the candidates responded as though they did. Methinks thou doth protest too much, sir.

    I know I'm not saying anything new, but I just had to register my disgust. I'm a moderate Republican and my wife is a moderate Democrat. We are a dying breed, I guess. We used to pride ourselves on watching and reading from a variety of sources so we could make informed decisions. We still make informed decisions, but we no longer get the local paper or watch any local media except the meetings themselves on PAC14. After watching Phil Tilghman's stomach turning interview with Mike Dunn, we stopped watching good ole Phil, too.

    My better half and I don't always agree with what's on Salisbury News, or with each other, but we have to admit, it makes more of an effort to do the right thing and more honestly "fesses up" to its biases than any other media around here.

    Thanks for letting me rant, Joe.

    1. All conflicts of interests. Sad sad sad.

  5. But, Joe, you don't have a chopper like 'BOC does.

  6. No Religion = no ethics, no morals, more crime ,more lies

    This applies to news media , lawyers , judges ,schools, and doctors.

  7. WRDE news on TV is on Comcast channels 9 and 209 & is a good up and coming local news source.

  8. Joe has a drone,a lot cheaper.

  9. WBOC "Delmarva's News Reader"

  10. I was just going to post asking if you are going to be on WRDE news. I have not seen it since I cut the cable a few years back.

    Any chance WRDE might go over the air? I am not paying comcast to watch just one show.

    Will WRDE do live streaming in January?

  11. I take back my previous comment, tvfool shows I should be able to pickup WRDE channel 31.1 over the air in Salisbury, I will try doing another scan when I get home and see if I can get WRDE over the air, it didn't come up for my last scan I did a few months ago.


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