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Sunday, November 09, 2014

A Comment Worthy Of A Post

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Election Results: “What’s Going To Change Is Only ...":

Hey Joe and readers. This is a comment that Rick Pollit made on his FB page.

Rick Pollitt - I admit a great relief being freed from the nonsense and the BS.

Sounds like a sore loser to me. What is the nonsense and the Bull Sh!t he is referring to? If he doesn't like his job maybe he should resign now.


  1. The only nonsense and BS is casued by Rick Pollitt himself. Good riddance!!

  2. Yep, Pollitt sure as hell wrote that on his FB.

    Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya, Rick!

  3. I don't believe he is feeling any great relief at all. If anything I bet his anxiety level is at an all time high.
    He needs to step back for awhile (esp from social media)take a deep breath, and finish up his term to the best of his ability, so his successor has a smooth transition and things will fall into a better place for him.
    He should even arrange an in office get together with Mr Culver, surely the last thing he wants to do, but the right thing to do and I guarantee he will feel much better if he does this.
    I advise some successful reality TV stars in a public relations capacity (they drive me nuts, some of what they say on FB) and am offering this advice from not only my heart but from my experience.

  4. Yep he posted it and I saw it. It was one of his last comments talking about a quote.

    Hey Ricky no need to delete the comment I have it screen captured.

  5. rick's double disappointment, lost the election and his boi brown doesn't have a job for him either. welcome to the unemployment line rick

  6. Well, Rick wanted to collect his pay, get free food, and be fat and happy. Unfortunately, we the people had to go and bother him from time to time, and that's BS. He's garbage.

  7. Wonder what he'll do now.

  8. Who cares what he does now. He has Wicomico County so messed up it's gonna take a while to undo what he has screwed up. There sure aren't any employment opportunities in Salisbury but I'm sure one of his BS friends will get him a job somewhere.

  9. the good ole boys will find him a cushy job

  10. Anonymous said...
    rick's double disappointment, lost the election and his boi brown doesn't have a job for him either. welcome to the unemployment line rick

    November 7, 2014 at 11:44 AM

    LMAO So true.

    If truth be known that is why Pollitt was hesitant to get his campaign started. I really think he wanted to get a Secretary job with the Brown administration.

    Poor Ricky that was a double whammy. Hope you saved up that nearly $1 Million dollars you got during your 8 year reign of terror. Nearly $1 Million dollars in salary and perks.

    Hope you know what it feels like living week to week on nothing because of what you and the rest of the Democrats did to us tax payers.

  11. May I request this to stay near the top like one of your Smoking Gun stories.

  12. He as asking his brother in law if there were any jobs available in Florida on his Facebook page. I guess he didn't count on loosing! I'm so glad he is out. Now he will have to suffer with the rest of us for his decisions. I want the money he stole from me with his tax increase! I say put his house up for sale and use the proceeds to pay us back what he took from us the property owners of Wicomico County!!! Bastard!!! Good Riddance!!

  13. Oh, boy little Ricky, has to turn in his credit card. Just what he is to do? Boo Hoo.

  14. "If truth be known that is why Pollitt was hesitant to get his campaign started. I really think he wanted to get a Secretary job with the Brown administration."

    Hmmmm interesting and probably true.
    And how about that Chuck Cook? Running around with his head shoved omalley's butt. See how much use omalley and the democrats have for the useful idiots now.

  15. Rick is truly gleeful,so everyone should at least allow him to remain so.Why should he not be?

  16. I'm sure John Robinson was crying in his Beer!!!!!

  17. Do us all a favor rick move to florida i wont be far behind you...dont blame you ..md is so screwded up i cant wait to leave either...

  18. Some observations:

    1. Rick Pollitt could sure dish out the B.S., but shows now he could not take it. Everyone knows relief can be a part of departing from politics. But saying that on Facebook?
    2. Rick Pollitt showed no grace or class. See the end of #1 above.
    3. Thanks to those who made the Brown connection for me. I feel so dumb. Of course that was Ricky's ace in the hole. Maybe O'Malley will have a place for him in his unsuccessful run for president.
    4. No, Rick, Florida does not want you. I have 12 family members spread around that state, 4 who got the hell out of here because of what you did. Florida is recovering from recession hell and does not want you to come set them backwards again.
    5. Bob Culver needs to watch his back (politically speaking here) because Jim "I Hate Republicans" Ireton is still in for until this time a year from now. Ireton will do everything he can to undermine Culver, blame the county, etc. Bob, Ireton might even play nice with you in public, might even try to sweet talk you privately. Do not trust him. Just ask his friends, I mean, former friends, the ones he used and screwed over.

  19. Hey, Rick!

    "I admit a great relief being freed from the nonsense and the BS."

    --The Citizens of Wicomico County

  20. Rick could have won if he wouldn't have acted like a democrat who thought he was entitled to free everything. He could have reported the landfill fine and held whomever responsible, he could have been ethical over the Brown email. Rick was his own worst enemy let Mackes, Blokes, lewis and Beauchamp run wild. Wicomico is hurting, we need jobs, crime under control and less taxes.

  21. he is pissed because he is going to have to pay for his own food from now on..

    no more big macs on the taxpayers dime..

  22. I will simply remember him as the guy who raised my property taxes

  23. 4:44 -

    And Fake Day, Matt Holloway and John Hall will also trw to screw Bob Culver at every chance.

  24. Slicky Ricky ought to eat a piece of humble pie

  25. InvictusV said...
    he is pissed because he is going to have to pay for his own food from now on..

    no more big macs on the taxpayers dime..

    November 7, 2014 at 6:12 PM


    Well, not quite yet. He can probably rack up quite a bill between now and when Culver takes office.

    Pollitt's credit card use is the reason I voted against him. I suspect I'm not the only one. He must be kicking himself to have effectively caused his own electoral loss.

  26. This election is devastating for a lot of our local demoncrats. Pollitt is gone. No appointment from Brown for him. Conway is gone. No appointment for Ireton from Demoncrat Central Committee for him. If he wants to be delegate he'll have to work hard for it. I don't see him ever winning that seat from Anderton. Chuck Cook is out of a job, AGAIN. Good thing his wife is a teacher and can support his family. Chris Demone only has one more year as PIO under Ireton. Laura Mitchell is toast. I don't foresee Spies running for his seat again. Fake Day...he'll soon show his true colors and run against Ireton. The only safe person on city council is Shanie Shields While the county makes every attempt to heal the city will continue to burn. The above poster is correct, Culver needs to watch his back, front and sides, he will be working with the devil dogs from hell.

  27. Take mackel, mackes, and Beauchamp with you!

  28. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Some observations:

    5. Bob Culver needs to watch his back (politically speaking here) because Jim "I Hate Republicans" Ireton is still in for until this time a year from now. Ireton will do everything he can to undermine Culver, blame the county, etc. Bob, Ireton might even play nice with you in public, might even try to sweet talk you privately. Do not trust him. Just ask his friends, I mean, former friends, the ones he used and screwed over.

    November 7, 2014 at 4:44 PM

    You are exactly right and I know of one new council member he screwed over. Don't forget Jake Day!

    Tic Toc.

  29. Anonymous said...
    Rick could have won if he wouldn't have acted like a democrat who thought he was entitled to free everything. He could have reported the landfill fine and held whomever responsible, he could have been ethical over the Brown email. Rick was his own worst enemy let Mackes, Blokes, lewis and Beauchamp run wild. Wicomico is hurting, we need jobs, crime under control and less taxes.

    November 7, 2014 at 5:53 PM

    What "L"ewis did he let run wild? He has nothing to do with Mike Lewis. My Lewis is elected by the people and not appointed by the County Executive. With that said Mike Lewis has a very powerful position.

  30. Anonymous said...
    Hey, Rick!

    "I admit a great relief being freed from the nonsense and the BS."

    --The Citizens of Wicomico County

    November 7, 2014 at 5:03 PM

    Ha Ha Ha!!

    Buh Bye!!

  31. Anonymous said...
    4:44 -

    And Fake Day, Matt Holloway and John Hall will also trw to screw Bob Culver at every chance.

    November 7, 2014 at 6:26 PM

    Don't trust John Cannon either.

  32. Anonymous November 8, 2014 at 9:30 AM

    The only thing Jim Ireton has left is to be a school teacher and he may lose that job.

    Jake Day is "doing such great things" in his own mind that he will run for mayor so the only thing Jim Ireton has left is to run for one of the 5 redistricted council positions he created or run to Rehomo Beach. Jim Ireton has basically created 5 minority districts and a white person will never have a chance to win again. You people created a monster and he has ruined this once great city. The only way to make this change is to go back to the districts currently in place or this city is fried. The people living in the county should take this into consideration because they have to work and shop in Salisbury. Salisbury will so be a bullet ridden city that it will be to dangerous to drive through. Thanks to Jim Ireton. Jim Ireton is also the one who created the maniac Jake Day who is so power hungry that he will bump Jim Ireton from the mayors position.

    Jim Ireton and The City of Salisbury are toast. It will be a Washington D.C. with all black running the city. LMAO, Rental Thugs that is.

    "Great things." LMAO



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