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Sunday, November 09, 2014

Mr. Culver: The "PIO" Needs To Go (away) ASAP

We mean the position, although if Ms. Lee-Brooks does not find the door herself, you need to push her through it on a one-way trip.

The public information officer position in the office of the County Executive has been the venue for a series of political hacks – including George Roache and Jim Fineran in the past. Although Rick Pollitt came into office after the PIO position had been established, he opposed eliminating it after appointing his political pal, Fineran, to the position. During Pollitt’s tenure the cost of the PIO position to Wicomico County's taxpayers has probably exceeded $500,000, and for what??? Both Fineran and the current PIO have been political operatives for Pollitt and his causes, such as Anthony Brown's campaign.

The position is unnecessary and should be eliminated as soon as possible after Mr. Culver takes office. By doing that he will show that he is serious about cutting waste and pork from the County budget. As that lady who was elected in Iowa said, make them squeal.


  1. And didn't he promise to rid us of Gary Mackes too?
    I'll be watching and hoping my vote was a good vote for him.

  2. She can pack her bags with pollitt,


    1. Ms. Lee Brooks was following orders. Get over whatever is not the truth.

  3. Don't forget Mackes's side kick,Andy Wisk.
    He needs to go as well............

  4. I agree , we don't need anybody in that position. Just watch out for the race card. You know it will come!!

    1. Only if you play it. Competence rules always, even if it is in people of diversity. Time to stop the hate and move the greatest county on the eastern shore forward.

  5. We will soon find out if we heard the truth, or, heard a campaign speech to get elected.

  6. I agree and there's a lot more waste in county government that he needs to get rid of also. Open the doors and give a bunch of them marching orders.

  7. Walmart is hiring!

    1. Educated people with historical knowledge are needed to transition this government. Novices don't have a clue and the learning curve is steep. Know it.

  8. It is time to cut the fat at all levels of government. We will now find out if republicans will do what they say they will do while running for office. That is why people elected them isn't it?

  9. time for wayne strasburgs $125,000.00 a year job to go also.

  10. Yes, and Hogan should make sure that marxist Obama brown noser Chuck Cook gets shown the door too.

  11. Once Culver gets a feel of how Wayne is; Waynes need to be there will change...I don't doubt for one second he's going to be OUT! contract or not I'd fire him!

  12. Go Culver go. All eyes are on you now.

  13. There will be lots of positions to trim. Pollitt has a habit of hiring extra people to do his work for him so he can go out and schmooze.

  14. Time to fire numerous county people and interview the department heads and make them earn their jobs. I hope Makes finally gets his walking papers. I get sick every time I see him in his county provided truck.

  15. The county auditor could help find more spending waste - if he had a little bigger teeth in his charter...and some help!

  16. I wouldn't look for a bunch of firings. I'm watching to see what fat gets trimmed in the departments. Take home vehicles. Credit cards. Instead of asking departments to submit their budgets I hope he asks them to trim their budgets before submitting their projected budgets. Culver has inherited a cesspool of waste, it won't get cleaned up overnight and it is unfair to expect it to. It took Pollitt and the tax and spend crowd 8 years to create the mess we're in. At least give Culver time to survey the damage and create a plan to make repairs.

    1. If he moves too fast and cuts all his historical knowledge he will tank this country.

  17. We need to make the WICOMICO YOUTH AND CIVIC CENTER useable to the youth of this community. Schools need use of the civic center for proms, graduations etc. It needs to be open for our local businesses to cater events there as it used to be. We need to get rid of the government catering service. Bob has been looking at what fat needs to go and to look at what is good for us tax payers.

  18. Hey Bob Culver....Don't look back Bobby. Locals have known you all your life and we know that you can do this job!! Business as usual is NOT what we expect from you and you know it. I am excited to see you take the bull by the horns and do what needs to be done which is cutting all the excess lard in local government. Locals also know what serves no purpose in local government and there is a lot to be cut. Please don't disappoint. You had my vote..now show me I was spot on. Thanks!!

  19. "We need to make the WICOMICO YOUTH AND CIVIC CENTER useable to the youth of this community. Schools need use of the civic center for proms, graduations etc. It needs to be open for our local businesses to cater events there as it used to be. We need to get rid of the government catering service. Bob has been looking at what fat needs to go and to look at what is good for us tax payers."

    So, you listed a bunch of stuff you want the county government to provide FOR FREE and then tell Bob Culver to look for fat to trim.

    Typical Republican - I want mine, but cut everyone else!

    1. Absolutely correct, throw the baby out with the bath water and let them eat cake...just what the greatest county on the Eastern shore needs.

  20. oh there will be a group with signs waving to gary and andy as they exit that building... its about time they get knocked off their high horses... its time for the dictator and his sidekick to leave... i was always told give them enough rope and they will hang themselves... well guess what... you've run out of rope! But then again with they will probably be so liquored up they wont feel anything.

  21. The best damn vote I ever made I do believe... Now to sing hey hey hey good bye! Im so proud of the voters. I am an employee at Wicomico Nursing Home.. needless to say we all breathed a lot better Wednesday morning..

  22. Take all those credit cards and cut them up. Save a lot of money by getting rid of Gary and sell that truck. He wants to build a newer, bigger civic center. They can't book the one we have. Wants to build several baseball fields for players who come here for a few weeks what do we do with them the remainder of summer? Just maintain them. We don't need any more than we have. Bob will cut the pork. I have known him almost all his life and he is going to make a difference. He will make them squeal. About time!!

  23. It's all well and good to say get rid of x or get rid of y; the problem is to make sure they are not replaced with someone else's "X" or "Y". If the position can be eliminated, that's the solution to cutting the cost. Changing the face of the position won't save a dime. There's no reason the County Executive can't act as the County's information person or each department head for his or her department; distribute the duties; it's all promotional anyway.

  24. Who is going to supply the higher level of transparency if there is no one to do it? There has been enough duties "redistributed" after the layoffs in 2008. I still don't see where all this "fat" is that you people keep talking about. The purchase card, if anything, actually save money. Many products that the county needs to function are bought cheaper by being able to purchase them from companies that accept credit cards. In the old days, a PO had to be written and a company had to set up an account with the county. Talk about a paper nightmare. The cards brought the county into the 21'st century. It is easy for you all to be armchair quarterbacks when you don't have any idea of what it takes to make the plays happen. There are sooo many levels of protocol and purchasing procedures. Also hate to say it, but the County is pretty much hog tied when it comes to the BOE. They primarily operate under the State rules.... So other than what has been beat to death about the Executive Office and their cards.... where is all of this other fraud? The county employees do a damn good job at saving money everywhere they can and looking out for the best interests of the taxpayers. That is a FACT.

  25. GARY Mackes, ANDY mackel, and LEE Beauchamp need to go. Bob send them packing on your first day will show voters you mean what you said and send a message to the rest of the employees. No take home vehicle, cut back on purchasing cards and slice the fat from the budget. Get the sheriff's office back on track,hold them accountable and no more pay raises for deputies.

  26. 11:16--
    The Civic center is it's own entity, as the voters decided years ago. It is a business, therefore charges fees. It costs money to pay all the people necessary to set up an event; where do you suppose that should come from? 3:41 has hit the nail on the head. & I will add that you are severely out of touch & misinformed about how things used to be there.

  27. Mackes has been there to long. I prefer firing over "retiring."

  28. Re-evaluate the Co Exec office. The County Exec should attend meetings himself. How many employees did he hire vs. how many are actually needed?

  29. 9:11 must be wisk or mackes! Send them packing along with mackel and Beauchamp. Voters and county employees are tired of these power hungry, disrespectful fools.


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