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Sunday, November 09, 2014

The Salisbury Downtown Revitalization Is A Hoax

First of all let me say this. Shame on you Mayor Jim Ireton and Council President Jake Day!

I don't know what the hell these people are trying to do but I couldn't believe my own eyes when I saw this absolute mess in Downtown Salisbury.

These people don't care. They are typical government chart makers who get drawings to make everything look peachy but in reality I was horrified when I took a brief stroll through the Plaza yesterday.

Your own former Mayor Barrie Tilghman and her Husband are partners on the building with all the broken windows and bashed out door, SHAME ON YOU! 

I did an interview yesterday with SU TV and they asked, where would you like to hold the interview. I said, how about the Downtown Plaza, they agreed. Man did I screw up. 

Here's another thing I'd like to know. Is the City's Code and Compliance Officer legally BLIND? Do the rest of you elected officials actually open your eyes when you attend 3rd Friday? Heck, do you Idiots actually go through the neighborhoods and see for yourself just how things are going?

All I can say is, I'm damn happy I sold my building down there because when I owned it, I would have NEVER allowed things like this to happen and I didn't. Shame on you property owners for NOT complaining. 

Can you tell I'm a bit ticked off! You people just sit in your 3rd floor offices and get your food delivered because you sure as hell don't get down to the peasants level. 


  1. Compliance is for some not all.

  2. I was driving downtown for the first. Time in several months. With everything I've been hearing I was really let down. This is the worse I have ever seen it. While I do think they are trying I feel it might be a hopeless situation unless there are some real investors who will do it. Not investors in 1 building but a major investor that will put millions into the whole downtown area. Doubt that will happen but that's what it I'll take. There are investors that will do this.

  3. Obama Crooked BastardoNovember 6, 2014 at 1:55 PM

    Hey, they are typicel Democraps - they report to everyone how peachy things are while everything around them crumbles. But they claim to know what is the best for us.

  4. Don't worry, we're gonna bus in college students to drink. That will fix everything.

  5. Now that we cleaned house in the county, its time to elect new city council members who are not Liberals. Tim Spies is the only sensible in the crowd!


  7. And ireton wants to build on that parking lot the street over, Watch this election in salisbury needs to be just like what happened yesterday, republicans take over please. NEW MAYOR, BETTER CITY

    -14 year old teen from salisbury

  8. The answer is right in your article. Barrie and Matt Tilghman are owners of that building. They wouldn't dare send Barrie a fine. Come on, you of all people know that will never happen.

    1. If I was mayor, I would gave her a fine quick in a hurry, she ain't special nor anyone elected is special nor should be treated special

  9. The Salisbury government is a piece of crap. They are letting this city turn in to Detroit.

  10. How about another study to bulldoze it ...open a better arts/ civic center that can sell beer..hockey games wanted to come here ..bigger concerts...but NOOOOOOO..the current civic center is a money pit...

  11. No one cares while iteration is mayor.

  12. Money coming into the pockets of the owners of these buildings would repair all this mess. In order for that to happen, the buildings must be able to produce income, as in businesses and other occupants paying rent per the square footage of floor space.

    In order for that to happen, businesses need the same rules to play by that competing businesses are playing by around the rest of the city.

    Here lies the problem. First, there are no other businesses of any kind, whether they be restaurants, hardware, jewelry, clothing, or food that is cursed with parking meters in their lots.

    Secondly, well, I guess after that they are all equal.

    Adding "Art" to the storefronts is nothing but window dressing. The one on the plaza is just a window display with no business residing in the floor space.

    The Salisbury U "store" on Division is empty and gutted; I guess the bicycling students decided that keeping a building stocked with art and sitting around babysitting it in an attempt to sell it was an exercise in futility, and gave it up.

    There's a reason for the phrase, "Starving Artist". Which brings us to the new condos going up for the "Artists" across the river in slum-ville. The artists will have the same result of trying to sell art downtown that everyone else has had in the City's history. Z-E-R-O! That will reduce the condos to yet another block of same old section 8 housing for the takers. And Ireton wants to build more of them in the empty lots that are empty as the already empty space our existing buildings already have.


    There are many examples of revitalized city down towns here on the Shore, and none of their successes had anything to do with any legislation, City ideas or plans, or any of that crap. It came about because there are no parking meters to harass shoppers and chase them away. There are millions of people who adore a good downtown area filled with a hundred types of stores and eateries and drinkeries side by side in an all day atmosphere that spend accordingly in Berlin, Easton, Cambridge and many others here, and it came about from freedom and the free market system being allowed to prevail.

    It's so simple, it's stupid, but for a Democrat to drop 3 of 4 jobs at the GOB and risk an economic boom at the cost of 3 crony's jobs is an impossible barrier to cross.

    Get rid of the City Democrats next time around.

    Or, there's always the method of,"keep shooting yourselves in the foot".

  13. That waterfront should be developed into a bunch of clubs and resturants and small shops not condos..such morons..downtown should be bulldozed

  14. Well hopefully some of the brain dead liberals will wake up come the next election.Democrats are all the same feed off the low information voter Gay Marriage Gun Rights, Education Women's Rights and people fall for that junk. You never here them have a great plan of how they want to balance a budget, reduce spending, cut taxes. All this arts crap is just what it is Crap!You can add a few bike racks a drunk trolley add a few sidewalks repave a few streets but still not solving the problem. Window dressing is all it is. I hope you don't let off Fake Day or Jim Liarton. Keep up the good work Joe!

  15. Should add some photo's of all the bums begging for money too!

  16. First things first...you need consumers with discretionary dollars...they create the opportunity for all those small to medium size venues in an area long abandoned. All the hype and wishful commentaries in the paper do not create those discretionary dollars. You cannot have a state that ranks 49th in economic growth and development and people with a lot of discretionary Money. ..they're mutually exclusive of one another.

    I was at a business meeting there two weeks ago...it is not a bud ready to blossom...it has gone to seed and will remain relatively dormant until the economy moves upward. Entrepreneurs will again emerge taking advantage of cheap real estate and money flowing back into pockets looking for opportunity.

    You don't get there with whitewash and wishful thinking. ..as Comptroller Francho said recently. ..hope cannot be your economic recovery plan. Look around folks...you've lost national anchor stores at our biggest shopping sector...and you say downtown is experiencing a "renaissance"?

    It's past time to wake the hell up. Our folks need jobs so they have money that can be spent in these venues...real jobs! A private sector growing will float all ships...even those long abandoned in the downtown harbor. We need a government that sees this clearly and visionaries who are not afraid to confess first that "the empower has no clothes"!

    That's when change happens. There are plenty of great young minds trying. ..they just need help on a grand scale from a state that is showing signs of rising from the ashes of a long O'Malley burn.
    -Delegate Mike McDermott

  17. Is Barrie benefitting from the city lot that was sold for pennies on the dollar to the owner of Parker Place on her watch? I wouldn't be surprised.

  18. Jake Day for Mare!!

  19. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    How about another study to bulldoze it ...open a better arts/ civic center that can sell beer..hockey games wanted to come here ..bigger concerts...but NOOOOOOO..the current civic center is a money pit...

    November 6, 2014 at 5:11 PM

    Hey Dumb A$$ we are talking about the City of Salisbury and downtown Salisbury. The Civic Center is owned by the Wicomico County Council.

  20. Anonymous said...
    That waterfront should be developed into a bunch of clubs and resturants and small shops not condos..such morons..

    November 6, 2014 at 7:16 PM

    I agree with this part.

  21. There was a big Judge Jimmy Sarbanes sign on one of those building where Hess Apparel used to be. Do you know who owns it?

  22. Looks like a war zone. That's democrats for you. They get all jazzed up over a few drinking establishments opening, chanting progress when all the while the places are doomed to fail because they rely exclusively on the local economy which is in the tank.
    Transporting students who get rowdy, destructive, fight, piss and puke everywhere and only have money for "Drink Specials" isn't the answer, but gives low information people the appearance that more progress is being made.

  23. "Anonymous said...
    That waterfront should be developed into a bunch of clubs and resturants and small shops not condos..such morons..

    November 6, 2014 at 7:16 PM"

    I disagree. Not enough people have the disposable income locally to keep these types of businesses afloat.
    What needs to happen is businesses who aren't dependent on the local economy opening.
    Out in the county something along the lines of the South Moon Under distribution center that is opening is the answer. More of these types of businesses is the ONLY thing that is going to get the area moving in the right direction. Anything else is smoke and mirrors and won't succeed.

  24. Joe I see where your coming from . it looks as though the mayors code enforces only fines the working class.otherwise if you own a building down town and are part of Jim's Lil click you get a pass.

  25. The owners of neglected buildings are holding up the progress of the city and should be held accountable. Years ago, the mayor promised a major code compliance initiative downtown in exchange for funding the downtown redevelopment office. The council kept their end of the bargain, the mayor did not. Is he a coward or is he corrupt? Pick one or get the code compliance officers down there with a vengeance.


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