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Sunday, October 19, 2014

Meet The Ebola's


  1. With a record of such screwed up decisions , do you think the people will understand his lack of leadership ? Of course not!! That's a major problem , I firmly believe this issue with Ebola has given him another chance to rid this country of anything. It just proves he believes in the Kuran and is a muslim.

  2. Wouldn't it be nice if somehow , just somehow, the Ebola virus got into the Whitehouse. Just in the Oval office.

  3. Oh Wow-it's the Obola's.

  4. Why is this ass still in office ,send him back ti islam.

  5. Perfect Picture and how true.

  6. God forbid you people would ever have to live under actual tyranny...

  7. That is exactly what we are living under 8:47. Most of our freedoms are gone thanks to people like the Obama's and other libs.

  8. 9:24. Except you still have the greatest freedom. The freedom to say, write, post just about anything you want without fear of recrimination.

  9. "Anonymous said...
    God forbid you people would ever have to live under actual tyranny...

    October 16, 2014 at 8:47 AM"

    This type of logic is always amazing. The "just because things aren't so bad, we should except the small inadequacies" mentality.
    People would be much better off including in their personal lives if they refused to accept incompetence and seek to strive for better and better.

  10. 9:49 - if it was true freedom - we wouldn't have to post as anonymous.

  11. We are living under what Mark Levin calls a soft tyranny, look it up, you then will understand 8:47 how many of our freedoms we have lost.

  12. 9:49 True freedom? Speaking your thoughts about race in this country will get you into all kinds of trouble.


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