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Sunday, October 19, 2014

Ladies & Gentlemen, My Name Is Carl Anderton and I Owe My Opponent An Apology

Last night voters experienced something never seen in a local campaign before.

A mailer was sent out last week on behalf of Carl Anderton that was not very kind towards Delegate Norm Conway. Mr. Anderton had absolutely NOTHING to do with the mailer and had absolutely no knowledge it had been mailed.

Once Mr. Anderton saw the material he was appalled. Rather then putting it aside or ignoring it, even though these forums are very limited in precious time, Mr. Anderton took it upon himself to take up his entire opening statement to personally apologize to Mr. Conway on behalf of the republican party.

He explained how he had nothing to do with it and that he spent a lot of time on the phone with the republican party expressing his disgust with the piece. He went on to say, needless to say I highly doubt I'll be receiving a Christmas Card from them this year. 

All that being said, my hat is tipped to you Mr. Anderton, that was a very classy thing to do. 


  1. Claasy on his part not so gracious on conways part.

  2. That shows that he is a class act.

  3. Job well done, Carl. My decision is now made, I will vote for you.

  4. I was there last night, I was so impressed by this young man. We'll be represented very well in Annapolis by him.

  5. Where is my copy of the mailer? Please what did it say?

  6. Are you people that naive!

  7. Carl has my vote. I agree that the Conway mailer was completely inappropriate. I commend him for apologizing directly to Norm and publicly. Between Carl's grown up actions and the silly mailers sent by Conway, this life-long Democrat is voting for Carl.

  8. Have voted for Norm for years but not this one. But he will still be on the government's payroll. He knows no other.

  9. He might as well apologize to all the people of the world, and don't forget it's for the children clause.

  10. LOL..no idea of the mailer .. bs


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