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Sunday, October 26, 2014

Josh Hastings Letter to the Editor shilling for Norm in 2012

No Josh Hastings is not a LIAR. Josh Hastings is not a Democrat. Josh Hastings is desperately telling unsuspecting voters now that he is a Republican and not a Democrat. He must have forgotten this angry letter he wrote to the Daily Times on May 9, 2012 shilling for Norm Conway. He may have been the Vice President of the Wicomico County Democrat Club at the time and right after he worked for Laura Mitchell's campaign to get her elected to the City Council. He says Norman Conway is as important to Wicomico County as PRMC, the zoo and Salisbury University. No one is that important.

Josh Hastings: Delegate Norman Conway is as important to Wicomico County as PRMC, zoo and university

May 9, 2012 | 0 Comments


RE: "Conway isn't looking out for Wicomico," April 27; "Is Delegate Norman Conway under the influence?" May 4; "Delegate Norman Conway strikes again," May 7

The recent written attacks on Delegate Norman Conway were appalling and completely unwarranted.

Our homegrown representative has been a stalwart champion of Wicomico County and the entire state of Maryland. Not in the last 200 years could you find an individual who has chosen to serve this state with greater humility, decency and fairness.

Conway is as important to Wicomico County as Peninsula Regional Medical Center, the Salisbury Zoo or Salisbury University. Ask the leadership of any of those three institutions. I guarantee they will point to Conway as one of the greatest facilitators of their success.

Choosing to serve your home area is a noble endeavor. Conway's decency and hard work are what led his accomplished peers from across the state to choose him as their leader and chairman of what is arguably the most important committee in the entire state Legislature. He was one of the first, if not the only, Appropriations Committee chairmen to pass a budget with unanimous support from the entire Legislature; not a single Democrat or Republican voted against it.

I guess it should also be noted that our own Conway has held this position during the worst economic challenge since the Great Depression. He's had to balance the desires of the entire state, not just one region.

Conway is the epitome of a decent, hardworking Eastern Shoreman; certainly he is one of our greatest assets. One should seriously question the motive and character of anyone who publicly chooses to ignore his accomplishments and commitment to the Eastern Shore.

Josh Hastings

Mardela Springs



  1. I have a family member who writes angry letters from time to time and they always come back to haunt him.He isn't even in politics,but every now and then he'll get ticked off about something and start writing,and once it's been mailed it's too late.Emails make it even easier for these types to vent.

  2. Puke vomit and lies

  3. This is definitely an angry leterr to the editor. This guy has some anger issues and it's obviousl that he hates Republicans. Don't vote for this idiot.

  4. Does anyone know where he lives? District 2 or District 3?

  5. The Daily Litter Box Liner endorsed Laura Mitchell and Josh Hastings over the more qualified John Cannon and Larry Dodd. Wicomico County is circling the drain right now and this County will be in the sewer if those two get elect.

    All Republicans, good Democrats and Independents need to get out and vote for John Cannon and Larry Dodd over those two liberal tree huggers. This County will never recover if the liberal majority take over the County Council.

    Please get out and vote Republican

    Vote Republican

    Wicomico County Executive
    Bob Culver

    Wicomico County Council
    John Cannon
    Matt Holloway
    Marc Kilmer
    Larry Dodd
    Joe Holloway

    Vote Republican! In Wicomico County you must Vote Republican!

  6. I remember when at the Wicomico County Youth and Civic center used to be rented for events. Our restaurants and catering services could provide food service to its customers there.
    And then came along Norm Conway getting approval for the Civic to have a million dollar kitchen/chefs/dining facilities and guess what not a restaurant or catering service were allowed to use the facility. All approved by Norm Conway. This cut money from LOCAL businesses.
    Voting for Norm Conway NO THANKS.
    What else does he and the government want. (A restaurant) at the civic center? Maybe sell liquor at a discounted price and no license. That' another can of worms.

  7. That guy led me to believe he was a Republican. What a lying douche bag!

  8. He did tell me he was a Republican. I guess he can't make up his mind.

  9. I'm not a fool Larry Dodd has my vote.

  10. Has this clown ever supported or written a letter supporting a Republican?


    Vote Republican!

  11. Here's a novel idea. Don't look at the party, look at the person. I say we do away with parties.

  12. Anonymous said...
    Here's a novel idea. Don't look at the party, look at the person. I say we do away with parties.

    October 20, 2014 at 2:53 PM

    I have a better idea vote Larry Dodd for District 3. He has already proven himself to be the best person for the job.

  13. From a reliable source who has worked with Conway for many years, they say he is lazy

  14. Anonymous said...
    From a reliable source who has worked with Conway for many years, they say he is lazy

    October 20, 2014 at 6:21 PM

    That's obvious. Look how fat he is. If you take in more calories than you burn you will get fat. He loves to eat and that is the only time you see him when it's a function involving food.

    Skinny Josh Hastings wants to be just like him. I can see him getting fat like that also.

    Don't vote for any Democrat. They are all lazy.

  15. The article is signed Josh Hastings, Mardela Springs?


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