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Sunday, October 26, 2014

Laura Mitchell – Inquiring Minds Want To Know:

Where did you obtain the “MBA” degree that you claim to hold?

What is the municipality in Delaware for which you claim to have been the “finance director”?

For whom and in what position(s) is the “23 years of governmental and private industry finance experience” that you claim to have?

Why are none of those details stated in your campaign material or on your website?


  1. Love this picture "poor me" how can Salisbury idiots vote for this EBT QUEEN when she cant take care of her OWN Finances whats next the mayor is Homeless? ??

  2. don't ask don't tell.

  3. A Democratic politician pretending to be something they're not? Surely no such person could get elected. Why wouldn't the media expose this so that an honest election could be held?

    I'm afraid the whole country's too far gone.

  4. Perhaps her credentials DON'T exist. Somewhat like the missing birth certificate.

  5. I agree she should answer these questions. People should demand it. If you vote for her and not know the answers to these very simple questions then you are not a person who expects much and this is a huge problem-Voters whose standards have become so low, basic information means nothing to them.
    Her vagueness to me, is a sign that she's most likely padding her resume or hiding something.

  6. A politician hiding something?? Nonononono.

  7. Why are these pt politicians not being Vetted ?.

  8. If those out there had listened to her own lips when she ran for office you wouldn't have elected her. Before you vote for anyone listen to their own words and actions. I listen and I vote accordingly, common sense is all. Look at past issues of Metropolitan sometimes she uses her married name sometimes not--evasive.

  9. She's a big fraud, just like Ron Pagano.

  10. Joe, this post needs to stay near the top today and thru the rest of the election season.

  11. It's up to us the public to vet her. 2nd rate rags like the DT's are more concerned with harassing the family of a drowning victim then what's really important.

  12. Can this post be put up at the top?

  13. Y wont cannon blast her for being on EBT.?

  14. Because Cannon has class and knows that is not an issue that should matter to voters. In this country even the poor are allowed to have an opinion. Imagine that!

  15. Please move this post up.

  16. In this pic she is in the welfare office.

  17. She is probably counting the years she worked in Keith Cordrey's business. He is now SBY finance director. His business had some government clients.


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