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Sunday, October 26, 2014

Daily Times Hypocrisy

On May 23, 2014, the Daily Times’ above the fold, front page article by Brian Shane featured a story about Wicomico County spending. In this article, it was revealed that County Executive Rick Politt not only had a habit of dining out on the taxpayers dime while supposedly working, but that he bought family groceries at Wal-Mart with the County credit card because, by his own admission, his personal card would not work. He also “mistakenly” used the County credit card at Food Lion and at the Cleveland Park Bar. He did not give reasons for the other usage. Were these honest mistakes as some would say, or was it mistakes Pollitt knew he was making?

Now here’s where it gets interesting. This past week the Daily Times reported about a Salisbury volunteer firefighter who said his wife used a Fire Department credit card by mistake and now he is being prosecuted for it. Is this an unfair situation? Are there different rules in place for different people? Should not Pollitt be prosecuted since he admits he broke the same law the firefighter is being charged with breaking? A little hypocrisy here? Or, just different rules for different folk?

By Mr. Shane’s own admission, The Daily Times went to great lengths to acquire the information on Mr. Pollitt’s “mistake.” The Daily Times only got the information after filing a “Freedom of Information Act” request to obtain info on Mr. Pollitt’s spending habits. Yet the Daily Times, in last week’s editorial, endorsed Mr. Pollitt for County Executive. Does this mean the Daily Times now condones Mr. Pollitt’s spending habits and the County Executive’s lack of cooperation in obtaining such information? Does the Daily Times’ parent company, Gannett operate in the same fashion? Does Ms. Parker and her Editorial Review Board condone the action of misusing County credit cards for one person and condemn it for another? Is this fair or is the Daily Times’ liberal bias so strong that they “overlook” these “little mistakes” for one guilty party so that they may endorse the most liberal candidate?

Granted, misusing the County credit card may not rank as “high crime.” But this certainly feels like a blatant lack of respect for our taxpayers and shows a sense of entitlement by our County Executive.

Would the Daily Times like to explain why one person gets prosecuted for credit card misuse and the other gets endorsed for the highest County position?


  1. Why aren't the FIREFIGHTERS protesting infront of POLLITTS Building so much for. Brotherhood.

  2. Good comparison Joe. Very well written and revealing.

  3. 1st the fire fighter would come under the city while Pollitt comes under the county. If Pollitt is buying grocery's on the taxpayers dime, and not giving his employees raises.... that speaks volume.

  4. Well it seems like it is common place, the use of municipal credit cards for personal use is obviously a right of passage for elected officials and their families. Case in point The County executive office and Pittesville's Denver Moore and his ex-employees daughter.

  5. Rick would say he immediately reimbursed the County. What I find interesting is that we have a County Executive who would even think it is okay to use the card for personal use FOR ANY REASON. The right thing to do would have been to leave the groceries there. He just didn't want further embarrassment after having his card declined. If he can't manage his personal finances and uses county resources "in a jam", it is one more reason not to trust him.

  6. So what did the Fire Fighters wife buys and whatwas dollar amount. Was it a honest mistake or an attempt to defraud the City. I am just asking. What are the facts in the City case Joe.

  7. This is the exact reason why the Daily Times is to be dismissed for the 2nd rate "newspaper" that it is.
    Absolutely NO consistency which goes to show they have NO credibility.

  8. Rick makes plenty of money in his position. He should certainly be able to pay for his own friggin food.

  9. What say you Mr Macarella?

  10. anon 9;14am

    Correct however only on States Attorney.

  11. MAYBE the dt could ask for drug testing before endorsing any candidate. ?

  12. Joe this is a great post keep up the good work, this is why I read your blog every morning.

  13. Why isnt the states attorney office doing anything on this ,what a puppet.

  14. The Daily Times story also says employees sign off on knowing that they are not supposed to use the cards for personal use.

  15. anon 10:09am
    States Attorney has a nice new building he will not step on Pollitts toes.

  16. The states attorney is a great guy, however if he charged Pollitt and Pollitt won the election he would be up s*#t creek as far as funding goes for the next four years.

    1. Good ole boys, I bet this election gets Rigged.

  17. Matt don't you think it's time to step up and do what you were elected to do.

  18. I stopped buying the Daily Times just because of this crap. Thanks Joe and keep up the good work.

  19. Call Pollitt's office demand he resign 410 548 4801

  20. I quit getting the daily times cause my bird wouldn't even sh** on it.

  21. anon 10:18 am
    Your comment about the states attorney being a great guy may be correct however he was elected to do a job. Pollitt admitts in the DT that he broke the law he voilated the trust of the taxpayers so charge him.

  22. The guy, who was ex Treasurer of Salisbury Fire Department Incorporated, entered an ALFRED PLEA on 5 theft charges. In an Alford Plea, the criminal defendant does not admit guilt, but admits that the prosecution could likely prove the charges.

    Salisbury Fire Department Incorporated is an independent not-for-profit entity, (and not the same as SFD). Officials of SFDI turned records over to the Salisbury Police Department when they made the discovery of possible mis appropriation of funds.

    It appears to me, the Daily Times was only reporting the story. The ex treasurer of SFDI said during his trial that his wife accidently used the credit card and then he used the Alfred Plea.

    Has anyone delivered papers to the proper authorities for investigation of Rick's spending? Has Rick been charged? Has there been a trial? Did Rick use the Alfred Plea.

  23. The person from the fire dept. IS black and so he gets charged. Pollitt is a white guy. YES DIFFERENT RULES.

  24. Rick is a product of his environment and of those who preceeded him.Violations of this type and magnitude were never brought to light before this publication came about.We absolutely need this information.Now whenever one of us sees a high ranking county employee in ANY establishment we'll notice how they pay and the amount they pay for whatever they purchase.From now on watch how they position themselves between the cash registers and the person or persons standing behind or near them.

  25. To 9:14 Poster that says the FF is under the City

    My response - that does not make it right because the Fire Department is partially funded by the County. In essence - it is also under the purview of the County. Ere regardless - these incidences just go to show that there is abuse with the current credit card system. From the BOE, County, and other independent agencies - there is ample evidence of a chronic problem. IMHO - they should be done a way with ASAP.

  26. FFs call the Naacp.

  27. 10:35 AM The race card ain't working in this situation

    SFD Inc followed procedure, which resulted in the former Treasurer opting to take an Alfred Plea

    SBYNEWS readers have found Rick and company guilty BEFORE an investigation. There is no reason for Pollitt to take an Alfred Plea until he is charged. Rick cannot be charged unless there is a investigation. There is no reason an investigation without complaints filed to the proper authorities.

    SFD Inc followed the correct procedure and got results. Since all the noise about Pollitt being absolutely guilty of credit card abuse is coming from readers of Salisbury news, than it falls upon those readers to present the evidence to S A, or D A or A G and file a complaint to get results..

  28. 12:54 It is a slow process. The best and fastest way is to vote him out.

  29. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I quit getting the daily times cause my bird wouldn't even sh** on it.

    October 20, 2014 at 10:26 AM


  30. What is the name of the firefighter ?can we have that info?, being a tax payer we should have all the facts.

  31. Daily times ..part of the problem...deceive half truths..mis information..coward journalaism .all for the libtards..dont buy it so dont care.

  32. This has been going on for years and always an excuse. Pays back after he gets paid. Another of what liberal politicians think is okay because they are paying it back. Employees try doing it and see what happens. So much for Pollitt promising to be transparent.


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