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Sunday, September 28, 2014

Woman punched by California Highway Patrol settles

LOS ANGELES (AP) — A woman punched repeatedly by a California Highway Patrol officer in an incident caught on video will receive $1.5 million under a newly reached settlement, and the officer has agreed to resign.

CHP Commissioner Joe Farrow confirmed the settlement in an emailed statement Wednesday night and an attorney for Marlene Pinnock confirmed the terms for The Associated Press.

The settlement came after nine hours of mediation in Los Angeles.



  1. Unreal, how about fining her $1.5 million for walking and disruptive behaviour on a public highway? ??

  2. EASY MONEY!!! I hope the tax man cleans her out!

    1. Hope the tax man takes half and then while in the hood she gets Robbed!

  3. Lol! Haters! Only if it was you.

  4. That POS cop probably got full retirement benefits,he should have been stripped of those but mostly not.

  5. He should have been convicted.. If it was her bashing his head it would have been justified homicide

  6. So is the officer still employed there? Was he charged with assault?

  7. Picture says it all..

  8. Sell his house and all his assets to pay for this...tired of tax dollars being used to settle lawsuits for the Gestapo

  9. He can punch me all he wants for 1.5 million.

  10. don't you kops have anything to do besides getting on here and trying to justify other kops' bad behavior?

    she got paid and he lost his job. more of that needs to happen and they need to start making kops like him pay out of their own pockets and stop giving them a paid vacation when they screw up.

    I hope he loses his certificate and does jail time.

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Unreal, how about fining her $1.5 million for walking and disruptive behaviour on a public highway? ??

    September 25, 2014 at 12:11 PM

    SHE was doing disruptive behavior?? I for one am tired of stupid people like you.

  12. Have you read the story I sent you about the kop who shot an unarmed man, during a seat-belt violation stop? The kop even shot a couple times AFTER the guy had his hands in the air.

  13. Fine police work ,keep up the fine work Boys

  14. I love it All the posts here from a Anti cop lover, pro Obamie. ...POS.

  15. I'm with 4:37. Why should the taxpayers have to foot the bill for the actions of this out-of-control psycho?

  16. REAL tough guy. An unarmed WOMAN!
    I guess he was afraid she'd pull out her nail clippers and give hime a scratch.
    Whoever watches this and thinks the cop was "justified" is either a cop, a State's Attorney, or a judge. I can't wait for some storm trooper to say that "99% of all police actions are justified".
    "We, the people" look at this at say "WTF?!", this is a COP?
    Serving and protecting, huh?
    Start making cops PAY the awards.
    That would chill 'em out some...


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