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Sunday, September 28, 2014

What’s in Perdue pet food and livestock feed? By Ray Wallace

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Perdue factories have for years been dumping toxic waste Hexane into taxpayers' air. What's Perdue put in its pet food and livestock feed?
$ $ $ $ $

     Perdue AgriBusiness procures, processes and trades commodities for the feed, food, pet food, fertilizer and renewable fuels markets.
     -- From this current Perdue Farms site:


  1. Blah, blah, blah. Please get over yourself. What Perdue does is follow ALL the standards set by the current FDA and EPA regulations. Everyone knows there's enough regulations on EVERYONE to choke a horse. Please get off your soapbox. It's getting sooooooooooo old.

  2. Very informative! They sound like they are true experts in their field and have been for 56 years! Not only that, they have one of those facilities right here in Salisbury, MD.

    So, what is your complaint, Mr. Author?

  3. Hexane, which is merely made up of carbon and Hydrogen atoms, is simply a tool to dissolve the oils out of crushed oil seeds and vegetables. If you use vegetable oil, canola oil, peanut oil, olive oil, cottonseed oil or any other similar oil, you are probably going to live a long, natural life right along with the rest of us. Personally, I don;t use it that much, preferring natural animal fat in my cooking, but there are folks against that as well. Working around the chemical can be a completely safe thing to do, and after the chemical has reacted with the crushed seeds and oils, it is no longer "Hexane", so it's not a harmful substance.

    There are people who work in proximity of hexane every day and go home to eat chicken fried in vegetable oil right on through a long, happy retirement.

    It's just horrifying!

  4. I used to work in the processing plant, and I will tell you, don't feed an animal you love the pet food! When you see the words "Poultry Byproducts", do you really know what that is? It is the trash from processing the birds for humans. We grind up the feathers, beaks, combs, entrails, feet, heads, eyes, brains, anything not being sold for humans, is put into your best friends food! Would you want to eat this garbage? Yup, Poultry Byproducts, yum, yum!

  5. What a dumb statement, 9:38. When carnivores living in the wild (you know, their NATURAL setting) kill their prey they eat the feet, heads, eyeballs, entrails, brains and everything else with the possible exception of bones. It's the natural way.

  6. LOL 9:38 I wouldn't even feed my pet, factory farmed, chemical laced meats meant for human consumption. We are supposed to be a civilized country and the food we eat is pure crap and is responsible for most health problems.

  7. back to original topic. Perdue is just fine; not perfect, but fine. I appreciate all they do for many. period.

  8. Perdue needs to be shut down and the sites cleaned up. They are killing the bay and our ground water supplies. They don't even pay their fair share of taxes, and keep all local wages down. Perdue is bad for all of us.

  9. If its all that bad I wonder why people live longer now.

  10. 4:55 you're the problem. they are NOT killing the bay. no one on this side of the bay is the culprit. check out all the businesses that line the Western Shore of the bay. check out the Conowingo Dam and the states to the north. you really need to educate yourself, because your ignorance is showing quite frequently.

  11. People aren't necessarily living longer 5:31. Life expectancy is an average. 100 yrs ago the life expectancy was lower because many children didn't make it past infancy.
    10:37-The "natural way" is not to eat just feet, heads, etc. Wild animals also eat the flesh something that isn't in most pet foods. I'm not so sure wild animals eat all you say anyway. I live on 400 mostly wooded acres and see dead deer quite a bit. We also have many foxes, raccoons and some have seen coyotes in my woods. The dead deer I find that animals have fed on, always have the heads intact.
    I agree Perdue keeps wages down 4:55, by pushing for foreign workers who are willing to work for less money. This causes everyone to suffer because among other things, home prices don't rise and a lot turn into rentals.

  12. Your dead wrong 6:20.

  13. 4:55
    Please get a grip on reality.

  14. Your dead wrong 6:20.


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