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Sunday, September 28, 2014

Eric Holder To Step Down As Attorney General

Eric Holder Jr., the nation's first black U.S. attorney general, is preparing to announce his resignation Thursday after a tumultuous tenure marked by civil rights advances, national security threats, reforms to the criminal justice system and five and a half years of fights with Republicans in Congress.

Two sources familiar with the decision tell NPR that Holder, 63, intends to leave the Justice Department as soon as his successor is confirmed, a process that could run through 2014 and even into next year. A former U.S. government official says Holder has been increasingly "adamant" about his desire to leave soon for fear he otherwise could be locked in to stay for much of the rest of President Obama's second term.



  1. Lets all hope this sudden development of conscience is contagious, and Obama is next to step down!

  2. I hope this criminal quits today!

  3. What a chicken s**t. He knows he will be removed by the new, soon to be Republican, Congress.

  4. Rats leaving a sinking ship.

  5. Wants to get out now so Ob" can Pardon him before Ob' leaves office.

  6. Let's hope he takes the rest of the trash out with him when he leaves.

  7. All he sees is black. Shame can't get someone there that doesn't go by color of skin

  8. 11:46 - hopefully, after November Ob will leave on his own too - after he figures out what has and is gonna happen....never mind stupid is as stupid does!

  9. Thank you for your distinguished service General Holder.

    1. Thanks for Nothing holder you where nothing but a disgrace. For our race all u did was to play the race card for obama ........

  10. He's stepping down so Obama can put him on the Supreme Court when RBG retires for health reasons. This all has to happen before the Republicans take over control of the Senate. They are racing the clock to get Holder in position to screw up America more than he has.

  11. DO NOT BELIEVE THIS AS GOOD NEWS! obama still gets to pick the next head. Holder will be getting together with Hillary for a Hillary-Holder 2016 run ~OR~ he will be appointed to the supreme court. watch over the next couple weeks for a SCOTUS retirement. those appointments are for life.


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