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Sunday, September 28, 2014

Moment officer Sean Groubert shoots unarmed driver over not wearing seatbelt

This is the shocking moment when a policeman shot an unarmed man during a traffic stop for not wearing a seatbelt.

Sean Groubert, 31, who as a South Carolina State Trooper at the time of the incident shot Levar Jones on September 4 on Broad River Road, in Richmond County, Columbia.

Groubert ordered Mr Jones to show his driving licence. When he reached into his car to retrieve the document, Groubert started shouting and opened fire with his semi-automatic handgun.



  1. The BLUE gang hits again. Police state coming to a town near you.

  2. Stay away from South Carolina!

  3. Been told a citizens police academy not to make fast movements when told by a police officer to do something. Now I know why.

  4. Damn! That trooper was throwing lead EVERYWHERE!!! A bit jumpy I would say.

  5. hands up, STILL SHOT

  6. he panicked. should not have a gun. or a badge.

  7. you see the guy DART back into his vehicle and come out quickly. the officer had a split second to react to, what couldve potentially, saved his life.

    watch the video.

  8. 11:28, YOU DO NOT SHOOT UNTIL YOU SEE A WEAPON. What BS Academy did YOU attend?

  9. This trooper screwed up. He did not lie did hide it. There was no cover up. He stands to be accountable for his actions. Matter of fact he already lost his job.

  10. 11:30-Lost his job? Is that the only price he should have to pay for this atrocity? He shot a man for no reason and also put whoever else was in the vicinity in danger of being shot by his irresponsible rampage. He should be charged the same as I would had I done something so stupid, but somehow I don't think that will happen.

  11. I never said that is all that will happen. Do you believe his actions had criminal intent. Wrong yes, far from criminal.

  12. joe, you should know, if you see the guys weapon, youre probably already dead. the officer made a split second decision and made the wrong one.

    its like the officer that shot the old man when the old man took his cane out of the truck bed. the officer thought it was a rifle. it was was a mistake, the old man and the officer admitted it. the old man understood. when these things happen, its bad. but the fact the guy owned up to it is impeccable character.

  13. I believe he is charged and is facing 20 years in prison.

  14. Geez all you cop haters normally make sure everyone understands that there is a big difference in being charged and convicted.

  15. 11:28 he told the guy to get his license, the cop should have requested he step away from the car, request license and when the guy stated or started to walk towards the car, officer could have instructed him to stop, I.squire where the license was and obtain it himself. Guy complied even tried to get his hands up and was still being shot.

  16. They must recruit a bunch people who are too small and weak to handle situations so they shoot to kill at a whim.

  17. the recruiting test for cops?
    Assemble them all in a conference room. Turn out the lights.
    The ones who wet their pants get guns and a badge.
    And a pair of lift shoes.

  18. Cops are afraid so they look at all of us as the enemy. It's shoot first and figure out they were in no danger later. It's getting worse with vehicle searches too. Coming through Ga a few days ago I passed 3 cars pulled over in different locations. Each car had a single female standing back by the cruiser while an officer was tearing the vehicle apart.

  19. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I never said that is all that will happen. Do you believe his actions had criminal intent. Wrong yes, far from criminal.

    September 26, 2014 at 11:51 AM

    He was ARRESTED you jerk.

  20. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Geez all you cop haters normally make sure everyone understands that there is a big difference in being charged and convicted.

    September 26, 2014 at 12:07 PM

    For one thing, it was to show this dummy that it WAS criminal.

    Wrong yes, far from criminal.

    September 26, 2014 at 11:51 AM

    For another, it's a form of celebration that a kop even GOT arrested, which is rare.

    If there was a chance he would NOT be convicted, he would NOT have been FIRED.

    And along with that, his certificate needs to be revoked as well.

  21. I suppose all the keyboard tough guys that are insinuating that the cops aren't brave or courage will be stepping up to take this officer's place since he has been fired and arrested. Especially Imclain, you are always the first to suggest how scared cops are. Why don't you man up and apply to the academy?

  22. Stupid little D#%K. He needs to take a gun safety course. We even teach cub scouts the gun safety rules, one or which is "know your target, what is behind it and what is beyond it." He could have easily killed the store clerk or an innocent shopper.

  23. -lmclain here, 8:26.
    Please stop acting like the "academy" is the best measure of how manly or tough you are...
    MILLIONS of men and women have been through a lot tougher ordeals than the "academy".
    And MILLIONS of men (and some women, too) can, at any given moment, beat your cop ass into a coma, out run you, out shoot you, and out think you.
    And cops being scared of everything? THAT is the official reason given by the Gestapo just about everytime they kill an unarmed kid, woman, or even people reaching for their wallet.
    You've indicted yourselves with your own sissy "I was in fear" excuses for murder.
    At least I use my name. Afraid to do that, too?
    The concise job description for a cop is to "protect the community and give his life, if necessary, in that endeavor".
    It is NOT to "go home safely every night" (if you want that, be a gardener) or to empty your clip at anything that scares you so you never are in danger or get hurt. Its not to beat, rob, rape, and steal under the cover of a badge.
    But you cops do it so much, I'm wondering if that stuff is given as extra-credit at your little man "academy".
    That badge USED to represent honor, integrity, and selfless service.
    Now, its a just a sparkling warning to citizens that they are in the presence of a macho dwarf who can't wait to show you how much he can get away with, all the way up to killing you.
    Do they also show you, at this "academy", how to hit on women while your wife is away at her mom's house? Or is that something you do on your own?

  24. No need for the police. Grant me my God given right to protect myself, because you guys suck. You carry guns to protect yourself, not me. And you're best response time is 15 minutes with a typical response of 30+ mins. I can protect. I will defend. And I can enforce the Constitution. You cannot. That's not the purpose of your position.

  25. The trooper was fired and charged and is currently facing 20 years in prison.

  26. LOL!! Being "charged" and "...facing 20 years in prison" is disingenuous at best.
    He was a cop. He will get the MOST lenient treatment possible, the benefit of every possible doubt ("I was in fear!!) and I highly doubt he will do a single day in jail.
    Now, on the other hand, if a regular citizen said "I asked if he had a map and when he made a quick move, he scared me, so I shot him 6 times", there would be a $500,000 bond, and PRISON would DEFINITELY be in the future.
    I'll bet he gets off and is a cop somewhere else in the next 2-3 years.
    Good thing it was on film or the cop would be strutting around talking about what a bad-ass he is with lightning quick reflexes and how he barely made it out alive against a devil citizen who tried to kill him.


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