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Sunday, September 28, 2014

Waitress Says Rush Limbaugh Tipped Her $1,000 on Two Occasions — Here’s What She Did With the Money Just to Spite Him

A waitress turned author claims she received two generous tips of $1,000 on two separate occasions from conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh — but she couldn’t find it in herself to keep the “blood money.”

Instead, she allegedly donated a “sizable chunk” of Limbaugh’s $2,000 tip to an abortion charity.

Author Merritt Tierce makes the claim in her debut novel “Love Me Back,” in which she tells stories about her experience as a waitress at a fancy Dallas steakhouse.

In a recent interview with the Dallas Morning News, she recalled the two occasions where Limbaugh and his friend, sportscaster Al Michaels, dined at the restaurant and left the massive tips.



  1. Yeah, right... Anything to tout the selling of a book. If you believe this I have some property near the Brooklyn Bridge to sell you.

  2. So what - shows ole Rush is a generous guy.

    She on the other hand is a fool.

  3. If she thinks for one second she's done anything to spite Limbaugh she is truly one ignorant ignorant soul.
    Limbaugh's rolling in the dough and she will always be a slave to people like him with her mindset.

  4. I'm not real sure why Limbaugh's tip would be blood money? And I am not against woman's right to choose, but doesn't donating it to an abortion clinic make it blood money on her part?

  5. Rush will eat her for breakfast and spit her out.

    I think she is all talk and kept the money.

    Blood money? Obama and Hilary's money is blood money.

    F*n idiot Democrat.

  6. He WILL discuss this on his show and I cannot wait to hear it.Had he given her a measley amount she would have been critical of that too.

  7. she's clueless. on the other hand Rush gets it...

  8. oh come on folks, you gotta admit that it is quite amusing haha

  9. oh no! republicans give more than dems? impossible!

  10. She's kinda implying that he was making a pass.It looks that way to me.He should come to Da Bury.A $1,000 tip would get him molested by any number of local waitresses.

    1. Lmao. You aren't lying. Tipped a waitress twenty once. Went in four days later and was almost gang rapped by the waitresses . And now I always get awesome service. It's amazing . Must be hard being a waitress.

  11. This shows that conservatives are not cheap. But the leftist libs are cheap. Look what the Obamas make and how much to give to charity. The see what Romney and Limbaugh and others give. it seems to me its the Democrats that don't care about the middle class or the poor. The conservatives do much more for them.

  12. So she was the executive director of this organization and still had to work as a waitress? I think she either used the org to write off the money and give herself a bonus from the org or she only donated a small amount of money to the org.

  13. 6:55-Not "them" but "us"

  14. Blood Money? She donates the money so more babies can be butchered! Oh, I forgot, it's not killing babies it's about a women's right to her reproductive health. Whatever. That's one of the main problems with liberals, they say the same crap over and over that they actually believe it.


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