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Sunday, September 28, 2014

Wanted By Virginia State Police


  1. Just my opinion , I think this type of hair do is ugly . It has to be dirty , how the hell do you clean it ?
    Hope they find the girl.

  2. as ugly as he looks, he shouldn't be too hard to find

  3. Fit right in Salisbury

  4. Cops had him in there grasp and let him go ,when he was driving like a asshole they should have then pulled hum over and held him for 48 hrs but as Robert DeNero would say you BLEW IT,

  5. Looks like ore of Salisbury's finest. Probably now riding his bike somewhere as all I see around town are
    these folks on their bicycles (probably stolen) and some even riding facing traffic ---- geesh, they don't even know the rules of the road.

    1. They ride with a backpack full of robbery tools,

  6. 9:08 - the rules of stupidity keep them from killing themselves....

  7. such helpful comments

  8. Another one who should stand out like a turd in a punchbowl (depending on where he is).

  9. Don't worry Salisbury likes these kind of thugs its the college kids they like to Taze!!

  10. 5:20 my thoughts exactly. Hope they find the young lady safe.

  11. While he is scum, he is different from the scum in SBY. He was employed and worked in the OR at a hospital.

  12. Call the "Finding Bigfoot" crew.

  13. There are some major holes in our judicial system when a police force is compelled to release someone they knew was the last person to she her alive. Probably didn't want another Ferguson on their hands so they released him even knowing he was the best candidate for her captor. Is anyone else concerned that they are reporting that there have been several other disappearances of young women from this campus? Also, if you have read anything about trafficking of young white women in this country for sexual slavery you would be doubly concerned. God help that young woman.

  14. I hope they find her. I just don't see that happening though. I believe he has done something to her. I saw something on facebook earlier that said he had obtained a lawyer but when I went back to look the story was gone. Something is up.

  15. Waterboard then hang him,

  16. He's not wanted now. Glad they got him. I agree with 7:23 I don't think they will find her alive.


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