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Sunday, September 28, 2014

Vanderwende's Creamery

Joe they are outside in line waiting for ice cream. If it wasn't a good product and a reasonable price they wouldn't be waiting. Good example of American exceptionalism that drives the liberals crazy.


  1. Just over the line in DE.....
    Driving the MD liberals crazy!

  2. This isn't unusual either. I see lines every time I pass by the place.
    So happy for this small local business. When you get a cone from a chain such as Baskin Robbins almost all of the money spent immediately goes out of the local economy. When you spend with a locally owned business every dollar spent is turned into like 5 or more dollars entering into our economy.
    This is why I wish everyone would be more committed to not shopping at Walmart. I personally haven't stepped foot in one in like 10 years now and don't plan on ever going in one ever again.

  3. They have decent enough ice cream and generous portions. What gets them all the business though is location location LOCATION! Nothing else to compete along a busy DC-Beach corridor.

    Hopkins Farm Creamery is heads and shoulders better, but that's just this anon's opinion.

  4. Don't worry the government will find some way to shut them down.

  5. Yep 1:16 at the urging of Big Food corps of course. When these little niche businesses start cutting into corporate America's profits then the democrats (who have their heads shoved up the butts of the corporate executives and big business) will sic the EPA, USDA, FDA and every other government agency they can on them and overregulate them out of business.
    Democrats are evil people.

  6. How do you know this business isn't owned by liberals??

  7. 2:05 Liberals dont work they suck on Entitlements

  8. Just good product at reasonable price and generous servings...not rocket science.

  9. have been going to Vanderwende's for years. Find them much better than Hopkins. Vanderwende's the BEST...

  10. 2:21
    Great logic idiot. The only entitlement my business runs off of is reliable electricity and roads. Not every liberal is a bleeding-heart suck machine, just as not every conservative is a ultra-religious nut-job! Our society and economy runs off of grays.

  11. I've never heard of it. Where is it in Delaware?

  12. 4:17 - What is wrong with religion? Why must you bash faith to make your point?

  13. You have a computer google it. In Greenwood De. east of Easton Md.

  14. Is there a town or city associated with this business that would facilitate the public to actually find the place, or is this the "Big Secret"?

  15. 6:35
    No faith bashing here, just acknowledging the ultra-religious nut jobs who make conservatives look a little crazy!

  16. Well Mr. Smarty 7:56 PM, I did google it so why does it say Bridgeville on their website and not Greenwood???????????????

  17. "Not every liberal is a bleeding-heart suck machine"

    Agreed. Just the overwhelming majority.


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