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Sunday, September 28, 2014

Marked dollar bill

You don't think we're in a war?

A lady in Monte Vista, CO had this dollar bill. This is her story.

After dinner she took a $1 dollar bill out of her purse and displayed
it on the table. Underneath the words "In God We Trust" someone
had stamped the dollar bill in red ink--- NO GOD BUT ALLAH.

We asked her where she got this dollar bill. She said it was part of
her change in Alamosa , CO .

We took this picture of her dollar bill. These are beginning to show
up all around our country! If anyone tries to give you one of these
dollar bills as change, please refuse it and ask them to give you a
dollar bill that has not been defaced.


  1. Guess I'll keep a black indelible marker handy..

  2. Probably put ther by our treasury dept by executive order of our pospotus..

  3. You guys are idiots and the person who said F Allah just said F god. Allah is how they pronounce god. We both have the same god. They just believe Jesus was the son of god. Their Jesus was Muhamad.

  4. 2:06 Or a troll who put it on just to rile up the loonies.

  5. I thought Allah was also God.Just another name for him in another country.

  6. 2:36
    You are the idiot. Allah was one of many moon gods. That is the reason for the cresent moon on every mosque. Allah is not the Almighty God. Here are a few quotes from the quran

    “Allah turned Sabbath breaking Jews into apes” [2:65-66]
    “Jews and Christians believe in idols and false deities.” [4:51]
    “Jews and Christians are evil-livers.” [5:59]
    “Don’t take Jews or Christians for friends. If you do Allah will consider you to be one of them.” [5:51]

    You should really do more reading or the quran. They DO NOT believe Jesus and Mohammed are the same. The quran actually mentions Jesus as a prophet so they can't mention him yet you say he is the same as Mohammed. Jesus never married. Mohammed married 14 times even though the quran says to take no more than 4 wives at a time. He also married a child of 6 yrs old. Consumating the marriage when she was 9! Sorry Jesus and Mohammed are NOTHING alike and neither are allah and Jehovah.

  7. dittos 3:27. allah is dead. period. Jesus lives, raised from the dead, is alive and sits at the right hand of Almighty God. Jesus is returning for His children, those that have asked Jesus to be their Lord and Savior, has asked forgiveness and trusted in the name of Jesus for salvation. period.

  8. God is God. Call God what you will, but keep your politics to yourself.

  9. 3:58 Jesus was in Rehobeth last weekend, I saw him.

  10. Jews are evil.

    Christians (for the most part) support the Jews. So they are evil as well.

    Muslims are well aware of the Jewish plot to destroy all humanity and install a Satanic One World Government.

    Wake up folks.

  11. A guy named Jesus worked in my yard last week spreading mulch. Don't think they were in the same family.

  12. Ive seen these before ..like years ago..

  13. was he there with john glover?

  14. You all are two sides of the same coin

  15. Heads up skeptics; one day EVERY knee WILL bow and EVERY tongue WILL confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

    You will have NO choice at that time my friend...just sayin'.

  16. Every dollar I get will now have a message written on it.

  17. Whoa, 5:05. Is that sarcasm? I certainly hope so, as you are off your meds if those are serious statements.

  18. All the more reason to support church/state separation. The stamp further proves the point.

    Christians don't get to put their deity on the money, then get all bent when another religious group challenges... you just don't get to do it. You opened this can of worms.

    This is why we all have to support a secular state that ensures religious freedom, yet does not pick sides


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