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Sunday, September 28, 2014

Perdue Farms chairman criticizes Maryland’s regulatory climate

Jim Perdue says unlike neighboring states, Maryland does not give companies any discourse

Jim Perdue, chairman of Perdue Farms, criticized Maryland’s regulatory climate, saying the state’s government makes operating there much more difficult than governments of neighboring states where the poultry company has operations. Perdue made those critical comments at a recent Maryland Chamber of Commerce CEO Spotlight.

"The problem is, we have no seat at the table in Maryland," said Perdue. "Even if we have an onerous thing that happens in Virginia or Delaware, we can sit at the table and at least express our opinion.

"In Maryland, there is no seat. It's sort of dictated that this is the way it's going to be, and you really don't have any discourse."



  1. The Dept of Environment and all it's entities and enviro groups do everything in it's power to stifle growth and try to shut down businesses.All the billions of dollars spent does very little to benefit the environment.

  2. Its time to move Jim Maryland does give a dam about private businesses, only more Government and more taxes.

  3. the seeds have been sown.
    perdue will leave maryland sooner, rather than later.
    if you're like me, you've already made plans to leave this area.
    the chickens are coming home to roost, problem is, they aren't coming here.
    go now, while you still can, even if it means taking a loss on your house.

  4. Carl Anderton went to Annapolis to testify against the chicken tax. Where was Norm?

  5. goodbye perdue, don't let the door it you in the ass. You hold a private company worth billions, making profits while polluting our air, land and water. You threaten your employees with leaving every time they chirp up about wanting union representation for better working conditions and pay. Got news for ya employees of well run company's do not need or want unions. waaaa!

  6. 10:11 - Norm was at a Democrat fund-raiser - eating fried chicken!

  7. those that have a voice in this state better start using it. if perdue leaves this area we are toast. why on earth can't some of you see this?

    to the idiot tree hugger that keeps putting them down. go away. most of us don't agree with you because the, so called, facts you force on us are NOT TRUE. This is proven beyond a doubt.

  8. Perdue is filled with money hungry, ignorant, heartless, vicious managers at the top. Karma baby!! Jim is a good guy but has no idea how ruthless his managers really are.

  9. Jimbo knows exactly whats going on, how do you think hes worth 2 billion dollars....

  10. 1147 just a heads up to you perdue is leaving, the plans are already in the works..m

  11. Long island went through this in the 60's, had a duck industry. People got sick of the mess.
    Goodbye chikin famers!

  12. I'm thinking MD would save a ton of money if Perdue actually did leave. You better believe that almost all of their employees in the slaughter houses are making poverty level wages and the tax payers are paying for their housing, food and medical care. Their employees probably get millions a year in these welfare benefits. This is why people are taxed for this and for that. Need money to pay for these sponge companies employees.
    Welfare is a huge part of the budget.

  13. Oddly enough, he made a big donation to Anthony Brown - go figure!

  14. 12:45-- He has the money because he inherited it... A. W. Perdue worked 20 hours/7 days his entire life to make it, and had some good legal help to keep the gov't from taking it..


  15. Drums Along the Mohawk

  16. 4:27 -

    What about Mr. Tough Man, Jimmy's dad? He made the millions!

  17. 1207 and 427
    You are both clueless. Where do you come up with this BS?

    Perdue is the most ethical company in the United States.
    Full of hard working, talented people with good values.


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