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Sunday, September 28, 2014

Michelle Obama: Americans 'Take For Granted' How Much Barack Has Improved U.S.

First Lady Michelle Obama proudly defended her husband’s record at a Washington, D.C. fundraiser, reminding the attendants how far the country had come since the Obamas entered the White House.

“Just think about how different our country looks to children growing up today,” she said. “Think about how our kids take for granted that a black person or a woman can be President of the United States.”



  1. It is difficult for me to believe that these people ever attended college. I think they are both gay.

  2. Hey moochella how about slimming down your fat A//

  3. just that statement proves that just because they became president doesnt mean it was for the best or they did a good job

  4. is she someplace where pot is legal? she has to be high saying this

  5. The only things she said was a black person can become President and gay marriage. That does nothing for our country. What about unemployment, the economy, foreign policy. She said nothing about things that really matter.

  6. Dam Moochelles brain damage is much worst than I thought

  7. You are in dreamland called DC ,Michelle

  8. Where has her head been?? She needs to get out and look around, poverty everywhere, and more folks on Foodstamps then ever in the history of this country!

  9. A "died in the wool" Racist, if there ever was one..

  10. barack has made things better - for her

  11. All these people know is lying.
    What a piss poor excuse for a human being she is.
    She is so uncivilized and is nothing more than a slave to a man. No self respecting woman ever lowers herself to lie for any man!

  12. A half-black person was elected to be president...nothing that he has done has been remotely presidential.
    His accomplishments have been mostly negative - unless you are willing to accept his efforts to destroy this country!

  13. She's a ghetto hustler. Lying comes naturally to her type.
    Just remember you can take them out of the ghetto, but you'll never take the ghetto out of them.

  14. The welfare crowd are making out like bandits,

  15. "that a black man or woman CAN BE President" is not the same as "should be President"....

  16. comes from a different world. clueless.

  17. She is as sick as has her husband. They both will for the rest of their lives live off us tax payers. I for one would love never to pay taxes just to keep them from getting any more from us then they have already have taken from us. Shame on them. Oh wait they have no shame. The only way to hurt them is to make the laws change, to where when you leave that office they don't get one red cent from us. They did their time and hurt us more then you can think of. So why do we keep paying them for doing nothing but harm to us. It's like pay someone one that robbed you for doing so. map


  18. Moochie needs an enema; she's at overflow again.

  19. @ 12:09...."some do" ????? Improvements???? Maybe I don't reap government payouts because I am too busy working to help provide for the recipients of. I would be more than happy to give credit where credit is due, however Barack has shown US NO IMPROVEMENTS in my book.

  20. Drugs cloud your judgement.


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