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Sunday, September 28, 2014

MSP Checkpoint Strikeforce Press Release (Berlin Barrack)

Ref:                 “Checkpoint Strikeforce

When:             September 20th, 2014

Where:           Rt. 50 @ Riddle Lane, Berlin, Worcester County, Maryland

On September 20th at 2303 hours, a Sobriety Checkpoint was initiated on W/B MD Rt. 50 @ Riddle Lane, Berlin, Worcester County, Maryland.  The check point was briefly suspended between 2316 and 2317 hours to allow for an emergency vehicle to pass.  The checkpoint was discontinued at 0103 hours for a total of 1 hours and 59 minutes.  During this operation a total of 487 vehicles were checked, 6 individuals were directed to the side of the road for further testing which resulted in 1 DUI arrests.  A LPR was used during this operation which resulted in; 3 hits, 0 warrant arrests, 2 suspended tag seizures, and 0 suspended driver citations.  A probable cause search of a vehicle lead to 1 arrest for CDS. 

While the checkpoint was being conducted other troopers and allied law enforcement agencies participated in a saturation patrols.  A total of 4 impaired drivers were arrested, 3 persons charged with possession of CDS, and 2 persons arrested for outstanding warrants (1 through Delaware, and the other through U.S. Marshall’s Office). 

The following law enforcement agencies within Worcester County participated in the operation; Worcester County Sherriff's Office, Pocomoke Police, Berlin Police, Ocean Pines Police, and Ocean City Police Department.


  1. all that overtime for skimpy results.

  2. One DUI arrest out of 487 drivers/vehicles = 0.002%.

  3. Just another reason why these Gestapo tactics and brazen attacks on the constitution should be stopped. These thugs (cops) needed to stop 487 vehicles for what? Were they driving badly? No they stopped them all illegally and without probable cause.

  4. 487 violations of citizens "freedom of movement". Any cell phone video of these stops?

  5. Just a thought but..., has anyone else wondered why the BAR Association or AJA (American Judges Association) or NJA (National Judges Association) or FJA (Federal Judges Association) haven't made a comment on all of these unconstitutional acts and atrocities that are now so widespread? Even though they all know full well that the bounds of the Constitution are clearly being overstepped neither has made any comment, publicly, about this practice.
    I can only think on one reason.., MONEY. Wiping their collective asses with our Constitution is good for business.

  6. How about a stat on how long these citizens - 486 innocent Americans - were delayed during this nonsense?

  7. Great job! That one DUI could have been the one to kill someone's family. Keep up the good work.

  8. Anonymous said...
    Great job! That one DUI could have been the one to kill someone's family. Keep up the good work.

    September 21, 2014 at 3:39 PM

    Liberal Moron!

  9. I know a couple of cops. This is all done with federal money, so your federal gov't is behind all this nonsense. The little town of felton DE. gets $100,000.00 from the fed to enforce state seat belt laws. Since when is the federal gov't in charge of enforcing state laws?

  10. Are these the cops I'm suppose to thank

  11. 3:39
    Fact is that the traffic blockade by the cops is way more dangerous than the one over .08 driver.

  12. Re:September 21, 2014 at 3:39 PM

    THAT is a stupid statement. Why not stop motorists for 5 hours like when the bridge was stuck open? I wonder how long they delayed the emergency vehicle and I'll bet a lot of people are glad that they were not the patient.

    This is a good time to reflect on the fact that the CURRENT Administrations helped make this gross overreach possible. I hope the 486 people that were stopped go to the polls and re-elect NOBODY. Not Brown, Conway, Mathais, Sarbanes (by virtue of family) or anyone else running to continue to suck off the citizens and bleed their wallets.

  13. 3:49, just love my family more than some a$$hole driving after drinking to much. Oh, by the way I'm a staunch republican. A liberal wouldn't want the cops conducting field sobriety checkpoints, so I guess that makes you the liberal, roflmao.

  14. 3:55 what's more important stopping one drunk driver or one death as the result of that DUI?

  15. 4:02 yes, a civilized world can not function without rules and order.

  16. 4:16 you are given so much notice the so called blockade?????? Stop and think you think it better to allow someone to drive I.paired is more important than possibly your loved ones life while on the road.

  17. 3:55, It's not federal money. It's our money collected from us through confiscatory taxes. They do it because MADD is a voting block with high priced lobbyists.

  18. Illegal searches and seizures

  19. 5:25, you beat me to it. 3:49, you are the moron. The whole idea is to reduce drunk driving by making people aware that enforcement is out there 24/7. Just a shame that cell phones warn everybody in OC about 15 minutes after it starts so they can all go home via Rt 90. I like the idea of daytime checkpoints. Start in Somerset or Fruitland. OH, did I say that out loud?

    1. Start with following U

    2. Enforcement isn't check points. It's patrols that show that 24/7.

  20. Hope they continue doing these check points. Don't break the law and then you don't have to worry.

  21. I'm not sure who the braniac was that selected this location but it was easily avoided. You have the side road on the right side of rt 50 eastbound and you can take the first stop light that goes into the Walmart parking lot to go around that way. I heard some actually waited them out while sitting in the Walmart parking lot. I guess they at least sobered up some while waiting.

  22. The problem with the checkpoints is that they really don't do anything to modify behavior. Witness all the posts provided about drivers that have had multiple dui arrests. Also if they were really serious they would have kept the checkpoint going until after the bars closed. It's just a show for the voting public that supports this kind of thing. Keep people like Andy F. happy.

  23. I'm sure now that the police will stop doing checkpoints since you don't like them.
    Thanks for your contribution to society

  24. So I guess all of the time spent in airport screening is also a violation of your 'rights'?
    I'm willing to wait in line while TSA screens out the one psycho in ten million that has a bomb in his underwear

    1. "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”- Benjamin Franklin

  25. For the commenters who did no read past the first sentemce of story.

    "A total of 4 impaired drivers were arrested, 3 persons charged with possession of CDS, and 2 persons arrested for outstanding warrants (1 through Delaware, and the other through U.S. Marshall’s Office). "

  26. If they were really serious about cracking down on drunk driving they would set up a checkpoint at Coastal Hwy from 46th St. to 52nd St. on a Saturday night from 10PM until 2AM. When they do that then I will support the concept of checkpoints.

  27. You all just need to quit drinking and driving.

  28. You braionwashed little mice. We have Nazi checkpoints stopping hundreds of INNOCENT citizens (I know -- screw the Constitution) to see IF -- IF!!! there are any citizens breaking the law.
    Using that reasoning, you'd be okay with house to house searches for drugs, illegal weapons, over-occupancy, underage drinking, wanted felons, etc?
    Your personal vendetta or tragedy (or fear) does not allow you to subvert my right to be free from unreasonable searches or require me to stop (under the threat of arrest or death) to show "my papers", check me for open warrants, inspect my car, question my occupants, or teach me any gestapo lessons.
    Want to stop drunk driving? Stop debasing and undermining our freedoms and punish the violators.
    "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions".
    You dumb cheerleaders allowed them to open the door and now, they are driving tanks through it!
    Call your rep and tell them you want house to house searches now.
    While you're at it, tell them you want the newspapers shut down and would they please stop allowing people to protest in groups, because you really don't like that either.
    It's called the "slippery slope" for good reason.

  29. A DUI checkpoint on Coastal Hwy at 48th street on a Saturday night. Not enough holding cells in the whole state to lockup all the offenders.

  30. yes, a civilized world can not function without rules and order.

    September 21, 2014 at 5:28 PM

    How did an 'uncivilized' world evolve to become a civilized world?

    'They' brainwash you into believing that the world we know would collapse without 'them'. And the lazy, the scared, the indifferent believe the lies.

  31. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    So I guess all of the time spent in airport screening is also a violation of your 'rights'?
    I'm willing to wait in line while TSA screens out the one psycho in ten million that has a bomb in his underwear

    September 21, 2014 at 8:53 PM

    Yes, it is a violation of our rights.

    You would be waiting a very, very long time in an TSA screening line for them to discover a terrorist. They have NEVER uncovered a terrorist.

  32. Don't break the law and then you don't have to worry.

    September 21, 2014 at 7:07 PM

    lmao. Which child's fairy tale book did you read about this? Innocent people being sent to jail, or even put to death, is no fairy tale. It is very much alive and practiced every day.

  33. Can anyone say Germany!!

  34. The United States Supreme Court ruled back in the 1970's State of Delaware V Trooper Donald Prouse the following: Delaware v. Prouse, 440 U.S. 648 (1979), was a United States Supreme Court case in which the Court held that police may not stop motorists without any reasonable suspicion to suspect crime or illegal activity, to check their driver's license and auto registration.

    Why has no attorney ever argued this lost case law?

  35. Ronald, because the law does what they want and if you don't agree you hate cops! Then their wives, cousins, and themselves blog you to death about how hard they work and they put their life on the line! Etc...

  36. Mr. Tilghman....your comment presupposes that the police and their cohorts 1) know the law, 2)respect the law, 3) give a rat's ace about what you think about how they act, and 4)are worried , in any way, about what we can do about their high handed and illegal actions.
    THOUSANDS upon thousands of INNOCENT Americans have been subjected to this Nazi "'vere ah yah pay-pa's??" gunpoint interrogation.
    Keep cheering.
    FOUR HUNDRED EIGHTY SEVEN citizens (!!) stopped by the police and TWO arrests were made??? WTF??
    In the private sector, if you had an idea like that (with the associated cost/benefit figures) you'd be fired for such an abysmal result.
    The Gestapo gets to call themselves "heroes" and look for a promotion.
    If you listen closely, you can hear the death screams of the U.S. Constitution.


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