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Sunday, September 28, 2014

A Viewer Writes: "How do the rest of Papa John's customers feel?"


  1. I feel like their marketing department has recognized that Spanish-speaking customers might like Papa John's too. Who cares?

  2. This is right up there with "press one for english"!

    The immigrants (especially the illegals - yes I said it) should be assimilating to our culture!

    We've allowed this to happen in the name of 'political correctness".

    What a bunch of CRAP!

    1. I'll say to you 8:13 am as my father has said to me a hundred times in this life. When you say We son, does that mean you have a turd in your pocket?

      i.e. We, you and I, are not main stream media, nor are we are politically motivated who force issues and agendas for self gain (votes).

  3. Don't order from them.

  4. 8:10 - this is the USA - english is the language here.....learn it or GTF home.

    I'll accept that they might like pizza too...when I'm in a foreign country, I try to order food in the native language.....

    1. Usa doesn't have an official language.. English is from England

    2. American English is similar but not the same spoken in England or the British Isles. We have a bathroom they loos, us bus them lorry...not the same!

  5. It's called rip it up, and order from dominoes since they can't send coupon I can actually read.

  6. @8:10 the people who use coupons care! We can't read what the deal is! DUH! Oh I guess you don't need to save any money!

  7. Well since I don't know how to read spanish or care to, I won't be ordering from them. Rude

  8. Sorry I don't understand.
    No habla

  9. 8:16 unfortunately there is no official language in the US. and if you try to force your employees to only speak english at work you can be sued, its happened

  10. To 8:16, considering how your post butchers the English language, you may want to focus on mastering it yourself before you attack others.

    How does Papa John offering a menu in Spanish hurt anyone? It is simply expanding their market. The ignorance illustrated by these comments is astounding.

  11. Good marketing and business

  12. They're a private company, they can do as they please.

  13. Who cares! Their Pizza isn't very good, you can get frozen pizza comparable to Papa John's anywhere.

  14. I would like to know where your reader got this. I work for papa johns here, and have never seen this.

  15. I got one of those in the mail. Where I live there are no Spanish speaking people.

  16. 8:16
    So speaking of native language... don't you think we should be speaking Cherokee or something? Your argument makes no sense.

  17. LOL, Joe, looks like the pig is trolling you.

  18. wow, some people just don't get it.

  19. They should assimilate to our culture just like our ancestors did to the Native Americ..... oh wait... nevermind

  20. 9:10 Ding Ding Ding... tell this man what he won. So true, yet we're surrounded by neanderthal old people who choose to ignore this countries history, act in the same way as Hitler, and scream and yell for nothing.

  21. Okay, I get how everybody is ticked off because the stupid ad is in Spanish. But, honestly, so what? Is it really affecting your day? No, it's not. The USA is the best country in the world because of these things. We are open to all.

    I'm positive that the Native Americans here didn't speak a lick of English.

    And if you are an adult and been actively living here for the past 20 years, how the hell is it possible for you not to somewhat comprehend what the box says.

    You all, whom I'm sure most like to call yourself good christians, are bunch of idiot, back woods morons. Maybe you should go back to your native land.

  22. This morning I saw a vehicle with anti Mexican slurs written on every window.At first glance I thought someone had just gotten married or something.Then when I got closer I realized the content.The car was parked in front of a residence where Mexicans live.

  23. America = English = Spanish = go back to mehico,

  24. when in rome do as the romans do, in this country we speak american english. if they are going to live here they should speak our language. thanks sjd
    when i lived in germany they didnt make their signs in english so i learned to speak german.

  25. I couldn't care less. But if you could, don't order.

  26. 12:18 In Germany they push very hard for everyone to learn English. English language school ads are everywhere.

  27. Anonymous said...
    I feel like their marketing department has recognized that Spanish-speaking customers might like Papa John's too. Who cares?

    September 23, 2014 at 8:10 AM

    You are an idiot!! You are a liberal moron!! As a matter of fact many of us do care.

    1. Corporate dollars out weight your penniless opinions!!!

  28. Can you go to Mexico and get a top vendor to put their boxes in English?

  29. Did anyone actually read this? All it says is sign up for the rewards program to earn free pizza online. It is not like Spanish speakers are getting a different deal than anyone else.

  30. as long as the folks at pauls speak to me in English the pizza situation is all take care of....why go anywhere else

  31. How sad that I live here with so many provincial jerks.

    I know, I know ... Salisbury would be sooo much better if all the liberal come-heres like me would just leave and go back to wherever it is that all the liberals are. Believe me, from-heres are not very welcoming, and I know that my multilingual, come-here self is not all welcome, and that while I'm at it, I should take all of my liberal, come-here buddies from the university and Perdue and the hospital with me.

    1. Go if you can find a better area to live in...oh but that is why you moved here in the first place! Don't change what we have to make it like what you left/ran from!

  32. I stopped ordering from Papa John's when I continually was charged an extra dollar for "extra cheese" when I was ordering a "free two-topping pizza" deal. I have asked about it twice, and been told that 5 or 6 of the toppings have up charges. If only want 1 topping on a "FREE two topping", how is that right? So pretty much all you can get is stuff like onion and pepper for "free" on a high priced to begin with pizza. Done with getting ripped off.

  33. I don't usually buy from them anyway. Their pizzas suck!

  34. This just goes to show how ignorant the eastern shore is. In most countries, people speak more than one language and products are labeled in the local language and english. There is a significant hispanic population on the shore. They work, rent houses and buy products and services in the community. Not every brown person is illegal as many on this blog seem to think. IMO, they make much better neighbors than welfare/druggie locals (white & black) that I see in Salisbury/Hebron/Fruitland/Princess Anne.

  35. "yet we're surrounded by neanderthal old people who choose to ignore this countries history"

    'Neanderthal old people'? Something you whiny punks seem to forget is that you are building your Utopia on the foundation that the 'old people' bequeathed you. Same as every generation - it just seems to be conveniently forgotten by you self-important slugs. And before you wish us gone, you better figure out who's going to pay the bills from that point forward. It sure won't be your kind.

  36. "and that while I'm at it, I should take all of my liberal, come-here buddies from the university and Perdue and the hospital with me."

    By all means! When can you start?


  37. All you cry hearts go back to the very first comment and get over it! They are simply appealing to the masses...

  38. it's pizza...shouldn't the menu be in Italian? I mean...


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