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Sunday, September 28, 2014

Delegate Norm Conway constantly votes for things that do nothing to help us in Wicomico County

I’ve shown a ridiculous amount of wasteful spending by the Wicomico County School Board. That board is appointed by the Governor. Nearly every other school board in the state is elected. Now I’m the first to admit that elected officials can and do mess up, but having an elected school board gives YOU a voice. If we had an elected school board then at least the voters would have a chance to send the people who waste millions of our hard-earned dollars packing! I want to be able to do that.

Guess who doesn’t want us to have that right?

Norm Conway blocked it in 2011.

Norm Conway sent $1.1 billion to *Baltimore city public schools while our elementary school children attempt to learn in “temporary” trailers, many of which have been in use for well over a decade! And why would anyone put the most vulnerable of our students in trailers? Why are these trailers at elementary schools? How is that justified?

Can anyone explain to me why “The Chairman” who continually sends projects to the western shore is seen as valuable here?

Of course if you are a the Willards Loins Club and you throw the chairman some fundraisers, then you might get something.

Remember this?

"Friends to Re-Elect Norman H. Conway
Fundraiser this Sunday, January 5 at Willards Lions Club 1-4pm
e-mail: martyneat@yahoo.com (410) 543-8712"

A few months after this event Delegate Conway funneled over $50,000 of our hard earned money to the Willards Lions Club for… something?

This isn’t a knock on the Lions Club. I get that they are a civic organization that serves the community. But why should the rest of us pay them over $50,000? Maybe I’m a member of the Elks or Eagles or Moose lodge, why should my tax money go toward the Lions club?

It shouldn’t.

Delegate Conway should have thrown a fundraiser for them so their membership and anyone else who wanted to support them could chip in to cover their needs. That is how civic organizations work. Tax money shouldn’t be used. And it especially shouldn’t be used in something that looks this shady. You throw me a fundraiser, I’ll have the citizens of Maryland write you a check!

How in the world can people support someone who has failed to bring jobs, failed to restore money for the towns and counties to build roads, sidewalks and bridges, and failed to show any sort of leadership that gives Wicomico County a voice in Annapolis?

* http://mgaleg.maryland.gov/webmga/frmMain.aspx?pid=flrvotepage&tab=subject3&id=HB0860,h-0870&stab=02&ys=2013rs


  1. He is a very intelligent man - just not too much in possession of common sense capacity.

    The bill he wrote concerning the elected school board was intended to confuse everyone. He knows exactly what words to put in where to either make it clear as day or muddy as chocolate pudding.

    Election day cometh...vote with your brain!

  2. OMG...Joe, please dont let this story get buried. this is another example of why norm has to be voted out!

  3. But, But where would he get his free food from and cake job?

  4. The 50 grand was to make some improvements on their building. I need a new garage so I guess I'll have some kind event and invite Ahole conway,think that will work?

  5. The other thing to remember about the fundraiser to check incident is tat everyone else had to vote yes too....so everyone is voting to fund each other's private pet projects - instead of building the roads we need to run a society!

  6. To make matters worse norm was an educator so he knew exactly what he was doing. Out with the old !

  7. Liberal Jim grovels at Chairman Norm's feet!

  8. by the way, what WAS Liberal Jim's vote?

  9. There's a big difference between civic organizations (Lions, Rotary, Jaycees, Optimisits, etc) and private clubs (Moose, Eagles, Elks, etc).

    But if Norm is giving money to the Lions, he should give money to all the other Lions and civic organizations. Only seems fair, right?

  10. The money for Willards was to rewire the club so they could put in a generator so they could use it for an emergency shelter. I pray they never need it because if they do the building will be destroyed. There is ALWAYS extensive damage done to any building that is used as an emergency shelter.

  11. 2:14, that is the lie they are giving to try and justify the money. I expect this "shelter" then to be open everytime there is an electric outage, a heat wave and as a homeless shelter when temps are cold.
    That will not happen though because democrats are nothing but liars and thieves and the Lion's club needs to hang their heads in shame for sponging off tax payers. They are no better than common thieves them selves.

  12. Anonymous said...
    There's a big difference between civic organizations (Lions, Rotary, Jaycees, Optimisits, etc) and private clubs (Moose, Eagles, Elks, etc).

    But if Norm is giving money to the Lions, he should give money to all the other Lions and civic organizations. Only seems fair, right?

    September 25, 2014 at 2:10 PM

    So please tell us what the big difference is. I am a member of the Elks Club in Salisbury and we do more for the people of this area and country than any Lions Club has done.

  13. Anonymous said...
    The money for Willards was to rewire the club so they could put in a generator so they could use it for an emergency shelter. I pray they never need it because if they do the building will be destroyed. There is ALWAYS extensive damage done to any building that is used as an emergency shelter.

    September 25, 2014 at 2:14 PM

    Why do they need an emergency shelter for? Please elaborate on that comment.

    I guess you didn't know that Willards Elementary school just down the street is the Emergency Shelter and is better equipped and has staff readily available and any time of the day. Just like a liberal Democrat lying for a liar.

  14. 2:10 - you think this is Norm's $$ ?

  15. 2:38
    I guess in case we have another storm like Isabel. I didn't know that the Willards school was also an emergency shelter. Do they have back up generators for power? I am just stating what I was told by a member that is all. I am in no shape or form a liberal nor a democrat. Your negativity and personal attacks are unwarranted.

  16. I've never found Norm very smart.

  17. Let's look at Jim Mathias' record. I think we will find he is not representing the eastern shore but the higher ups that need his vote.

  18. Norm works for omalley and brown. Not us.
    will people actually vote him out

  19. Hey guys, just like OweBamas birth certificate, that story about the generator was the best lie they could conjure on short notice.I wouldn't believe Mathias the Sun was up if I couldn't see outdoors. You people need to FACE REALITY, these two ARE NO GOOD for the Shore and its people. I'll bet both of them are strong in Willards'end of the County. However other parts of Worcester and Wicomico vote too. I bet their respective Districts could use various things if the tax money helped them with it. All you got here on the Shore is 'Good Ole Boy politics'. If you try another Candidate and you don't like them, swap'em till you find one you do. What have you got to lose? You got losers now,so you may get lucky!!!!

  20. Can't figure why Jim Perdue is backing Conway!

  21. "I’ve shown a ridiculous amount of wasteful spending by the Wicomico County School Board."

    Do you realize no one has appeared before the WCBOE or the Board Office to question money spent in the 24 weeks of reports?

    Either no one cares or the people are aware all the facts are not presented. I go with the reports are incomplete, therefore there is no fraud as presented. The state audit found no fraud, but did have suggestions so accusations would not occur.

  22. He puts the "con" in Conway.

  23. When the Willards Lions Club burned several years ago Lew Riley and Conway gave us $100.000 dollars to rebuild. We are very grateful for that and we will support Norm any way we can, enough said aholes.

  24. Can't Norm have a fundraiser in his own district? Yes he can however he would have to pay rent somewhere. Willards is free, pay up you taxpaying suckers.

  25. "When the Willards Lions Club burned several years ago Lew Riley and Conway gave us $100.000 dollars to rebuild."

    So you are saying the Lions Club forgot to get insurance on their building? Why should the taxpayers pay for their negligence?

  26. 6:19 hopefully only Willards Lions members will vote for him

  27. Willards is no longer in Conway's district...

    1. conways district is omalley and brown. they say, he does. 98% of the time. we get 2%. we get what we deserve for being stupid enough to believe the crap he says every 4 years to get re elected.

      not this time ol norm...

  28. Stop complaining go out and vote, if you don't vote for him then Carl will replace him

    1. Carl stopped by my house yesterday He was very nice and gave me his cell phone #. Norm has been in office since 1974 and he's never been by my house let alone give me a phone # to call if i had questions of him...
      Think im going to give Carl a chance to go represent us in Annapolis. I'd encourage you to do the same on Election day!!

  29. 6:19 enough said votes can be bought. it should be about everybody not just a select few.

  30. Norm is a useless piece of crap. Sorry the guy votes on issues that have helped he and his wife. The rest of the community gets screwed. Anything B.O.E. right pork chop.


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