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Sunday, September 28, 2014

Jim Perdue: 'We have no seat at the table in Maryland'

Perdue Farms Chairman Jim Perdue showed no love for Maryland's regulatory climate Wednesday, offering an unfavorable comparison to neighboring states.

"The problem is, we have no seat at the table in Maryland," said Perdue, who spoke at a Maryland Chamber of Commerce CEO Spotlight. "Even if we have an onerous thing that happens in Virginia or Delaware, we can sit at the table and at least express our opinion."

Salisbury-based Perdue Farms is one of the largest chicken producers in the country and one of the top privately held companies in Maryland, with annual revenue of more than $6 billion.

Maryland tends to regulate to solve problems, even in cases when the regulations aren't effective, Perdue said. He offered the example of a farmer spending $300,000 to build a chicken house.



  1. From the Baltimore Sun-

    "But here's the problem with that narrative. From this perch, it appears Perdue, one of the largest privately-held companies in the state, has a great deal of influence on government affairs. Here are just a few examples:

    •In February, Gov. Martin O'Malley threatened to veto Senate Bill 725 before a single hearing was held on the measure. What did it take to cause such a reaction from a governor normally reluctant to even comment on General Assembly deliberations — and who, at that point, had never vetoed a bill during seven years in the State House? It was a proposed 5-cent wholesale tax on chickens like those produced by Perdue to help finance $15 million annually in farm cover crops. The bill died quickly.

    •One of the top priorities of environmental groups is to reduce phosphorus, a nutrient polluting the Chesapeake Bay and feeding algae blooms and enormous "dead zones" in the open water. Yet the state's agriculture department has held back on implementing new phosphorous regulations, at least in part because of the potential impact on the poultry industry, which is being studied under a $34,000 state grant to, believe it or not, the Franklin Perdue School of Business at Salisbury University.

    •A private lawsuit brought against an Eastern Shore poultry farm for polluting the Pocomoke River — in which Perdue was a co-defendant — drew pointed meddling from Governor O'Malley well before all the facts of the case were known. Emails between the governor and a Perdue lawyer (a law school classmate of his) — uncovered by Food & Water Watch under a Freedom of Information Act request — suggested a cozy relationship. "Never TOO busy to hear from you," Mr. O'Malley wrote Herbert Frerichs Jr. in 2011. Meanwhile, the governor strongly lobbied the dean of the University of Maryland's law school to have its environmental law clinic drop all involvement in the suit, which was eventually decided in the defendants' favor.

    •Not only has the O'Malley administration used taxpayer dollars to finance cover crops and other pollution control strategies for poultry farmers but it has advocated for creation of a subsidized waste-to-energy manure-fueled power plant to give farmers an alternative use for chicken litter, a project that Perdue has failed to similarly support.

    Given those recent events, it's difficult to understand what Mr. Perdue expects from state government if not to ignore entirely the polluting effects of chicken waste on the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries. This notion that he doesn't have a "seat at the table" is belied by the evidence at hand. One can only wonder what kind of genuflection goes on in Delaware and Virginia to cause him to prefer the tables they set for him."

  2. Boohoo. Take your stinky plant, your pollution, and poor paying jobs somewhere else. Hell, the Purdue's have made it a near annual tradition to threaten to move to NC, to get their way. Go for it!

  3. I think this election cycle will be a deciding time for Perdue Farms...

    As the names imply, Brown-Ullman will be a continuation of OMalley-Brown!

    There have been rumours and conversations for quite a while about Perdue moving its headquarters out of this socialist bastion state. A few years ago, they opened their Agri-Recycle plant in Delaware because of the anti-business climate in Maryland....no significant distance from that plant to the bay from where they wanted to put it in Maryland either. They already have processing plants in Georgetown, DE and Accomack, VA - so closing the Salisbury plant won't hurt them a bit. The local growers that supply Perdue will be impacted with fewer flocks and smaller returns due to the distances to the processing plants. That will have a significant economic impact to our area. If they decide to move the headquarters, the loss of the tech, financial, marketing, and executive staff will decimate the local economy.

    Ricky, Jimmy, you guys ready for this place to really go downhill?! I Don't think there are enough concessions that you two could make to keep Perdue here when they decide to pack up and ghost-town this place!

  4. Jimbo MOVE and take the fruitcake mayor with you,

  5. 9:13 If that is the case why is he such a big donor to the Brown campaign?

  6. Perdue as well of the rest of these types of companies are the #1 reason why this area is blighted.
    When one of the biggest employers in any area pay the majority of their employees below poverty level wages the whole area suffers.
    House values are low here because most of those working at this area's biggest employer can't afford to buy homes. This is why the area is mostly rentals.
    Then we have the major problems of most of these employees receiving one or more type of welfare benefit. This costs the tax payers millions and millions a year and is the #1 reason why MD residents are taxed on everything under the sun. Those welfare benefits have to be paid for somehow.

  7. 9:51 - please show how you came to make that statement....

    It would explain some things I have seen and wondered about.....

  8. Uhhhh...9:13? Because Jimbo wants a voice with the winner of the election. Let's face it, the dumbasses on the Western shore will vote brown in en masse. Then Perdue has to deal with him. Have you seen the preferential treatment provided to obamas doners? He is playing the game.

  9. Democrats are in cahoots with big business. One of the reasons why omalley was so gung ho on having some of the illegals moved to MD was so companies such as this have a steady supply of workers willing to work for low pay. This ensures those already employed will never get raises.
    Keep cheering these companies on though and believe the illusion they have created and their propaganda.
    The truth of the matter is every area where they operate has turned into a crap hole of poverty and blight and with that comes crime.

  10. "There have been rumours and conversations for quite a while about Perdue moving its headquarters out of this socialist bastion state"

    They need to go. The reason we are taxed on nearly everything is because of businesses like this.
    Tax payers are supporting their employees to the tune of millions and millions a year in government entitlements.
    Besides their product is horrible. I can't get past the smell alone. I've been buying non chemical laced free range and the difference is unbelievable.
    I really feel bad for those who can't afford to eat real good food that isn't over processes and chemical laced.

  11. To those of you who wish perdue would leave Md. You have no idea how negatively that would effect your life. I don't care what you do for a living. Be careful what you wish for.

    1. Negative? ?? Lol thats a fn joke,

  12. I'm not buying it 11:16. These chicken companies have sucked the life out of this area. Tax payers ARE supporting their employees. Some local non profits cater almost exclusively to chicken company employees especially the Hispanic/Latino ones.
    Employees can't even afford cars and are bussed to work in some instances.

  13. mega dittos 11:16...there are several ill-informed, ignorant, clueless commenters on this topic. be careful what you hope for. not good when you're not too bright...

  14. perdue is the only one getting rich and he's doing it on the backs of the less fortunate. And we the taxpayers are picking up the tab!

  15. Question --

    Does Jim Perdue support Anthony Brown's campaign with $$$$$?

  16. When will the Daily Times publish this statement by Mr. Perdue (if ever)?

  17. Perdue = good jobs. I don't care what others say on here. they have always provided good jobs for our area. I have many friends who work for Perdue and appreciate the job and the benefits.

    as far as donating to a campaign, this happens all the time. nothing new here unless you're just now paying attention. I would consider you a low info voter.

  18. 10:45 This. He would be stupid to throw support for anyone else, at this point. Brown will be your next money wasting governor.

  19. I am 11:16. Question; How many of perdue's employees are forced to work there? Are they not free to find employment wherever they choose? Every time I hear someone complain about their job I ask aren't you free to work where you choose? I don't think perdue has any slaves.

  20. Of course they are not forced to work there 3:51. Don't be so foolish. Questions like this are asinine and quite frankly offer nothing intelligent to any debate. While they are not forced to work there the fact happens to remain that they do.
    The fact also remains that because they are so underpaid, the tax payers are also supporting the employees.
    Are you getting it yet?
    The same people who say things like "they aren't forced to work there" are the same ones who complain about high and new taxes and fees. You can't have it both ways so don't you dare ever complain about taxes again. You have lost your right. As a matter of fact how about putting your money where your mouth is and volunteer to pay more taxes. Bet that won't happen.
    The state wouldn't need to collect so much if the state didn't have to these supplement employees.

    1. You do realize that Perdue pays above Union scale don't you? Please be quiet, your ignorance is showing.

  21. These big food companies also lobbied hard for the food stamp expansion a few years ago. It not only benefitted more of their employees but also helped to sell more of their product.
    Walmart lobbied for it as well for same reasons.
    That is what these sponge companies do. Instead of giving raises to employees they lobby the government to expand the entitlement programs.
    It's amazing that so many people are so uninformed about how it works in the real world.

  22. From Careerbliss-

    "Perdue Farms General Laborers earn $20,000 annually, or $10 per hour, which is 10% lower than the national average for all General Laborers at $22,000 annually and 96% lower than the national salary average for ​all working Americans. The highest paid General Laborers work for KBR at $100,000 annually and the lowest paid General Laborers work for Technicolor at $15,000 annually"

  23. 6:47-Your "ignorance is showing" because your comment is meaningless. Anyone can say anything but without some proof to back it up your comment is inane.
    I will be waiting patiently to hear from you exactly what is the "Union scale" pay and what do these employees make.
    I'm sure there are a handful of salaried workers who do fairly well but how does that make up for the majority of the workers who are paid poverty level wages and are supplemented by welfare benefits.

  24. Anonymous said...
    9:51 - please show how you came to make that statement....

    It would explain some things I have seen and wondered about.....

    September 24, 2014 at 10:45 AM

    LMAO!! Do some homework yourself. It's out there. Just look.

  25. They will move to North Carolina and leave all the "below poverty level" workers unemployed. Then you, the people will get to support then, either through social programs or through home invasions, robberies, burglaries, increased drug and prostitution sales, and so on. Salisbury is in decline now. Imagine your new town sans Perdue.

    I speak with 47 years experience as a resident of the city. If they go, I will be right behind them.

  26. Say goodbye to Perdue

  27. You people talk out of both sides of your mouths. 'We need jobs!' But then you have the nerve to throw stones at the largest company I the area.
    You would be eating bugs and sticks if perdue wasn't here.

    Perdue pays very well and appropriately for the skill level required.

    They also offer health benefits and wellness centers for the employees They don't even have to punch out to go to the wellness center.

  28. This is tiring to read all this, but yes, most low wage workers have to depend on welfare benefits to survive and pay rent. Bad. However, Joe has been printing a list for a few years now of other manufacturing companies that have not only left here, but Maryland in general. These are also jobs lost and more on our welfare burden. There is nowhere for these or any others to go but for the welfare check if Perdue leaves us.

    We don't need that, and there are many factory maintenance companies dependent on Perdue for weekly upgrades.

    The OMalley/ Brown machine has decimated jobs in Maryland, and now Franchot just now woke up and found out that the State will be incurring a 400 million dollar tax shortage. If the corporate tax rate were 20%, which it isn't, that means that $2 billion in jobs has left the state. It's probably closer to $3b. More are leaving every day.

    This is the exact reason we need to vote for HOGAN HOGAN HOGAN!!!


    I am against all caps, but, really folks, do you want to have to move out of a failing state, or fight to save it?

  29. Pack up and leave MD for a Capitalist state.

  30. you trolls on here don't have a clue,if perdue pulls out of here it will absolutely devastate the economy here on the shore,think of all the other busineses here that would suffer if they left not to mention the hundreds that would be without a income to support their families.

  31. The irony of Jim Perdue supporting Jake Day. Perdue employed Day's father Randy.

    But Day's policies are not supportive of a business like Perdue. Debbie Campbell, on the other hand, supported Perdue when the likes of Shanie Shields, Jim Ireton and Laura Mitchell were attacking the company.

    Everyone talks out of both sides of their mouths and the honest ones like Campbell get shafted.

  32. dittos 9:55. really some idiotic comments on this one. ignorance isn't bliss as it can cause a lot of problems. I pray these people don't vote. yikes...


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