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Sunday, September 28, 2014

BREAKING: Muslims Shout “Praise Allah!” Surround OK Police Following Press Conference on Beheading

Muslims shouting ‘Praise Allah’ surround Oklahoma cops after a press conference on the beheading in Oklahoma.
Oklahoma Muslims read from the Koran during the press conference.

2-3 local OK muslims are reading passages from their Qurans outloud on the ground at site of news conference #oklahomabeheading

— Bob Lawson (@LandonLawson78) September 26, 2014

The Muslims were saying “Praise Allah” during the press conference.

Cops/reporters were close by but not being yelled at by muslims as many have asked me but a few muslims were saying praise allah out loud

— Bob Lawson (@LandonLawson78) September 26, 2014



  1. And Ob' is importing thousands of them every day and spreading them throughout the country...

  2. The cancer of islam must be stopped by whatever means necessary. This is supposed to be the job of the federal government but they now consider freedom loving Americans their enemy. It's time for America's original homeland security to do what needs to be done because the protectors of our liberties are protecting the enemy.

  3. Christians, pray daily and earnestly.

  4. 10:44 AM

    and now allowing them to join OUR military

  5. I feel offended! Where do I get my government checks

  6. Hey Muslims why is it I'm never around when you do this crap?

  7. And we let these animals in the country?
    Too bad her husband/boyfriend/son
    wasn't in the crowd.
    But if they were, eric holder would have another chance to demean white people and their racist intolerance of the religion of peace.
    I've seen police charge people for a lot less than that and called it "disturbing the peace", or "inciting a riot" (gave a cop the middle finger).
    muslims and their fake, bloodthirsty god need to hit the road back to where they came from.....

  8. The time for praying is way past , as David killed Goliath , we should follow his vengeance .
    Take up arms and rid this nation of the cancer Islam , this is the only cure for this type of cancer.
    I welcome some response!

  9. 3:45 PM

    most are too scared to say anything, or their wives won't let them

  10. its just plain and simple time to get it on. Another crusade

  11. I can't believe this is in AMERICA and we are allowing this to go on and not fighting these animals and getting our country back before it is TOO late as I am afraid it is already too late. OH that's right we are to worry about chasing down and putting folks on the useless very expensive sex offender list and allowing it to get out of hand and chasing ghosts in the dark and allowing the real terrorist and Islam to take over and control this country. HEY at least we know where "we hope" the sex offenders are sleeping at night. BUT HELL most of them are becoming homeless and now we do not even know where they are at and at the same time the real terrorist are laughing and taking over what use to be AMERICA. Hope you all enjoy what is yet to come.

  12. They should have all been arrested....would have been if we had a president with a spine that wasn't one of their followers also...let alone a non-american and america hater! Reagan would have had them all arrested and in GITMO by now!

    In spite of what you've done lately Jimmy Carter, you;re not the worst president ever!

  13. Americans need to understand its not just happening over seas. THEY ARE HERE ! The media has been trying to hide this fact for months now. There have been multiple killings across the country in the name of allah but, the media has either hidden the fact that Allah and jihad was the basis for the murder or simply severely down played the fact. This situation with a beheading being involved their simply was no way to hide it. Get used to it your going to see a lot more instances like this in our boarders. You can thank Obama for that. Hell we don't even protect our boarders . how long before we start to see IED,s used on our streets ? You can't tell me if one of the cartels in mexico can ship thousands of pounds of pot in a single shipment into the states that Lil jimmy jihad over there can't get a couple of self propelled rocket launchers across our boarders.

    Now when the day comes just like 9\11 and it will come. Might I add in my opinion there not going to steal a plane or two and crash them into buildings again this time they will attack in small groups hitting malls,festivals, sports venues all across the country. When and if this was ever to happen at least I still for the moment have the right to own a gun and have a chance at protecting my family. For you liberals out there I'm guessing you don't own a gun so your just screwed. Oh wait! I heard somewhere on some major news network for witch I'm sure was ran by liberals that a good home defence for armed gunmen is bee and fly bug spray .

    Wow what if we just send all democrats over seas to fight Isis . I can see it now . democrats holding bug spray in one hand and burning a copy of the constitution in the other to light the way.

  14. Isis is here open your eyes !!!

  15. The source article adds little to what Joe has posted here however, I read quite a few of the comments left there. None, absolutely none were positive toward Islam, nor were there any that defended it.
    Below is one that I found particularly insightful.
    "There is no mystery why the American left worships Islam, they are ideologically parallel. Either would kill you for being even slightly different than them. It's way past time we weeded these barbarians from out society - Helen_Wagoner"
    I think she' nailed it.

  16. There's plenty of you gun totting militia's out there. Come out. Come out where ever you are and defend this country. Or is it, you're all about the bull crap fork tongue and full of cowardly behavior. Just shut up or put up. It's time to stop talking.

    1. Morons like u that have helped kill thus countrys wAy of life, did i say Moron.

  17. They need to learn cleanliness is close to godlyness. They stink wtf. Take bath once in a while soap is cheap.


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