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Sunday, August 17, 2014

Salisbury Seeks Grant To Fund Skate Park’s Second Phase

SALISBURY – The city moved forward this week in applying for state funding to complete Salisbury’s new skate park.

Under the City Council’s consent agenda this week was a resolution to approve a Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Community Parks and Playgrounds grant application for funding the second phase of the Salisbury Skate Park that is located in the 900 Block of South Park Drive.

Community Development Director Deborah Stam reported the city will be submitting a Community Parks & Playgrounds (CP&P) funding application to the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) for the Fiscal Year 2016 funding round. This application is for $383,000 in CP&P funding for Phase 2 of the Salisbury Skate Park project.

Stam furthered, the Salisbury Skate Park project has been broken into two phases in order to make it affordable. Phase 1 has been funded through CP&P for approximately 6,000 square feet, and Phase 2 will be another 7,400 square feet.



  1. I support the skate park, the price of that dang fireboat could have built a nice one and some!

  2. I do not support it, and feel the money could be used for a better purpose.
    Build it with your money if that's what you want, not taxpayer dollars, for a small select audience.

  3. This is great news! Good to see the City of Salisbury moving in a positive direction.

  4. 2:23 Yeah, I really like taking my truck to the shop due to potholes, and horrible driving surfaces. But, everyone's kids will have somewhere to skate! Way to go Council! Way to go Jim!

  5. anon 1:49

    you mean like tennis players, basketball players, softball players, children that play on playground equipment, etc...? what about all the tax dollars spent on those things?

    i'm glad that the government is finally spending money on something "I" enjoy.

    and also for your information. the local skateboarders, their parents, and local businesses HAVE donated THOUSANDS of dollars toward this skatepark!!!!

  6. What a waste of money!

  7. Why not let trick bikes there also?There are just as many of them as skateboarders.

  8. All three of you should get organized, make some signs and protest this!

  9. Right on 3:58,how about the money being wasted every week by our county workers on restaurants not doing you a whole lot of good is it 4:12?

  10. can i rollerblade there?

    1. Yeah, but only if you wear speedos

    2. Only the gay mayor.

  11. “This Is Exactly What Bin Laden Wanted”

  12. Recreation that is not needing WiFi. I realize that there are numerous things in disrepair but I thing the two phases of the skate park are great. I hasn't had the hoopla and hot air coming out of it like the downtown plans or the city's big push when they installed exercise stations that are over grown with weeds. Let the youth and some of us to stupid to know better old people have a reason to get off our butts

  13. What a waist of money.

  14. Just don't call the Sheriff's dept for response because the skateboard park is in the city.On the opposite side of the street where the residences are is County.The width of South Park Drive separates city and county.is that ridiculous or what?

  15. I pity the poor people who invested in property across the street from this ill conceived project.

  16. This will only last a few short years. It'll flop after the first big accident, broken leg, arm or whatever.
    There's no one to sue.

  17. Not to change the subject,but has anyone seen the new bikes at Wal Mart with the huge tires?

  18. Salisbury installed exercise stations? Whose brilliant idea was that?


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