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Sunday, August 17, 2014

Black protesters ‘putting cops on hit list’ in Missouri

'Will we rise up like the people of Gaza? This was a terrorist attack'

At least two more people have been shot as more violence has erupted in Ferguson, Missouri, where there have been several days of rioting in response to a police shooting of a black teenager.

Officials overnight said a police officer shot a man who pointed a handgun at him, and a woman apparently was shot in a drive-by shooting.

At KTVI-TV in St. Louis, some of the details were emerging.

The station reported it was about 1 a.m. when four men, masked and carrying shotguns, approached a crowd. The report said when police arrived they heard shots fired and saw people running. When one officer chased a suspect, the gunman pointed a handgun at the officer and the officer fired.

The report said the suspect was hospitalized in critical condition.



  1. I in no way justify the looting and burning of businesses and community but they are correct, this cop is guilty of TERRORISM. He confronted two teens walking down the street diagonally, didn't like it, told them to "get the f**k on the side walk", drove forward then stopped and reversed screeching tires in the boys direction blocking them and deliberately trying to exert his control over them when they had broken NO laws. He then assaulted one of them pulling him into the car. This was verified by TWO separate eyewitnesses. The kid was trying to get away from this maniacal mercenary who tried to shoot him in the car, the kid escaped and began to run away when the cop shot him. He stopped, put up his hands then the cop murdered him with his hands in the air.
    That is terrorism and the community should be directing revenge at the cops and all that support or defend the murderer.

  2. Just realize that regardless of how distasteful this may appear it had to happen.For reasons that are beyond any of us a major incident occurred bringing this whole thing full circle.This was no accident & was completely unavoidable.

  3. clueless 950. sad.

  4. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    clueless 950. sad.

    August 14, 2014 at 11:02 PM

    yes mr expert, tell us more

  5. There are elements in this country that are hell bent on ending the peace of every living citizen. In this case...they win.

  6. The Black Panthers??? What year is this? I thought all this would end with the election of a black president. I thought we were headed in the right direction. Seems like things have gotten a billion times worse. These organizations have highjacked a city in pain and are using them to promote violence and overthrow of the government. Wake up America. The family of this child has asked for calm. Can't they show any respect for this childs memory?

  7. Cops deploy themselves in high visibility positions for a reason like in O.C. during car show weekends. They park at the O.C. bridge entrances with lights flashing this is to terrorize the public and to exercise control over the people.
    They do this deliberately, it's just you fools that buy their story that it's necessary that are the stupid ones. They are promoting a police state in the name of "safety" and "law and order" when it simply is not justified.
    9:50 post finally makes sense. Ridicule it all you want but it's what the eye witnesses say. The mercenary didn't like having his authority challenged by a black kid that wasn't doing anything wrong, he confronted the kid illegally, instigated the mayhem like cops do and murdered him with a Cartman style attitude ("respect thy authoritie") He should hang for that murder , just like the cops that kill family pets that are chained in fenced back yards when they are at the wrong address searching for a "suspect" that owes a parking ticket...

    1. go back to you Obama Free crib.

  8. all clueless comments so far. NO ONE has ALL the facts yet. It does look like the policeman went too far and should be punished, but the investigation is ongoing, so cool your jets. spouting off ignorantly doesn't help anything.

    pray for all in that community. the race pimps have come out of the woodwork again and trouble makers are coming in from out of the area to destroy and loot. Obama has been warned to stop his race pimping and shut up regarding the situation.

  9. The next time you see a cop walking in the street, stop and tell him to "get the f**k on the sidewalk" and see what happens!
    This reminds me of the story posted here yesterday with the woman breast feeding her baby and the cop tried to arrest her for indecent exposure. When she walked away holding her infant the cop horse collared her and snatched her for "resisting". Her baby is now dead. 11:02 must think that's acceptable too! Idiot.

    1. @ 3:32

      That was a fake story, look it up.

    2. keep drinking the Obama cool aid fool.

  10. Maybe you idiots can go pillage a liquor store to show your solidarity with the people of Ferguson. I'm no friend to govt, but I'm no ally of this trash either.

    Amazing how you sheeple (did you read 9:50?) fall right in line with the narrative.

  11. Yeah Rodney King did nothing either and was a good kid. Cops only pick on blacks because they are black... All Cops are bad and should be shot

    You wont have to worry about another country taking us over, because blacks fuel racism... we will do it ourselves. Look at city's where blacks are in complete control, they are run down, broke dumps. Yeah you all have the answer.

    I bet not one protester has a job, and most are on welfare.

  12. both sides are wrong. a certain segment of this country is hell bent on destruction and the kops are way over the line even in dealing with the average joe. all we can do is protect our own and hunker down and wait for the coming carnage!

  13. I bet not one protester has a job, and most are on welfare.

    August 15, 2014 at 6:39 AM

    I guess you didn't know the state senator was with them protesting and got gassed. or now the state police are walking with the protesters.

    you people sure are ignorant.

  14. they are looking to make themselves look good and get points... they dont care 8:41 when will you learn its only about the vote

  15. Anonymous said...
    they are looking to make themselves look good and get points... they dont care 8:41 when will you learn its only about the vote

    August 15, 2014 at 8:49 AM

    funny, no one knew who she was until she spoke up after getting gassed. hard way to get a vote.

  16. Breaking news, video of Michael brown committing strong arm robbery in a convenience store just before the shooting is all over the news. With the help of the "eye witness" in the shooting. So many comments about "innocent black kids doing nothing wrong". How about now?

  17. the kid/thug robbed a cigar store. then he went for the cops gun when the cop tried to arrest him. done.

  18. If Obama had a son...?

  19. stealing a box of cigars is not justification for shooting and killing an unarmed 18yo with his hands up. and the cop who killed him didn't even know he was a suspect in the robbery so that is irrelevant.

  20. St. Louis County Prosecutor's office confirmed that Brown had no prior misdemeanors or felonies against him.

  21. 13% of the population is black,34-% of crimes are from African Americans.

  22. I bet when the real facts come out you will find that the story is completely different than it has been reported. It would be nice if people did not jump to convict anyone before they know the facts. Conditions were ripe there for the events that followed. You had a young man who had just committed a crime walking in the street and a police officer comes up behind him. He knew he was guilty of that one thing and he probably acted accordingly. The officer knows the statistics and was probably operating from a position of fear. We are not going to turn this whole thing around by putting lipstick on a pig. We need to acknowledge the fact that as a nation we are all frightened of each other unless we have a platform of power. Wearing a uniform brings power...being over 6 foot and 300 lbs brings power. There is power in numbers and the city is mainly black. There is power in military equipment and the cops were armed to the teeth. My only one question is...How could this incident NOT have happened in a long hot summer? As long as we all fear each other and never get to know each other...this will keep happening in a town near you. Too many people engaging in POWER PLAY.


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