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Sunday, August 17, 2014

Are you armed? ‘Knockout’ thugs begin checking

Man 'mercilessly' beaten after confirming he was unarmed

The “knockout game” has become a nationwide menace in which roaming mobs randomly select victims and without warning hit them as hard as they can in an attempt to knock them out.

But there’s a new twist now, with attackers checking their victims first to find out whether they are armed.

The Florida Times-Union in Jacksonville reported a witness called police claiming she saw a male juvenile punch a man in the face, “apparently without provocation.”

The victim, who told police he believed the boys were playing the knockout game, said one of the boys approached him and asked if he had a “Glock.” The man was punched after admitting he was unarmed, the paper said.

Four juveniles were arrested.



  1. Where is the outrage from the black community when young thugs put old white people in the ICU??? BUT when a blag felin is killed after a robbery assault and probably pushed the cop into his car they all come out of the Woodwork.

  2. Lock and load. Once again the black community jumps the gun.

  3. Naacp where are yoi......lol

  4. Where are the white mobs after on of these racist black attacks?

    Until whites take to the streets to fight they will be victimized continuously by racist blacks.

    1. Yup. We that have JOBS Dont have time to Riot....

  5. An eye for an eye only results in the whole world becoming blind.

  6. 2:56
    Haven't you realized yet . . .

    there are no white mobs.

    there are no white riots.

    there are no white history months

    there is no white culture

  7. Im going to tell them no then shoot them

  8. Learn how to fight!!! Bunch of grown ass adults scared of teenagers...

    1. The teens are the Fn cowards that sucker punch people while they dont have time to DEFEND themselves, your the big pussy ,and if it ever happened to any of my family members i would come lookung for you by myself, punk bitch.

    2. Anytime.. anyplace... internet tough guy..let me show you how real men put little boys in their place.. Game over!!!

    3. Look here "Internet tough guy"
      Dogs can't run with Wolves..

  9. "Grow a pair"and "Man up" the strong survive the weak shall perish

  10. I carry MACE in my car for roaming groups of windshield washers that will attack if you don't pay up. I carry MACE for anyone who approaches and demands money. I carry MACE because guns are illegal. When the streets become too violent to travel I will stay home or travel in a group. I am white. Who will help me, an elderly white person, when these riots start. We all need to realize this is the second era of the riots we saw in the 60s with a major change. It is no longer done in peace. We no longer have Martin Luther King to speak reason. We are left to the wolf pack. I don't go out after dark now and never will unless my children come to get me. I am afraid. How many more of us are there? How sad is this? The bury!

    1. I carry a tazer and couldnt care less what the DA says.

  11. If the NAACP knew about the counter group who knows what they would do.Read between the lines:Has'nt anyone even wondered in the slightest why they heard nothing about the knockout game for at least 2 months? Well,very little anyway.Are all of you that naïve that you thought they simply quit or slowed down all by themselves? Good god what's this world coming to? To make it easy for those among you who are indeed challenged,just be thankful that someone is watching out for you.

  12. Defend yourself and then answer to a jury,NOTHING will be done to you, Protect. Yourself.

  13. 10:23 I have no idea what you just said. I am interested...but I'm tired of reading between lines. Please tell me what the heck you are trying to say.

  14. 11:54-Actually you did get it.Just give it time,like staring at a bunch of dots on paper and then closing your eyes & seeing a face appear.It will come to you.


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