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Friday, August 29, 2014

Loose Cat Forces Glen Burnie School To Close Early

A Glen Burnie elementary school said it is closing early Friday due to a "building safety" issue.

At around 9 a.m., Richard Henry Lee Elementary School officials said they believe a feral cat is loose in the school.

School officials initially said they would delay opening the doors but eventually decided to close the school for the day at 9:45 a.m. due to the issue.

Officials said they're working with police and Animal Control to capture the animal. Traps will have to be set in the school and there's no word on how long that would take, they explained.



  1. Beaver Run has loose sewage running around but the won't close it down.

  2. 1:53 PM
    How about that. A feral cat can shut a school down but not water and sewage problem. What gives?


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