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Friday, August 29, 2014

Obama ridiculed for wearing a 'used car salesman' suit to discuss crises in Iraq and Ukraine

President Barack Obama took the podium this afternoon to address serious foreign policy issues, including ISIS militants in Iraq, the ongoing civil war in Syria and the crisis in Ukraine - but all anyone could talk about was the commander-in-chief's tan suit.

Within minutes, Twitter lit up with some 4,000 comments about the president's summery sartorial choice.

Some users praised the fashion-forward leader of the free world for his bold selection, while others suggested that the taupe two-piece number, paired with a crisp white shirt and a striped grey tie, was not an appropriate ensemble for the occasion.



  1. I was surprised he didn't wear a Farrakhan Bow tie.
    Only a total idiot would have a news conference to announce he has no plans to do anything about anything while telling more lies about the economy.

  2. It doesn't matter what he wears - he's worthless!

  3. He should wear a burqa ,treasonous fool.

  4. I'm not into fashion but I am 57 years old and I can't ever remember a president wearing anything but dark, bow tie hahahhaa lol

  5. Doesn't matter it's just an empty suit.

  6. A hoodie would fit him fine...

  7. If America ever has a gay president he would wear a tan suit to a press conference......oops

  8. It's a coded message to his brothers in ISIS

  9. It doesn't matter what he wears....He is what is "not appropriate for the occasion"


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