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Friday, August 29, 2014

Obama Fundraisers Create Labor Day Travel Problems in New York

Obama to attend Wall Street fundraiser at home of golf buddy

President Obama is heading back up north for a fundraiser with 250 Wall Street high-rollers shelling out $32,000 a piece to get in the door, according to the New York Post.

The fundraiser is being held at the Purchase, New York, house of Robert Wolf, who just last week was playing golf with Obama in Martha’s Vineyard and has been one of his closest advisers. Wolf has also been one of the biggest bundlers for Obama’s campaigns.

The president’s weekend fundraising plans are causing travel pains for New Yorkers planning on getting out of the city for Labor Day weekend.

President Obama’s plan to schmooze Wall Street honchos at a Westchester fund-raiser Friday is grounding wealthy weekenders who planned to fly to the Hamptons or Nantucket for the Labor Day holiday.

The FAA has issued a no-fly warning that extends for most of Friday and all day Saturday through Sunday, grounding seaplanes to East Hampton, Montauk, Martha’s Vineyard, and Nantucket.



  1. Scandal after scandal, illegal activity in his regime, constitutional betrayal, radical Islamic fascists in the White House,
    the failure of his Arab spring, IRS targeting, a racist DOJ, Benghazi, ISIS, Russian invasions, the deliberate Latin invasion of America and fools STILL give money to Democrats?

  2. What a dork! It's Labor Day, you doofus, the holiday created for the working people. Of course, having never had a job, you wouldn't understand.


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