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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Ferguson As America: "There Is A Brewing Problem... And It's Extremely Dangerous"

Riots are have erupted with hundreds of protesters gathering at a suburban St. Louis police station on Monday demanding murder charges against an officer who shot to death an unarmed black teenager over the weekend. Looting just went nuts like the ’60s. While this is being painted as a race issue, there is yet another issue that is not being addressed – that is the militarization of the civil police forces around the country.



  1. This is exactly what Obama wanted.

    Thank you idiots like Jim Ireton, Chuck Cook, Laura Mitchel, Josh Hastings and Ron Pagano for voting for the illegal Muslim from Kenya.

  2. There's something brewing ? You don't say , it's been brewing since we took them out of poverty from Africa.

  3. looks like a muslim in red shorts

  4. My goodness , these people are breaking the law , I just don't understand the colored people anymore. Are they above the law?
    I look forward to my death anymore , I'm very old thank GOD.
    I will be in Heaven , I wonder where these people will be?

  5. They are not civilized.


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