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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Militarized Cops On Display In Ferguson Riots

Armored vehicles, Kevlar, rifles: 'Sounds like 
something right off the streets of Iraq'

The developing violence in Ferguson, Missouri, where throngs have been rioting for several days over the shooting death by a police officer of an 18-year-old high school graduate, has put on display the country’s increasingly militarized local police force, according to the author of “Police State USA: How Orwell’s Nightmare is Becoming Our Reality.”

Cheryl Chumley has been watching developments in Missouri, where Michael Brown was shot over the weekend, and just overnight two more people were shot, including one by police.

“Armored vehicles on patrol, Kevlar-wearing, camouflage dressed officials carting high-powered rifles, tear gas wafting through the air – sounds like something right off the streets of Iraq. But it’s not. It’s actually the scene that’s playing out in Ferguson right now, with SWAT-type police taking to the residential streets for crowd control duties,” she said.


  1. Nothing like unbridled civil unrest, with rioting, looting and blind violence, to get the government to respond in kind to gain control over it, but with lots better equipment.

    1. Just LIKE in OJ.rodney king,tra on marscum a easy way to make a thieving $$$

  2. Wait until it happens in your town….Don't think it can happen? Google cambridge - national guard riots june 1963.

  3. The black communities mind set is no different than that of the Muslims. Violence is the answer to all their problems.

  4. Still Another Obvious Sign That The USA Is Quickly Becoming A Third World Country:
    The State of Missouri instituted a "no-fly zone" over the city of Ferguson.
    A "no-fly zone" in our country?
    Add that to refugee camps on our border; government agencies (like the IRS) coming after people and groups that disagree with the administration; the disintegration of the Middle Class; etc., etc., etc.
    What the hell is happening to our America?

  5. Come on down to the far westside , we got something for ya.about 20 miles down the road from da bury. bring it , we love it!

  6. "Don't think it can happen? Google cambridge - national guard riots june 1963."

    Don't have to google anything. I was there - and DAMN glad to see the Nat'l Guard roll in to town.

  7. And just what do you expect the cops to do? Just let these animals run wild? Then you people would be complaining about that!

  8. 6:28
    My father had a drug store on Race street in Cambridge, and lost it due to the riots of 1963. They looted and picked his store because he didn't have any blacks working for him. It was a family owned business and he could afford to hire anyone. It was only family working for them. My father went to his grave with resentment and anger over this! We never recovered and he ended up going bankrupt.


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