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Sunday, August 03, 2014

Berlin Wind Turbine Needs A Fix

BERLIN — Until a major part can be replaced Berlin’s first wind turbine is stuck spinning its wheels, or in this case blades, without producing usable power.

The creator of the turbine hopes to have the issue fixed within a few months so that the machine, which is a small prototype, can be used to collect data and showcase its unique technology.

Originally installed in January, the 21-foot tall turbine is located along Old Ocean City Boulevard. The 7kw fixture was designed using a new technology developed by Doug Richards, president of DDU Magnetics. It was built as a prototype of a planned 65-foot high, 50kw turbine and was meant to collect data while the larger machine was being built.

Unfortunately, a critical part of the small turbine, called the invertor, has burnt out.



  1. Give it up already. Demark, Germany and several other European countries that were on the "cutting edge" and "innovators" of these useless turbines are now building coal fired plants in record numbers.
    Unfortunately the people around here especially democrats are too stupid to learn from the mistakes of others.

  2. 7kw won't even power one house. A 7kw inverter can be purchased for less than $5k off the shelf. All seems kind of pointless.

  3. I have a 7kw pv system and it powers my house with power left over to sell to the grid. I LOVE not paying for electricity! The system will last for 25-30 years. Think how much electric will go up over that time period with the decisions that are now coming out of Washington. I am glad I prepared.

  4. From NoTricksZone:
    "Online engineering news magazine Ingenieur.de here writes how Germany’s largest offshore wind park, Bard 1, hasn’t delivered any power since March due to “baffling faults” in the power transmission system. 'Baffling faults in the transmission systems have shut down Germany’s largest wind park in the North Sea. Since March experts have been searching for the bugs in the unreliable electrical technology, with no success up to now'"

  5. There have been no benefits from the North Sea turbines 12:08 and as a matter of fact electric costs have sky rocketed in those areas to the point where the governments have said no more government money will go toward the debacle.

  6. Waste and stupidity. I wonder how much this junk cost taxpayers.

  7. Availability of parts will determine how new the technology is.

  8. the country's COOLEST small town is frying in man-made global warming BS

  9. The coolest small town is crazy and wastes money like no tomorrow. They cut the fire company funding over 1 million dollars and starting charging a rain tax and still have to take money out of their reserve fund to balance the budget. Why does every employee have to have a vehicle? I see one SUV drive into Delaware all the time with MD LG tags that belongs to Berlin.

  10. study the wind current maps for the entire United States. The best return for your money on the shore is solar. PV systems pay for themselves quicker and if placed with sensitivity are not intrusive and don't make any noise. Go Solar!

  11. Mathias is a wind power freak.

  12. 5:55-True.This reminds me of those huge satellite TV dishes that dealers were left with when the smaller ones came out.Unbeknownst to the majority of people,tons of obsolete wind turbine equipment is currently stored in warehouses & the companies who install them are unable to unload their merchandise.Maybe people on the Eastern Shore are an easy mark.

  13. No surprise here. It was predictable by anyone who bothered to inquire about the wind turbine industry.

  14. If it is such a major part why is it so hard to find.

  15. Neighbors, enjoy the peace and quiet while you can.. It will eventually be back in operation after a new part has been manufactured at exorbitant costs.

  16. Ironically wind turbines are expensive junk.

  17. I had to laugh after looking at the company slated to do the Somerset county turbines-Pioneer. According to their own website they've done 2 projects. They have a few other proposed projects but have done only 2.
    Leave it to the dopes in MD to pick a company that doesn't have much of a track record. Same thing happened with the healthcare exchange and we all know how that's turned out.
    As far as anyone who is in favor of these turbines including the politicians, invest in them yourself. Start putting your own money where your mouths are for once. Start showing you were raised with some integrity. If you are willing to invest tax payers money then you sure as hell should be more than willing to invest your own.
    This won't ever happen though because it's the democrats who favor them and we all know integrity is a foreign concept to democrats.

  18. Crisfield is in the process of making the same mistake. Officials bought the BS.

    They will spend $4 million to save very optimistically $150,000 per year. If you collected 5% interest on the $4 million, you could collect $200,000 per year and still have the $4 million.

  19. I say put a windmill in every development and then make electric companies pay the citizens back.


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