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Sunday, August 03, 2014

Flying Illegals


  1. Isn't that the truth!! Americans are either to lazy to do something about it or to dumb to realize it.

  2. He is an illegal Muslim from Kenya and there is a lot of proof on that, but Congress is to spineless to do anything about it.

    1. His whole father and uncles side are MUSLIMS why do you think he is PRO ISLAM and CNN is his personal propaganda channel?

    2. Also Wolf blitzes is German and one sided but have you noticed wolf is reporting from Israel for protection while he bahes the Israeli people HEY ISRAEL THROW CNN OUT OF ISRAEL THEY HATE YOU!

  3. Since I have more faith in the FOX network, than other news source, for being fair and balanced, I believe Obama was born an american citizen.

    I do not believe Obama has a lick of leadership abilities. I believe he thought his staff would take care of any problems. I believe he thought being president meant he would be smiling and waving while the crowds bowed and said "Oh Great One"

    This man and his administration have come a long way toward destroying America. No country has power forever, as history has shown, and the Obama Reign is the end of the United States as we knew it.

    If Obama and Biden dropped dead tomorrow and the new person wanted to bring the United States back from the brink I believe it is too late. Politics has nothing to do with the will of the people anymore. Politics is Corruption, Sex, and drugs and money flows freely for those in charge.

    The USA that we knew and loved is gone - never to return to its former self.

    1. I think Obama was born in Kenya and came to America when he was. Around 2 yo Obama father and uncles are well known communist socialists that's a FACT this is why he is a Muslim sypathyzer and breaking America down brick by brick just think 2 more years left with this Fool.

  4. lol @ "a lot of proof"

    There's no proof at all

  5. Start flying them on maylasia air lines !

  6. 11:01 AM you believe that the Muslim in Charge was born an American Citizen? WTH do you believe that?


  7. lol @"There's no proof at all"

    There is more proof than there is no proof.

  8. 11:01...unfortunately, I concur with your opinion. Our once great nation is only history now

  9. According to Obama's Kenyan (paternal) grandmother, as well as his half-brother and half-sister, Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya, not in Hawaii as Obama claims. His grandmother bragged that her grandson is about to be President of the United States and is so proud because she was present during his birth in Kenya, in the delivery room.

    1. True and when she said that comment she was Quietly ask to stop speaking and rushed off the stage by the SS.

  10. Anonymous said...
    True and when she said that comment she was Quietly ask to stop speaking and rushed off the stage by the SS.

    August 1, 2014 at 2:06 PM

    But Dumb Dumbs like 11:12 AM Don't want to believe it about their man love idol.

    1. She is a uneducated fool and probably does drink cool aid.

  11. Obama is a just a Drunk Crack Head using our tax dollars like those that sleep in the gutters....

  12. 11:33, Wolf Blitzer is Jewish you moron


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