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Sunday, July 27, 2014

You Make The Call

So you're leaving Home Depot or WalMart in Berlin heading to Ocean City. You come up to the light, (1st picture) and there's a traffic light, (red) with an arrow pointing towards Rt. 50 East. 

There's a merge lane, (2nd picture). The law in Maryland is right turn on red and there is NO sign stating "no right turn on red". 

Do you make a right turn on the red arrows?


  1. yes, you come to a complete stop and you can legally turn right and use the merge lane merge into traffic.

  2. Yes after stopping.

  3. You can only make a right hand turn on red lights with no arrows. If an arrow is there you must obey the arrows. Turn on green arrow stop on red arrow.

  4. 10:13 - Not if it's a steady red. You can do so on a blinking red, after stopping.

  5. 10:13
    It looks like we found someone with a brain! You must not be from PA.

  6. A red arrow is equivalent to a red ball so a right turn on red permitted.

    Base on what I see in the 2 pictures the turn only needs to be protected by a yield sign.

    Sand Box John

  7. 10:13, you are not correct. On a red arrow, you may not turn or enter the intersection, even if it is clear to do so. With that said, it is a little confusing since there is a merge lane. I, myself, have turned on that very red arrow.

  8. I'm glad we all agree.

  9. See, this is what I thought. First of all, the red arrow lights do not blink, they stay solid red.

    I'd love to see a Law Enforcement Officer tell everyone the TRUTH about this light. I have never seen anything like it in all my years of driving.

    Me personally, I turn right on that SOB every time after a complete stop. The way I see it is, there's a very lengthy merge lane and I am NOT pulling directly into traffic.

    However, there are a LOT, (and I mean a LOT) of out of state people who just sit there and refuse to turn right on red. The traffic starts backing up to the Homo Depot and Walmart parking lots and that sucks too.

  10. A red arrow means NO TURN on red. The arrow is for turns only. When it is red, it means NO TURN. It is not for anything but turn traffic. Duh, common sense, and the LAW in Maryland. The only time one can turn on the red ARROW, is when it is a flashing red, and that means turn AFTER STOPPING allowed.

  11. I would think that unless its posted not to turn on red you have the same obligations as any other red light in any other situation. You could call the MSP barracks in Berlin to find out.

    You can also make a left turn on Red if your are on a one way street turning onto another one way street. It doesn't come up much here but in Baltimore it is useful to know.

  12. Learned in drivers ed MANY moons ago NO TURN ON RED! My people learn the law.

  13. yes AND to add JOE there was a regular stop light at that intersection but by looking at the pictures they have changed it up a bit...

    They are to lazy and don't want to spend the money to take down the extra set of stop lights so they just make them perma-red...

    Again another way to JUST spend money for no apparent reason... TO SHOW there is no money in the funds so they can raise taxes...

    ALL smoke and mirrors and you all fall for it every damn time... Every damn time... YES EVERY DAMN TIME...

    Also like how they keep repaving the same road over and over and over and over again instead of giving it a rest for a year and paving something that actually needs it...

    They are too worried about wasting money and to do any good with it which is why nothing good comes from what they do...

    you build more roads and other SH!T, YES SH!T, then you will later on have to spend money to upkeep it like road, pipes and buildings...

    When you you dumb a$$ people, YES I SAID IT, when will YOU DUMB A$$ PEOPLE EVER LEARN ANYTHING? WHEN? WHEN?

    Der-der which way did he go george, which way did he go...

  14. 11:15...What are you smoking???

  15. 11:15, good thing you're anonymous. I'm sure you should be embarrassed if everyone knew who you are in that comment. Then again, by the lack of actual content and writing ability, maybe not....

  16. 10:52 You are absolutely correct. However if you look at the example in the handbook they are showing a left turn not a right. Although the handbook doesn't specify a left or right turn. Typical of laws to be vague so it's left to cops, lawyers and judges to straighten it out. This way if you look dishonest the cops can stop you and decide if they need to make an arrest or if you look like a solid citizen just ignore you.
    Previously there was a regular light at this intersection, now there appears to be not just one turn light but three lights for one lane. Talk about overkill.
    Even though 11:15 was inarticulate in their complaint they were correct in this being a colossal waste of taxpayer money. A simple stop or yield sign would have sufficed and been a lot cheaper.

  17. who gives a crap , turn if you want , if not wait for the change.
    get out and kick the crap out of someone who just sits there , or shut up and stew.

  18. Anonymous said...
    Learned in drivers ed MANY moons ago NO TURN ON RED! My people learn the law.

    July 21, 2014 at 11:09 AM

    Unless a sign prohibits turning on red, after coming to a complete stop, you may turn right or you may
    turn left from a one-way street to another oneway street.

    From the Maryland MVA site. Maybe you could use a refresher course.

  19. Right red arrow the same as left turn. Turn only while in protective phase [green arrows]

  20. I would say that unless the light has a sign that clearly indicates 'No Turn On Red' then it is okay to proceed after stopping. I will go on red every time also.

  21. Actually, that intersection was changed when the one at new development was opened before home depot, and with the light at glen riddle now installed they blocked off west bound traffic so it is only east from there. So in effect 11:15 is correct, just could have said it without sounding batsh!t crazy.

  22. 3:04 Your reference is specific to a solid red light. If you look further down the page in the handbook you will notice that the right turn on red phrase is not mentioned when referencing a solid red arrow light. It specifically states that at a solid red arrow light you must wait until the light changes. I personally believe this is stupid and I would turn after stopping. However in this case I have to say that 11:09 is correct and you are wrong.

  23. Solid red arrow, left or right = wait for green.
    Blinking red arrow, left or right, turn after full stop, oncoming traffic permitting.

    What people don't know how to do is use the merge/acceleration lane. Too many get in the lane and just crawl until there's an opening. It's meant to get you up to a merging speed, if traffic allows.

  24. Why the hell is a light, arrow or whatever, there at all? A new lane begins after your turn. This looks like something O'Malley would scheme up for revenue. It's a clear wonder that there isn't a cop stationed there just for that purpose.

  25. That entrance should have been closed for good with the new store. That area truly screws up eastbound traffic with 3 lights in less than half a mile. Way to do SHA!. 589 should have been extended across and become the western entrance to the complex. I understand a land owner refused to sell. Ask Crisfield how to take care of that.

  26. I always make right turns on red after stopping. Unless there is a sign stating no turn on red, like heading east on 50 to turn at the light right to get onto riverside / go to brew. it says no turn on red.


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