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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Stabbing In Parsonsburg

Parsonsburg EMS has been called to respond to Peggy Drive in Parsonsburg for an alleged person stabbed in the neck. EMS was advised that there is a large party going on with over 200 people in attendance. Sheriff's Office is on scene 

UPDATE: EMS has been notified that there is possibly a second patient.  

UPDATE: EMS is transporting (1) priority 3 patient to PRMC. They are still trying to locate a possible 2nd patient 

UPDATE:  Second patient has been located at PRMC.


  1. That used to be such a nice area when I lived on Peggy Drive many years ago...its gone downhill.

    1. I have lived in this neighborhood for many years and I love it here. All the neighbors look out for each other.we have had a block party once a year for 11years now and this is the first time we have ever had problems. A couple of boys had to start trouble and thanks to those boys we will probably not have another block party. It's a shame that a couple of boys that don't know how to behave can ruin it for all the people that know how to act.

    2. I'm quite sure the same is true for the majority of areas in Wicomico County

  2. Gee! wonder what happened to the neighborhood? (Sic) look at the demographics...need one say more!

  3. Take away our knives , next our forks.

  4. I have lived in this neighborhood for years and I am very happy here. All the neighbors look out for each other. We have a big block party once a year for many years and this was the first time there has ever been problems. A couple of young boys have now ruined it for the rest of us that know how to behave.

    1. Idk who u are but I live there to. Were you there the time it happened? A couple of young boys? No a grown ass adult screwed it all up.!

  5. 1:10 I live on Havassy, which turns into Peggy..It is a beautiful neighborhood and has not gone downhill. I did not go to the party last night, which is an annual party that is graciously hosted. Usually there aren't as many people and is usually terribly hot. Last night was the PERFECT night for the party. I stayed home and had my windows up, enjoying every minute. The only reason I don't go is because the music is pretty loud, and when I have gone in the past you cannot hear each other talk, but make no mistake..if I were a little younger I would probably be right there. My guess is there were too many people there and it got out of hand. Do NOT blame the area. There were no stabbings here until people came from OUT OF THE AREA to the party. I hope it doesn't affect his decision to have another one.

  6. Peggy Drive is still a very nice area. The stabbing was from people who were NOT from Peggy Drive and came from OUT of the area to attend the party. It was great party, and I hope that one bad apple did not spoil the bunch. So many times 1 person ruins it for everyone. I will be curious to see if he has it again next year, and I hope he does. This is a yearly party, just once a year, and the entire neighborhood looks forward to it. It was those who were not from the neighborhood who did this.

  7. It a shame the this happened at the annual block party. There was only a handful of residents there. Most of them were people who follow the Transfusion Band from all over Maryland. The majority of the people there were over the age of forty. When you get two hundred people together you don't always know all the personalities . Some of the younger ones there (over 21) were playing corn hole and it got way out of hand you cannot always see anger on a person until its to late. Hopefully this not stop the annual party.

  8. 3:02am..what about the demographics? I live in the neighborhood and love it here. I have the best neighbors I have had in my life, and I mean that. If you want to see a rough neighborhood I can show you one about a mile or 2 away, but our neighborhood has been a beautiful area to raise a family, and it is a safe neighborhood. We all know each other and look out for each other. The people here are sweet people, every one of them, and it is truly like a small town, and is a safe area.

  9. ahem...A sheriff is one of the neighbors...amazing neighborhood through and through. It is a down to earth area and there is no hoity toidy competition to see who can have the best and biggest and most beautiful home. We all maintain what we have, and are happy to have it..

  10. The one boy that was stab in the neck lives in the development. Its not what it use to be not everybody takes care of there place. Swat teams raiding houses and state police. Let not even mention all the farm animal.

    1. Farm animals? There is nothing wrong with that? Where do u think u get ur food from?? U do not know what happened

    2. What in the world does farm animals have to do with anything. ..um hello it's the eastern shore!!!!!

  11. This stabbing at the party is what has been going on in Baltimore City and other uncivilized areas of the nation for years now. It happens at weddings and even baby showers.
    The neighbors need to be on the states attorney like flies on crap and make sure the defendant is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and receives the maximum sentence. If this doesn't happen, we will continue to spiral downhill.
    As States Attorney Beau Oglesby from neighboring Worcester county is fond of saying "make Wic Co the first place you want to live and the last place you want to commit a crime."


  13. 1:31..please elaborate on the state police raiding houses..I live here and have not seen it. As far as the farm animals..what's wrong with that? we live next to a farm..a few cows and a rooster across the way. The chicken plant is what stinks..not the farm. No, not everyone has out of this world houses, but I suppose we all do the best we can with what we have. Most of us in the neighborhood work, have children, or are retired. We look out for the older ones, and the older ones keep an eye on things while we work. We may not see each other every day, but we all know we have each other here if we need each other. It is a good community. Is there a community in when EVERY homeowner keeps their homes and yards looking like a magazine-unless it is an area in which some can afford to have it done for them of course. We have neighbors who have gardens, and offer their veggies to those of us who don't. We try to help out each other.

  14. To everyone who thinks they know what happened, you are wrong. There was an altercation between two intoxicated fellas that got out of hand. Both men were in the wrong. BUT, this incident is not a reflection on the neighborhood or the homeowners where the block party was. This is the second year I have been to this block party and its great fun. Its a shame a few people had to ruin the fun for everyone. Please if you were not there stop commenting on something you know nothing aboutm

  15. 4:10 You don't know your neighbors. I didn't like hearing the things going on either. Its not the cow roaming the neighborhood it not the chickens they make little noise when they lay eggs (Perdue is a feed and Biddie plant)the odor is nothing like chicken house. Roosters they are very annoying keeping people up at night. That is not to mention during the day there are days they are loud all day. They seem they try to out do each other. 5:37 It was a older man that cut a young man everyone was tested and they were within the legal limit. It was a old man being a jerk and he does not live in the neighborhood.

  16. Friend of the band, and at the party. Great neighborhood block party...if more were like this it would be for the better...As usual these days the vibe ruined for the hosts, By one or two A-holes...that were not taught the difference between Right and Wrong by Mommy and Daddy.

  17. I am a friend of the homeowner and the band members. I attended the annual party this year which is intended for members of the neighborhood and friends of the band via invitation. The homeowner goes to great lengths to make this a family friendly event every year. The party has been held for 10 + years without incident and is attended by a diverse group of people from all walks of life who enjoy nothing more than listening to the band play music all over Delmarva. The party is held in part to thank those who follow the band (some since the late 70's) and enjoy listening to the band play music thu out the year. As a person who has attended many of the annual parties, I can attest that this is the first incident of any kind for this event. This incident in no way should reflect poorly on the homeowner, the band or the neighborhood! I can assure anyone that the homeowner considers this type of behavior unacceptable and he will go to GREAT lengths to ensure that this type of incident does not reoccur!
    This party is a wonderful example of friends, family and neighborhoods!Looking forward to next year!

  18. I live on Havassy and I have no complaints. I have great neighbors and it's usually very quiet. I have not gone to any of the parties, but enjoy listening to the music from my home. I do have a complaint about farm animals when they are not properly cared for. I live behind one such person with chickens. There is chicken shit/piss in my yard, and it does stink. There are holes in their fence and chickens get in my yard, I don't like to leave my dogs out long for fear one will end up on my yard and my dogs will eat it. I have to put pieces of board up against the fence to try to keep them out, not to mention a rooster that crows all night.

  19. Yup, the rooster is the worst part of the neighborhood! I would love to shove a shotgun up its ass. It crows all night and most of the day. Haven't seen the cow walking in awhile but the last time I did I almost peed myself laughing. How many days does a cow walk through your yard? He got loose. Whooptee friggin doo! Walk him back home.. I stand by my neighbors as they have stood by me! Love the community!

  20. 10:57 The farm issue stems from comments about the neighbor hood going down hill. The lots in this neighborhood are small and these animals have been purchased in recent years. We are in Salisbury they list it as Parsonsburg because Parsonsbury Volunteer Fire department service our area. There are so many codes that are not followed When they come to check the problem out people will be up set.

  21. Love how everyone is saying that it was young kids that started this stabbin when it fact it was a 64 year old man that started the fight with a 20 year old that happens to be my boyfriends little brother and the 64 year old man stabbed him and the old man wasn't from the neighor hood and not everyone knew who he was so it just goes to show its not always the young ones that don't know how to act

  22. I'm SO sick of the "come here's" being upset about the animals! I think the farms were here first!

  23. It was a well run party with the music over a little before 10 pm. The trouble maker was not even an invited guest. Some people will just cause trouble and this one individual was asked to leave and that was when all hell broke loose. Family and friends had just returned from walking by and said all was under control until this one person decided to act up. Normally when several people tell you to leave you do because you are out numbered. I was standing outside when the police passed by.

    Barking chickens are quiet compared to barking dogs. Wicomico allows you to have as many dogs as will fit on your property. I know the two neighbors where I live have 6-7 each that take turns baking. Give me the chickens and frogs any day.

  24. You say give me chickens until you have them. There are several dogs in this development no problem. Yes farms came first then the farmers wanted to make money and sell for developments. That changes everything. Wicomico County Code states that in RRA development chickens need to be housed in a building to prevent smell and noise from neighboring houses. Screen fence (wood,chain link with slats)need to be 3 foot from the property line. It was a great party. Hope this mess dosnt mean they wont have it next year.

  25. 10:41AM only one Sheriff all others are Deputies. FYI.

  26. 10:19 AM I like farm animals and I'm a come here, but what I don't like are stupid, ignorant, uneducated bigots like you. Who care where your from everyone has an opinion and your intolerance would make me think your a dumbacrat.

  27. I hear this story all the time "my neighborhood has gone down hill" , no bull$hit.
    The entire country has gone down hill for 6 years , wonder why , let's do the research . Mmmm what's changed , oh yeh ,the president . That was easy research.

  28. I have heard that Rooster lol. Let me catch him. House Autry breader and the deep fryer is calling him home lol. By the way that was not a cow in the yard it was my neighbors wife. Yee Haaa Yaaa.

    East Side Jesus says he loves Ya.


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